Nomination for Spa Retreat

Thank you for your interest in nominating a guest for a Confetti Celebrations Spa Retreat. Our goal is to provide a weekend spa retreat for women with cancer, and the women who have supported them, that will refresh physically, restore emotionally, and rejuvenate spiritually.

To nominate a guest for an upcoming Spa Weekend Retreat, please answer the questions below. All nominees will be contacted and their applications will be reviewed by the Confetti Celebrations selection committee. Space is limited on each retreat. Invitations will be issued by the selection committee at least 4 weeks prior to the retreat.

Contact Information for Nominee

First Name ______Last Name ______


City ______State______Zip Code ______

Home Phone______Work/Cell Phone ______

Email Address______

Contact Information for Self

First Name ______Last Name ______


City ______State______Zip Code ______

Home Phone______Work/Cell Phone ______

Email Address______

Relationship to Nominee______

Cancer Background

What kind of cancer does the nominee have?

When was it diagnosed?

What treatment have they already had?

Are they in treatment now?

  • If not, have they received treatment within the last 12 months?

Personal Background

How old is the nominee?

Is she married?

Does she have children? If yes, how many, what age/s?

Is she currently employed?

  • If yes, what is her profession?
  • If no, feel free to describe a former profession.

So tell us…

How did you hear about Confetti Celebrations?

What would a Spa Weekend Retreat mean to the nominee and you?

By signing this application, I affirm that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. I understand that this application allows the nominee to be considered for a Confetti Celebrations Spa Retreat—it does not guarantee their acceptance.



Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application!

Mail to:

Confetti Celebrations, Inc.

5885 Cumming Highway, Suite 108

Box 247

Sugar Hill, GA30518

Email to: