Meeting Purpose:

The purpose of this Design Review is to evaluate the system level design elements in order to advance to the detailed design phase of the project.

Materials Reviewed:

a)  Project Overview

b)  Customer Needs Assessment (R#3)

c)  Engineering Specifications (R#2)

d)  Work Breakdown Structure (R#1)

e)  Functional Decomposition/System Architecture (R#1)

f)  Design Concept Review (R#1)

g)  Plan for moving forward


Dr. Robert Stevens (Dept. of Mech. Eng.), Faculty Guide/Consultant

Dr. Richard Lux, Faculty Guide

Dr. James Myers, H.O.P.E. Representative

Dr. Ali Ogut (Dept. of Mech. Eng.), Thermodynamics/fluids analysis and design – if available

Dr. Brian Thorn (Dept. of Industrial Engineering), Sustainable product design

Meeting Date: January 15, 2010

Meeting Location: Building 09: 2030

Meeting Time: 10:30am – 12:00pm


Meeting Timeline
Start Time / Topic of Review / Required Attendees
10:30 / Introduction / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
10:35 / Project Overview / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
10:45 / Work Breakdown Structure / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
10:50 / Customer Needs / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
10:55 / Engineering Specifications / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
11:00 / Functional Decomposition / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
11:05 / Concept Selection / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
11:10 / System Level Design / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
11:40 / Risk Assessment / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
11:45 / Plan Forward / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
11:50 / Conclusion and Closing Remarks / Dr. Stevens, Dr. Lux, Dr. Myers, Dr. Ogut (if available), Dr. Thorn
Project # / Project Name / Project Track / Project Family
P10461 / Thermo-Electric Cook Stove #2 / Energy and Sustainable Systems / Sustainable Technologies for the Third World
Start Term / Team Guide / Project Sponsor / Doc. Revision
20092 / Dr. Robert Stevens / Haiti Outreach – Pwoje Espwa

Project Description

Project Background:

According to the World Health Organization, more than 3 billion people depend on biomass fuels, primarily for cooking. The practice of biomass cooking has decimated ecosystems, and exposure to smoke from solid fuels causes nearly 1.6 million deaths annually.

In partnership with H.O.P.E. and funded by an EPA Energy Research Grant, the goal of this project is to develop a first generation thermo-electric cook stove. The specific focus will be on improving combustion efficiency. The testing aspects of the project and the design of the thermo-electric device are delegated to two other design teams.

Problem Statement:

Our team is charged with designing the mechanical and structural aspects to a biomass stove that will utilize a fan and thermo-electric system such that it will see a significant reduction in fuel consumption and reduction in emissions, in comparison with current stoves, with the intent to improve health conditions of the Haitian people, and contribute to decrease the rate of deforestation in Haiti.


1.  New stove design – drawing package, working prototype, EPA P3 Expo. presentation

2.  Optimize stove design for maximum airflow and the best possible air-fuel ratio.


·  An improved stove design that has been tested using a working prototype

·  A working prototype for testing and analysis

·  Project report and poster for EPA P3 Expo.

·  Attend the P3 National Sustainable Design Expo in Washington, DC


·  A detailed design of a working biomass stove that effectively reduces fuel consumption and hazardous emissions.

·  A complete and working stove prototype that interfaces with the thermo-electric devices designed by MSD Team P10462.

·  A project report and presentation prepared for the EPA P3 National Sustainable Design Expo.

·  A basis/reference for future senior design teams.

Core Team Members:

·  Christopher Brol – Project Manager

·  Aaron Dibble – Group Interface Liason

·  Ian Donahue

·  Kevin Molocznik

·  Neal McKimpson

Strategy & Approach

Assumptions & Constraints:

1.  The team must first gain an understanding of the current situation and resources available for the target market in Haiti.

2.  The team will be focusing on design issues throughout the project that focus on the reduction of biomass fuel consumption and a decrease in harmful emissions.

3.  The total budget for 3 projects within family is $3,200 for supplies.

Issues & Risks:

·  The stove does not reduce fuel consumption and/or does not reduce hazardous emissions.

·  The cookware dimensions prescribed by the customer may be too large to effectively use a gasification process for the stove.

·  A thermodynamic and fluid flow analysis will require external consultation because of subsystem complexity and a weak fluid mechanics backgrounds.

·  The design, testing and prototype stages of the project must fit within the allocated budget.

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Thermo-Electric Cook Stove #2

Customer Needs Assessment

Customer Need # / Importance / Description / Comments/Status
CN1 / 14% / The stove reduces hazardous emissions
CN2 / 12% / The stove consumes 1/2 the fuel of traditional stoves / Need benchmark
CN3 / 12% / The stove accomodates Haitian vendor cookware / Approx. range of pot sizes
CN4 / 10% / The stove reduces the boiling/cooking time of traditional stoves / Need benchmark
CN5 / 9% / The stove is stable during operation
CN6 / 9% / The stove is affordable to Haitian vendors
CN7 / 8% / The stove is simple and intuitive to use
CN8 / 7% / The stove conforms to Haitian cooking standards
CN9 / 5% / The outer surface of the stove is cool-to-touch
CN10 / 4% / The stove can be manufactured using local materials
CN11 / 4% / The stove can be maintained/repaired using readily available resources
CN12 / 4% / The stove is as durable as traditional stoves
CN13 / 1% / The stove can be transported like a traditional vendor stove / Multiple pieces?
CN14 / < 1% / The user can control the heat/flame intensity / Interface w/ P10462

Thermo-Electric Cook Stove #2

Engineering Specifications

Engr. Spec. # / Source / Specification (description) / Unit of Measure / Marginal Value / Ideal Value / Comments/Status
ES1 / CN10, CN11 / Number of total pieces / # / Minimize
ES2 / CN10, CN11 / Number of removable components / # / Minimize
ES3 / CN6 / Cost of final system / $ / Minimize / Payment plan is possible
ES4 / Size of final stove / m, m2, m3
ES5 / CN3 / Range of pot sizes / m / 8in-18in / Applicable to vendor pot sizes
ES6 / Airflow through stove / ccm / Maximize
ES7 / Pressure rise through stove / Pa / How to test/define this?
ES8 / Temperature difference through stove / °C / Finite element analysis
ES9 / CN12 / Lifetime of stove / years / >3 / Maximize
ES10 / Pieces of documentation / # / Maximize
ES11 / Range of heat output / J / Interface w/ P10451
ES12 / Ambient operating temperature / °C
ES13 / CN4, CN8 / Time to cook typical Haitian meal / min:sec / Defined from Haiti contacts
ES14 / CN4, CN8 / Minimum required run time for the stove / min:sec
ES15 / CN1 / Hazardous emissions (particulates) / mg / 1000-2000 / 1500 / Interface w/ P10451
ES16 / CN1 / Emissions (CO2, CO) / mg / 0-500 / 250 / Interface w/ P10451
ES17 / CN1 / Hazardous emissions (hydrocarbons) / mg / Interface w/ P10451
ES18 / CN1 / NOx emissions / mg / Interface w/ P10451
ES19 / CN4, CN8 / Average startup/prep. Time / min:sec
ES20 / CN5 / Side-force to tip stove / N / Maximize
ES21 / CN5 / Top/load force to collapse/destabilize / N / Maximize
ES22 / CN9 / Maximum temperature of outside surface during operation / °C / Minimize
ES23 / CN2 / Fuel consumption / kg / Minimize / Interface w/ P10451 (WBT, CCT)
ES24 / CN13 / System portability / Y/N
ES25 / Size of fan and thermo-electric module / m, m2, m3 / Interface w/ P10462
ES26 / Overall stove sustainability / eco-points / Minimize / Environmental impact of materials & process

Thermo-Electric Cook Stove #2

Cook Stove System Architecture

Thermo-Electric Cook Stove #2

Risk Assessment

ID / Risk Item / Effect / Cause / Likelihood / Severity / Importance / Action to Minimize Risk / Owner
Describe the risk briefly / What is the effect on any or all of the project deliverables if the cause actually happens? / What are the possible cause(s) of this risk? / L*S / What action(s) will you take (and by when) to prevent, reduce the impact of, or transfer the risk of this occurring? / Who is responsible for following through on mitigation?
1 / Project Scope is too large / Project is not completed on time / Project was not properly scoped / 2 / 2 / 4 / Coordinate with faculty advisor to determine if scope is too large / Chris
2 / Building materials are too expensive / The project does not properly meet budget / Requires more expensive materials / 3 / 2 / 6 / Design with cheaper building materials being a priority / Team
3 / Can’t integrate with thermo-electrics / Can’t produce enough electricity to the fan / Can’t produce the ΔT/doesn’t work / 2 / 3 / 6 / Coordinate with team 3 to make sure integration is smooth / Aaron
4 / Can’t model flow properly / Can’t find optimum hole placement and amount / CFD analysis insufficient / 2 / 1 / 2 / Seek assistance from faculty to model the airflow properly / Ian
5 / Can’t manufacture within Haitian abilities / Tools and skills required are too great / The stove is designed to complexly / 3 / 1 / 3 / Design the stove to be manufactured as easily as possible / Neal
6 / Materials can’t make it on time / Can’t build/test on schedule / Order materials too late or not available / 2 / 3 / 6 / Order the materials as soon as they are finalized / Team
7 / Improper coordination with other teams / Can’t coordinate electronics and testing / Don’t confer with other teams / 2 / 2 / 4 / Have constant contact with the other teams through liaisons / Aaron
8 / Can’t meter airflow / Aren’t able to adjust the heat of the stove / Can’t slow fan or alter airflow / 2 / 3 / 6 / Coordinate with team 3 to reduce fan speed through electronics etc. / Ian/Aaron
9 / Can’t make skirt adjustable / The skirt is not adjustable; fixed / Too complex to make skirt adjustable / 2 / 1 / 4 / Attempt to find a cheap easy solution to making the skirt adjustable / Chris
10 / Improper air flow amount/location / Don’t produce the proper airflow / Don’t do proper testing and analysis / 1 / 3 / 3 / Produce many working prototypes early and complete numerous tests / Ian
11 / Stove isn’t large enough / Stove is too small to fit their pots / Design the stove too small for 24” pot / 1 / 3 / 3 / Test prototypes with numerous pots of varying size and shape / Team
12 / Stove isn’t stable enough / Stove tips too easily to be useful/safe / Stove isn’t secured or stabilized properly / 2 / 3 / 6 / Subject stove to varying stability tests design for 150% expected loads / Aaron
13 / Stove doesn’t reduce fuel consumption / Fuel consumption isn’t significantly reduced / Don’t have complete combustion / 2 / 3 / 6 / Alter design early if it is determined to not reduce fuel consumption / Kevin
14 / Stove significantly alters cooking practices / Traditional cooking is altered too much / Cooks differently than before / 2 / 3 / 6 / Perform numerous tests of prototype and seek the opinions of experts / Neal
15 / Stove doesn’t reduce emissions / Emissions from stove are too harmful / Don’t have complete combustion / 2 / 3 / 6 / Alter design early if it is determined to not reduce harmful emissions / Kevin

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