A book:

A journal article:

An article from a research database:

A web page:

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APA References: Books, DVDs, & E-books

Type of Source: / Using Noodlebib? Choose this citation type: / Work Cited Example:
As with all citations, enter the information provided by your sources. / In-Text Example: Your in-text citation must point to an item in your References list. Use the first word of your citation: the author or the title.
Book by a single author / Book Print tab
You can enter the ISBN # for a book. Noodlebib will format the citation for you. / Leman, N. (1991). The promise land. New York, NY:
Knopf. / Include (last name of the author, year of publication.) When using direct quotes in your text you must include the page number.
Example: “from the theory on rationality” (Leman, 1991, p. 20).
Example: (Leman, 1991).
Book by 2 to 6 authors / Book Print tab
add another contributor / Strunk, W., & White, E. B. (1999). The elements of
style (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Pyszczynsk T., Solomon, S. & Greenberg, J. (2003).
In the wake of 9/11: The psychology of terror.
Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association / With 2 authors always cite both last names every time the reference occurs in the text.
Example: (Strunk & White, 1999).
With 3, 4, or 5 authors, cite all authors the first time in your text. After that use only the last name of the first author followed by et al.
1stExample: (Pyszczynsk, Soloman, & Greenberg, 2003).
2nd Example: (Pyszczynsk, et al., 2003).
Book with an editor / Book Print tab
+ choose editor from the Role dropdown menu / McGinn, B. (Ed.). (2006). The essential writings of
Christian mysticism. New York, NY: Modern
Library. / Example: (McGinn, 2006).
Book with no author or editor / Book Print tab
leave the author fields blank / Cooking with vegetables. (1983). New York, NY:
Oxmoor. / Cite a few words of the title, or the whole title if it is short, (title in-text should be capitalized).
Example: (“Cooking With Vegetables,” 1983).
Entry in an anthology / Anthology/Collection Print tab / Brown, R. (2000). The gift of sweat. In J. Schlib & J.
Clifford (Eds.), Making literature matter (pp. 78-
81). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin's. (Original
work published 1994) / Example: (Brown, 2000).
DVD / Film or Video Recording > Film/Recording / Dunne, G. (Director). (1997). Addicted to love. United
States: Warner Bros. / Example: (Dunne, 1997).
(Electronic-book) / Book eBook File tab
Digital file type= Kindle
Book Database tab (book from library dbase)
Book Website tab (book on open web Google, Gutenberg etc.) / Crane, S. (2008). The red badge of courage [Kindle].
Bitmead, L. (2010). Heading south. Retrieved from
Maine Infonet Download Library database.
Child, L. M. (Ed.). (1866). The Freedmen's book.
Retrieved from / Example: (Crane, 2008).
Example: (Bitmead, 2010).
Example: (Child, 1866).

APAReferences: Articles

Type of Source: / Using Noodlebib? Choose this citation type: / Work Cited Example:
As with all citations enter, the information provided by your sources. / In-Text Example: Your in-text citation must point to an item in your References list. Use the first word of your citation either the author or the title.
Journal article / Journal Print tab
if you are using a print copy / Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the reative pleasure
of consequences. Psychology Bulletine, 126(2),
910-924. / Example: (Mellers, 2000, p. 917).
Page numbers are optional when paraphrasing.
Journal article from a database like (Master FILE Premier) / Journal Database tab
You can use the copy and paste function here. / Lanken, D. (1998). When the earth moves.Canadian
Geographic, 116(2), 66-73.Retrieved from
MasterFILE Premier database. / Example: (Lanken, 1998).
Magazine / Magazine Print tab
if you are using a print copy / Burke, J. (2012, June). Whispering sweet everything.
Food Magazine, 42-45. / Example: (Burke, 2012).
Newspaper article
Newspaper article from a database like ProQuest Newsstand / Newspaper Print tab
if you are using a print copy
Newspaper > Database tab
You can use the copy and paste function here / Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects
economic, social status. The Washington Post, sec.
A, pp. 1, 4.
Schwartz, J. (1993, September 30). Obesity affects
economic, social status. The Washington Post, sec.
A, pp. 1, 4. Retrieved from ProQuest Newsstand
database. / Example: (Schwartz, 1993).
Example: (Schwartz, 1993).
Encyclopedia Article
Encyclopedia article from a database like Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic Ed. / Reference Source > Print tab
Reference Source > Database tab / Aiken, L. S., & West, S. G. (2000). Multiple
regression. In A. E. Kazdin (Ed.), Encyclopedia of
psychology (Vol. 5, pp. 1-43). Oxford, England:
Oxford University Press.
West nile virus. (2012). In J. G. Melton (Ed.),
Encyclopaediabrittanica. Retrieved from
Encyclopaedia Britannica Online Academic
Edition database. / Example: (Aiken, 2000).
Example: (“West Nile Virus,” 2012).
Use double quotations and capitalize when you use the title in an in-text citation.

APA References: Online Sources

Type of Source: / Using Noodlebib? Choose this citation type: / Work Cited Example:
As with all citations, enter the information provided by your sources. / In-Text Example: Your in-text citation must point to an item in your References list. Use the first word of your citation either the author or the title.
Web resources: / Web site / Many online sources do not supply all desired information, cite as much information as is available.
Beware of cyberbullying. (2012). Retrieved August
29, 2012, from

Harlow, H. F. (2000). The nature of love. Retrieved
August 29, 2012, from
/ There are frequently no page numbers available when citing web resources.
Example: (“Beware of Cyberbullying”).
Use double quotations and capitalize when you use the title in an in-text citation.
Example: (Harlow, 2000).
Internet article from a web version of a magazine or journal / Web site / Nastasi, A. (2012, August 24). A guide to pop
culture's biggest hoaxes. Retrieved August 29,
2012, from
/ Example: (Natasi, 2012).
Image, photograph or work of art / Work of visual art > viewed tab (painting, sculpture, museum, etc)
Photo in an archive > Web site (photos from Flickr, American Memory, etc)
Photo or image (born digital) > Web site
Image (free) from Microsoft clipart, etc.) / Homer, W. (1868).Artists sketching in the White
mountains [Painting]. Portland, ME: Museum of
Atlantic Shoreline locomotive # 100, Sanford [Image].
(1930). Maine Memory Network. Seashore Trolley
Museum, Kennebunkport, ME
Librarian checking out books [Illustration]. (2012).
Retrieved from
results.aspx?qu=librarian&ex=2#ai:MC900082563| / Example: (Homer, 1868).
Example: (“Atlantic Shoreline Locomotive,” 1930).
Example: (“Librarian checking out books,” 2012).

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