Hi everyone!March 2010

A fellow came to my teacher Hilda Charlton and complained that an auto mechanic had ripped him off. "The guy charged me $500 for poor work and then refused to remedy it," he explained. "I had a bad feeling about this mechanic before he started the work. Now I wish I had listened to it."

Hilda responded, "If I were offering you a week-long course on following your intuition, and I guaranteed you that after this course you would be better able to hear your inner guidance and more willing to follow it, would you take the class?"

"Why, sure!" answered the fellow without hesitation.

"And if the tuition for the course was $500, would you pay it?"

"That would be a bargain."

"Then consider yourself lucky," Hilda told him. "You got the entire course from your mechanic in one day…"

Author unknown

This story has prompted me to share with you some essences that can assist with honing intuition, essences that erode blocks around higher understanding and essences that assist with trusting the gift that we have.


Fig(Spirit in Nature essence) helps dissolve energy blocks around intuition and allows us to open up to new ideas, new concepts. It helps us see both sides of the coin and so can help us dive into our bag of wisdom without inhibitive rules blocking the understanding. We can let go of self-imposed inhibitions and at the same time develop discipline bourn of careful personal consideration. It aids with decision –making.

Seemingly contradictory, Fig also assists with developing a disciplined approach to our life generally. So if we want to develop a meditation routine or hone our ESP, Fig will encourage us to approach the process in a methodical, but not rigid, way.

The fig tree has no outer flowers. Its flowers ripen within the fleshy seeded fruit. Similarly, Fig essence allows the blossoming of our own internal rules with changeable self-made rules, rather than self –limiting iron bars perhaps inherited from others.

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Blackberry(Spirit in Nature) brings purity of thought, mental clarity, inspiration, environmental awareness, discrimination.

Use affirmations while taking of Blackberryand clear out negative emotions such as resentment...

Blackberry is the essence for times of frustration. When we are confused, conflicted or when our energy is blocked, Blackberry helps clear out the muck from the mental plane. It helps us commit to the truth, no matter how others react or respond.

‘On Blackberry, I experienced clearer thinking, sharper senses, faster speech - and a quick wit.’- RM Dallas,

Cockle (Shells) is another purifier of thought and a general cleanser of the psychic mind. Extremely good if we have self- doubt and therefore seems particularly helpful for the teenage mind. It helps with the realization of self worth. Purifying the thoughts, it allows us to see the diamond we really are and allows healing and reduces karma.

Spiritual awareness

Eyed Cowrie (shells)releases spiritual blocks to increase wisdom and understanding. It’s good for learning difficulties; excellent for misunderstandings in relationships.

I Am (shells) for knowing our own power and I Allow for trusting ourself are also good all-rounders for allowing us to get back to the abundant, powerful beings we are .

Yours In Essence

Mavis De Monte

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