Spurgeon’s College

Application for the post of Deputy Director of Operations

1 / Surname / 2 / Title (Mr/Mrs Miss etc)
3 / Firstname(s)
4 / Address
5 / Tel. No. (home) / 6 / Tel. No. (work)
7 / Email address
8 / Place of birth
9 / Marital status
10 / Nat. Insurance no.
11 / Education and Training
Secondary School/ College/University / Dates
From To / Examinations taken / Grades attained
12 / Interests and hobbies
13 / Current or most recent employment
Job title:
Date appointed:
Name of employer:
Telephone number:
Current salary: £ p.a.
Brief description of main duties:
14 / Employment history
Name of employer / Position held / From / To / Reason for leaving
15 / An outline of experience, suitability for and interest in the position in the light of the job description and person specification
16 / Please use this space to add any other information that you feel may be relevant and helpful
17 / Please give details of two people we may contact for a reference on your behalf including your last employer and someone who knows you well. If you are in or have recently completed full time education, one referee should be from your school, college or university
Full name
Postcode / Tel. No.
Full name
Postcode / Tel. No.
References may be taken up before interview unless you specify to the contrary. Please indicate your wishes by YES or NO against each name
18 / Please state where you saw the advertisement for this post
I declare that the information given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I understand that any false statements on this form may justify dismissal from the service of the College.
Signed / Date

This form should be completed and sent to Jenny Sneddon, Spurgeon’s College, 189 South Norwood Hill, London SE25

Data Protection Act 1998. The information contained in this Form, your covering letter, together with any additional information in connection with your application will be used by Spurgeon's College for recruitment, selection and statistical purposes only.

Equal Opportunities Monitoring

Spurgeon's College is committed to equal opportunities for all. In order that we can monitor the implementation of our policies at all levels we are seeking your help. As a person applying for a post at Spurgeon's College you are asked to complete this form.

Please complete and return it with your job application to the Executive Assistant. The information will be treated in the strictest confidence and will only be used for statistical monitoring. It is not part of the selection or interview process.

Name in full ______

Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyyy) ______

Please tick 

I am female I am male

Which of the following most nearly describes your ethnicity?

African origin /  / African-Caribbean origin / 
Asian origin /  / Asian UK or European origin / 
Black UK or European origin /  / Chinese origin / 
Bi-ethnic (parents of 2 or more ethnic groups) /  / White UK or European origin / 
Other (please specify) / 

Special needs and disabilities

Do you consider yourself to have a disability?Yes No 

If yes then tick all that apply:

 Blind or partially sighted

 Deaf or hearing impairment Mental health difficulty

 Wheelchair user or impaired mobility Unseen disability (e.g. diabetes orepilepsy)  Dyslexia  Other disability (please specify) …………..
