
- an Introduction to Deep Bodywork and Body Psychotherapy

BSET Certificate Course
8 days (4 weekends) January - June 2016, Brighton/Hove
Course leader: Tim Brown

This course is designed to introduce modern body-centred therapy, with a mixture of theory, demonstration, experiential workand group process.


There is growing interest in the field of body psychotherapy and somatic psychology. Body-centred approaches to dealing with psychological problems are now well established. Recent advances in neuroscience explain how the body is involved inour growing sense of self, and how this can be affected during early development. Our bodieshold the key to old problems and new possibilities; Deep Bodywork is a therapeuticapproach which gets to the root of who we are, and what we can become.
Working with the body is a creative process. This course willgive you background theory on how and why body-centred techniques work. You willdevelop 'bodylistening' skills to contact and work directly with the body. This includes greater self-awareness of your own body as achannel of wisdom and useful information – an incredibly useful resource, both personally and professionally.

Who is this course for?

·  Counsellors and psychotherapists who want to explore body-centred approaches to therapeutic work with clients;

·  Bodyworkers (massage therapists, chiropractors, teachers of body disciplines such as yoga, pilates, martial arts, etc, and dancers)who are curious about the psychological and emotional impact of their work, and want to work effectively with what emerges;

·  Anyone who is considering a move into body-focused practice;

·  Anybody who is curious about therelationship between mind, body and spirit, and wants to further their own self awarenessthrough group process.

The course is designed to be a mix of training and self-development. Itoffers apath to deeper personalunderstanding, and has the potential to lead on to more advanced trainings for those who may wish to take this work into professional practice.
Course Dates: January 23/24 March 12/13 April 16/17 June 4/5.

Times: 10.30 - 6pm. Venue: Revitalise Brighton

Brighton School for Embodied Therapy

Course Content:

Theoretical Background: Neo-Reichian Deep Bodywork and body psychotherapy, attachment theory and the development of character.
Safety: how to create and maintain a safe working environment for bodywork. Boundaries, orientation, and safety protocols.
Body dialogue and process: Bodylistening skills - how to talk to the body andencourage its responses.Body-gestalt techniques. Listening to my own body.
Touch and contact: making contact, appropriate uses of touch. Working with body responses to contact.

Working with movement: how the body tells is story through movement, gesture and posture.Lessons from Authentic Movement andDance of Awareness.
Shock and trauma: working with body memories as ameans of processing body-held trauma. Dealing with overwhelm and retraumatisation. Tracking sensation and mindfulness.
The body in relationship: Embodied-Relational approaches to therapy - how bodies relate in aclient-therapist environment.

Each course unit will focus on a key theme, and include opportunities for discussion, sharing, interaction and exploration. Recommendations for reading and further information will be provided, along with course notes.

Cost: £440. Refreshments and course materials included. £110 deposit to secure a place and the balance by the start of the course. Instalments can be agreed in case of difficulty. It is possible to attend individual units - see website for details.
Location: Revitalise Brighton, 123A Western Rd, Brighton & Hove,BN3 1DB.

Application: for details of application, and more information about the course, see I would welcome any preliminary questions, either by email: or telephone: 01273 271408.

Tim Brown

Tim is an experienced body psychotherapist and workshop leader. He worked as an environmental scientist and campaigner for many years, whilst becoming increasingly involved in personal growth work. He has a Body Psychotherapy practice in Hove and is an Associate Hospital Manager for NHS mental health services in Sussex.

Tim has a Diploma in Deep Bodywork from the Entelia Institute, is certified by the International Center for Release and Integration (ICRI) as a Postural Integrator, and has an ICRI Diploma in Advanced Somatic Integration. He has also trained in Authentic Movement with the Institute for Integrative Bodywork and Movement Therapy, and has an Advanced Diploma in Embodied-Relational Therapy.

He is a full member of the European Association for Body Psychotherapy (EABP).

Contact: 01273 271408