UH-OH: A Global Mining Giant Just Warned China's Demand For Iron Ore Is 'Flattening' Business Insider 20th Mar 2012

Ian Ashby, President of Iron Ore for BHP Billiton just gave a presentation at the AJM Global Iron Ore and Steel Fabrication Conference in Australia.

And investors weren't too thrilled to hear what he had to say about China.

From The Sydney Morning Herald

"Growth is going to flatten off," BHP's iron ore division president, Ian Ashby said ahead of the Global Iron Ore & Steel Forecast Conference in Perth, adding that demand growth was seen falling into single digits.

''Growth will be less than what it has been, those times have been exceptional,'' he said. ''There is still tremendous opportunity to grow our iron ore business.''

Weak iron ore demand from China isn't just bad news for BHP Billiton. It could be a sign that China's economy is slowing by more than most think, which would have significant implications for the global economy. Full Story HERE

Comment: Just one day after the introduction of a 30% mining tax there comes news from BHP that China’s economy is slowing. Well, shock and horror, we all knew this months ago anyway! But it didn’t stop the Gillard/Brown government from making their grab for more money to throw down new socialist engineered black holes!

All sorts of famous sayings spring to mind. “Killed the Goose that laid the golden egg.” is an obvious one.

Labor’s policy of taxing the productive “turbo charged” part of the economy, in fact the only part that was keeping Australia afloat, is like cutting the back legs of the carthorse, throwing them in the cart and then expecting the cart to go faster! But this is what you get when people with no business experience, no idea about how to truly value add to an economy, and not the slightest consideration for the welfare of Australian workers and their families gain government and pass idiotic laws.

If you want an economy to prosper, if you want working class people to be better off, you encourage incentives, entrepreneurship and business and then you impose reasonable taxes. That is the only way the community as a whole benefits in the long term. You don’t kill the Goose! But today you could see the glint in PM Julia Gillard’s eye as she had her moment of glory on the morning TV news. At last she had managed to screw the richy bums! Now she’s a hero with her Greenie mates and the Labor Members and Caucus – most of whom have never done a day’s work in their lives.

Well Julia has removed the turbo from the turbo charged economy – now we’ll see how race car Australia runs. My guess is she’ll pour her ill gotten gains into all her favourite Labor/Greens projects – most of which produce nothing. In their dreams she and Wayno may just balance the budget – this once, before the whole economy comes crashing down around their ears.

This tax is prohibited by the Australian Constitution as it is a Federal Tax on State property and it discriminates between states. Like their Malaysian solution this must be tossed out by the courts. Is it any wonder legal challenges have already been announced.

Why do the Australian people put up with these amateurs? Toss them out! Lyn Vickery One Nation W.A. state president.


Message to Kim il Gillard

Piers Akerman. The Telegraph 17th Mar 2012

WITH proposed threats to Australian media freedom making international press watchdogs register their deep concerns, the Gillard government has so far refused to comment when asked about the harsh recommendations contained in the Finkelstein inquiry into the media.

Former Federal Court judge Ray Finkelstein delivered his 467-page tome to Communications Minister Stephen Conroy last month - not a peep out of Conroy, nor anyone else in the Cabinet.

Nor, surprisingly, given the report’s extraordinary call for a government-funded News Media Council with punitive powers, including jailing, have we heard from any of those who so bitterly claimed (in uncensored books and articles) that they were being silenced during the years of the Howard government.

Make no mistake - this is a political weapon.

The Finkelstein inquiry’s genesis was in complaints from the Greens leader Bob Brown, Labor’s principal partner in its minority government.

Brown, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and many of her ministers are extremely sensitive to criticism.

Finkelstein, advised by several campuses of academics, has provided the government with a blunt instrument which, if used, would set the notion of an Australian free press back several centuries. Full Story HERE

Poland Tries to Block EU Emission Goal

Wall Street Journal – Europe. By Marcin Sobczyk

WARSAW—Poland is lobbying its neighbors on the European Union's less-affluent eastern edge as it seeks to block efforts by the regional group to sharply reduce greenhouse-gas emissions, arguing that the planned cuts will hurt economic growth and fuel inflation.

The European Commission, the EU's executive arm, has drafted a proposal to slash carbon-dioxide output by 2050 to levels so low that Polish officials say they would virtually rule out the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity.

Warsaw vetoed the plan at a meeting of EU environment ministers Friday, and Polish officials say they are now starting to gain the support of its neighbors including the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania in a bid to block the initiative permanently. Full Story HERE

At a Glance – China’s defense spending increases as the USA shrinks.

What does this mean for Australia?



A thought provoking contribution from David Banner

“Why do people believe in God” which I think begs other questions of: Why is there a God at all and what do we mean by the word God? I’m sure there would not be many people, if any, who have not at some time in their lives, ask themselves such questions. And I am I sure that the Atheist/Humanist declaration that there is no God full stop does not satisfy the empty space that is yearning to be filled if and when we accept such a blunt proposition.

However there is another question: Where does god come from, meaning if he/it is a myth created by human societies then why is he created and what is the substance from which this figment is created from? I offer the following because I think it is very relevant to what the bases of humanism is about

I have just finished reading the latest book by Dr Wafa Sultan “A God Who Hates” she is an Arab American psychiatrist who was born and raised as a Muslim, but traumatic events in her life made her turn against the Islamic religion. To be honest I was apprehensive that the book would be a mindless ranting against the Muslim religion, but I was pleasantly surprised by the insightful depths that she was able to delve into in her exposure of Islam and the oppression of those who have been unfortunately born into that culture, an exposure and depth which, had it been concocted, as her detractors are trying to claim, would have been easily recognizable in the way she relates her experiences.

One of the things I found to be fascinating was her understanding of how the Islamic god came into being which offers an explanation for the violence that seems to be so much a part of the believers in the god of that faith. One of the most profound statements I have heard is when she says: We create the god that suits our purposes and then we allow that god to create us.

In the case of the Islamic god she relates it all back to Bedouins wondering the pity-less desert where life was a constant struggle from day to day. A place where there was no water, a place which produced no food of any kind and where the only means of survival was the constant raiding of the camel trains of other weaker tribes while living in fear of having you own tribe raided by more powerful tribes. It is from this world that the burqa and the Nijab came into being where making their women as ugly as possible would make them less desirable to any other tribes they might pass in the desert, or come into contact with and so reduce the risk of them being attacked

Such people lived in constant fear and it was out of that fear that Mohammad was able to create a god that played upon those fears. For that god to be taken seriously a gentle loving god would not have done. For them it had to be a strong god of retribution and vengeance, a god who would frighten their enemies and so protect them against being attacked and having their women stolen by those enemies. However because the supposed ravings of this created god were compiled into a book (the Quran) they are controlled by this same god today. Because of this we (none Muslims) have replaced the hostile tribes of the desert and have become the “other” to be feared defended against and hated.

Dr Sultan also offers the explanation for why Muslim men hold their women is such low esteem. This is a throwback from the times when men dreaded being humiliated and shamed if or when their women were taken from them and used as sex slaves, so as a defensive mechanism it was best to treat women as of little value and dispensable.

However if it is true that the culture of Muslims is created by the god that they themselves have created then why is the same not true of our societies being created by the god that we ourselves have created.

It can be true to say that the religion of our society is the creation of the god that we created at some time in the past.


A new Word

Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.



Unless listed as “comments”, the opinions expressed in this news round-up may not be the policies or views of One Nation Western Australia, but are provided as general interest stories. If you wish to read the full stories please followed the links provided.


This news round-up authorised by

Lyn Vickery

State President One Nation WA. Ph 08 9375 9991 or Mob 0415 030 442
