Texas Department of State Health Services - School Health Program

Texas SchoolHealth Advisory Committee

May 11, 2009, 10:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

DSHS MortonBuilding,room M652

Meeting Agenda

10:00 a / I. Welcome and Opening Remarks:
  1. Meeting called to order
  2. Agenda reviewed
  3. Members welcomed
  4. Members and guests introduced
  5. Minutes from the April 20, 2009 meeting presented forapproval
Expected outcome: Informational and approval of the April 20thmeeting minutes / Jane Tustin,R.N., TSHAC Presiding Officer
10:15 a / II. Work plan action planning for modifications to coordinated school health program requirement recommendation activities.
  1. Review work plan activities not started
  2. Prioritize TSHAC activities
  3. Determine action plans for top activities
  4. Assign work groups to implement plans – appoint leads.
  5. Determine next steps
Expected outcome: Completion of A. through E. / Anita Wheeler, R.N. and Jane Tustin, R.N.
Jane Tustin
Anita Wheeler
Anita Wheeler
Jane Tustin
Jane Tustin
12:00 n / Lunch – Central Market Café - will be provided for those members responding to request for reservations prior to the meeting.
1:00 p / III. Agency Updates
A. Texas Department of State Health services
1. Legislative update
2. Other / Anita Wheeler, R.N.
B. Texas Department of Agriculture
1. Legislative update
2. Other / Kathy Golson
C. Texas Education Agency
1. Legislative update
2. SHAC awards
3. School Health Survey Executive Summary
4. Other
Expected outcome: Informational / Marissa Rathbone
2:00 p / IV. Next meeting: Sept. 14, 2009
A. Call for agenda topics
B. Determine meeting dates for the first half of 2010
Expected outcome: Agenda for Sept. 14th meeting and set meeting dates for the first half of 2010. / Jane Tustin, R.N.
2:15 p / V. Public comment
Call for public comments
Expected outcome: Record of public comments / Jane Tustin, R.N.
2:30 p / VII. Adjourn / Jane Tustin, R.N.

TSHAC Meeting Agenda Page 1

May 11, 2009