El Camino College

Associated Students Organization

Senate Meeting Minutes

10 February 2009


East Lounge

I.  Call to Order

·  K. Humphrey called the meeting to order at 2:07pm

II.  Roll Call (by sign in)

·  Executive Cabinet

Present: Megan Mc Lean, Joe Udeochu, Chiamaka Sandra Enemuoh, Deyja Charles

Not Present: Ivana Poste, Elise Yerelian, Angelina Nader, Michael Pearlson

·  Senators

Present: Joshua Casper, Michael Hiney, Salvatore DiGaetano, Sam Hong, Kelly Humphrey, John Wyatt

Not Present: Esteli Bowman-Rivera, Hassanat Kadiri, Liz Valencia, Aileen Kim, Anum Baig

·  Adviser

Present: Harold Tyler, Janice Watanabe

·  Guests

Present: Mark Rehbein, Ann Garten, Carolee Vakil- Jessop

III.  Approval of the Minutes

·  No minutes were presented.

IV.  Approval of the Agenda

·  Agenda item 5.2, Approval of Members Attending ASACC, was not applicable at this time. This item was replaced with the non-voting item regarding the Pasadena Rally.

·  Motion to cut agenda item 5.2 and replace it with the Pasadena Rally. Moved by M. Mc Lean. Motion passed.

V.  New Business

5.1 Approval of Finances and Spending – M. Mc Lean

§  We are trying to approve money for the SSCCC Conference and the March on Sacramento. We currently have $7,000 in our Conferences account and $7,500 in our Advocacy Conference Account. SSCCC and the March in Sacramento are more important than the Washington D.C. trip.

§  M. Mc Lean made a recommendation to approve up to $2,000 for the SSCCC Conference for four students and one adviser to attend. Moved by M. Mc Lean, Seconded by J. Casper. Motion passed.

§  M. Mc Lean made a second recommendation to approve up to $1,000 for the March in Sacramento for bus and hotel fees. Moved by M. Mc Lean, Seconded by D. Charles. Motion passed.

§  M. Mc Lean made a third recommendation to approve up to $100 out of the Hospitality account for the Coffee and Donuts event. Moved by M. Mc Lean, Seconded by M. Hiney. Motion passed.

5.2 Pasadena Rally – Ann Garter

§  The Pasadena Rally will be held on February 27, 2009. It is a collection of student representatives from southern California’s community colleges who will be advocating for community college rights. It is being held in Pasadena because it is close to much media publicity. There are fifteen seats available for each college on the stage. All sponsorship money will be given to Dat Phan for his appearance at the rally and speech.

§  We are encouraging students not to take their own cars, but for everyone to take a school van.

§  This would either be in place of the March in Sacramento or both events could be done.

§  A few of my friends would like to go if possible (J. Wyatt).

§  We will have ASO members sign-up first and if there is room available, we will open it up to other students (M. Mc Lean).

5.3 March in Sacramento - M. Mc Lean

§  While the Pasadena Rally is a rally for all of the southern California schools, the March in Sacramento on March 16th, 2009, is an event that involves the northern community colleges as well.

§  We would drive the senate by bus in addition to other students if there is enough room. We will be leaving the day before, Sunday, March 15, 2009, and will stay in a hotel that night.

§  We need to know if there is interest in attending this event, the Pasadena Rally, or both.

§  I think our main concern should be on the Pasadena Rally. The issues of the North are not the same as the issues in southern California. The publicity will be just as great at the Pasadena rally as it is in Sacramento (D. Charles).

§  This Sacramento Rally does not soley focus on northern California’s issues. It is a state-wide event. 10,000 students marched last year and the legislators even came out to talk to them (H. Tyler).

§  This discussion was tabled until the next meeting.

5.4 ASO T-shirts – M. Mc Lean

§  We want to promote and publicize El Camino College and ASO by having ASO T-shirts printed for its members. It was agreed on that general T-shirts would be the most economical and can be worn to several events.

§  Motion to approve the color of the T-shirts as being v-neck, navy blue with white writing. Moved by K. Humphrey. Motion passed. It was agreed on that the wording on the back of the T-shirts will say, “Support your Community College: We are the Key.” A picture of the way the shirts are to be designed will be sent by email to all ASO members and advisers.

§  Instead of buying T-shirts that are specifically for this event, maybe we could wear a general El Camino ASO shirt and set up a table to promote El Camino (J. Udeochu)?

5.5 Recruitment Committee – J. Casper

§  We need to have a Recruitment Committee meeting as soon as possible. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 24, 2009, at 1 p.m. in the Executive Office.

5.6 Coffee and Donuts – M. Mc Lean

§  We will be holding our annual Coffee and Donuts event the first week of spring semester. A sign-up sheet was passed around that requires two persons to work in each half-hour time increment beginning at 7:30 in the morning for set-up until 10:30 a.m. for teardown. Coffee and donuts will be fifty cents each.

§  We need a cash box and a calendar date request (J. Watanabe).

5.7 Attendance Policy – C. Vakil-Jessop

§  At the Council of Deans’ meeting they were addressing our attendance policy. The old policy was rewritten and now they would like student input into possibly making any changes. The rewritten policy was given as a handout. Please read the policy and see if it is clear about how you can be dropped from classes and whose responsibility it is to drop.

§  It would be better if the policy was in bullet points (S. Hong).

§  The paragraph begins very blandly. It needs to spark some interest so students will read it (J. Watanabe).

VI.  Old Business

·  None

VII. Reports

6.1 ASO Member Reports - None

6.2 ICC Reports – None

6.3 Committee Reports – None

6.4 Advisor Report – J. Watanabe

§  Do not forget to buy your spring/summer ASB sticker.

§  We need to form a committee for Academic Awards as soon as possible as well as an Election Committee around the third week of the spring semester. We need chairpersons and members to be involved.

VII.  Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items –

·  None

IX. Adjournment

·  Motion to adjourn.

Moved by K. Humphrey, Seconded by M. Mc Lean. Motion passed.

o  Meeting adjourned at 3:06 p.m.

Minutes recorded by A. Dreiling

Minutes verified by:


Megan McLean, ASO President Janice Watanabe, ASO Adviser

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