KC Preschool Lesson Plan
September 2013 – Week 4
Source: Superbook Leader’s Guide – In The Beginning
Super Truth: God loves me because I am His child, even when I disobey Him.
Super Verse: “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving even though we have rebelled against him.” (Daniel 9:9)
FOCUS TOPIC: Run to God, don’t hide.
TEAM NAMES: Red, Blue, Yellow, Green
Duration / Activity / Tasks / Activities / Resources/ Class Setup / Remarks
As Kids Arrive
10 mins / Welcoming Kids / Arrival of students
  • Play upbeat music to liven atmosphere.
  • Team Teachers to usher kids to their seats with team/group names
–they may need to re-arrange/mix kids according to gender or age group to balance energy.
As Kids Wait for Class to Start…
Use available puzzles and books to engage kids while they wait for the others to arrive. Team Teachers sit with kids to build rapport and establish a feeling of ease (especially for newcomers)
Teacher may also introduce other activities. It is suggested that we minimize the use of coloring worksheets as this has become a routine. Kids enjoy variety and using the same method everytime may no longer have its initial impact. / Superbook Theme Song
Salvation Poem
/ Advance preparation
  • Lead teacher briefs teammates as to the flow of the lesson.
  • Download the suggested music for streaming or play another upbeat music in stock.
  • Ensure that the puzzles and books are visible so teachers can pass them to kids as they arrive.
  • Prepare game materials, songs and specific teacher tasks.

5 mins / Team Colors / Boost team energy by calling the colors of the team one at a time.
Some kids may still be adjusting to their peers, allow some time for kids to respond.
5 mins / Class Rules / As kids seat in teams, explain that the recall of the rules will now be done as a team. This means, instead of a quiet seat award, the lesson will include the Amazing Team Award where each member will get a prize.
Because of this, they need to work as a team, participate as a team and pay attention together in class. / At the tables;
U-shape set-up / Happy-face Board
10 mins / Praise Dance / Suggested Music/Praise Dance:
Salvation Poem Superbook Theme Song, Fruits of the Spirit, I Like Bananas by Uncle Charlie, We Are by Kari Jobe
4. / Off-table; Circle and
or I-shape set-up / AV in-charge to play songs source.
Do not show the video for the last song “We Are” let the children look at the teachers dancing in front so they can copy the steps. Hence, all teachers are encouraged to participatein the Praise Dance.
5 mins / Memory Verse / “The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving even though we have rebelled against him.” (Daniel 9:9)
Use the following sign to reinforce words.
These will enable kids to remember with ease and clarity.
HIM – two pointer fingers point upward / On chairs; I-shape set-up
15mins / Run to God, don’t hide. / Ask the children if they could remember an instance that they disobeyed or any bad things they did. Encourage the children to share about it. Then, ask them what they did about it. Did they say sorry to mom/dad? Did they say sorry to God?
Sin brings guilt and shame and it makes us want to hide from God. That’s what the enemy wants. When we sin our first response should be to humble ourselves before God by admitting we have sinned against Him and ask for forgiveness. We should run to God and not hide from Him
This is our confidence when we run to God. Our Power Verse says…
“The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving even though we have rebelled against him.” (Daniel 9:9)
Just like what our Power Truth says…
“God loves me because I am His child, even when I disobey Him.”
God loves us not just because we obey Him; He loves us because we are His children. The love of God for you and me is not dependent on our obedience to Him. / On-chairs; I-shape set-up
20 mins / Craft / Distribute the craft materials for the footprints/shoeprints.
The teachers will guide the children in tracing their feet or shoes. / On chairs: Round set-up.
Craft materials:
c/o Teacher Joan / AV in-charge to play background music. (soft volume only)
5 mins / Ministry Time / Prayer points:
  • Pray for the kids to humble their hearts that every time they make mistakes they could always run to God and say sorry, and believe that Heforgives.

10 mins / Snack Time / Prayer for food:
If time permits, ask for a volunteer to pray. Otherwise, have a teacher pray.
10 mins / Dismissal / Announce Amazing Team Award / play soft music as parents fetch kids

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