HHA Board Meeting

Wednesday April 12th, 2017

Squeaky’s @ 7:30 pm

Pete Ladwig / P / Josh Karg / P / Joe Meier / A
Brian Knorr / A / Mike Hauan / P / Marc Telecky / A
Shannon Lien / P / Bryan Platisha / P / Chad Koenen / A
Bethany Carter / P / Eric Mallak / P
Sarah Nelson / P / Matt Telecky / P

Call to Order HHA Board Meeting forFebruary

Motion made by Josh Karg, Second by Bryan Platishato adopt the Agenda, motion approved

HHA Gambling (open to entire Association)

Motion made by Bethany Carter, Second by Mike Hauan, to open Gambling HHA Member Meeting to the entire Association, motion approved

  • Gambling update
  • Motion made by Bryan Platisha, Second by Mike Hauan, for Authorization for gambling payments
  1. Gross Receipts for March 2017:$47,868.13 (Landys) / $33,843.00 (MSSB)
  2. Prizes paid forMarch 2017:$36,734.00 (Landys) /$28,818.45 (MSSB)
  3. Expenses paid:
  1. Triple Crown (management fee): $3,671.22 (Landys) / $1,627.47 (MSSB)
  2. Pilot$589.76
  3. Landys Lodge (rent):$1,660.78
  4. MSSB (rent):$753.68
  5. Minnesota Revenue:$1,557.00

Motion made by Bryan Platisha, Second by Sarah Nelsonto close Gambling HHA Member Meeting to the entire Association, motion approved

Call to Order regular HHA Board Meeting forApril

Secretary’s Report – Shannon Lien

  • Motion made by Pete Ladwig to approve theMarchmeeting minutes, Second by Josh Karg, motion approved

Treasurer’s Report – Bethany Carter

Treasurer’s Report was received

  • General Checking = $83,117.95
  • Savings Account = $40,227.33
  • Gambling Account = $37,221.43
  • 2017/2018 Budget Meeting-Still need to set date

President’s Report – Pete Ladwig

  • Discretionary Spending Decisions-will go to divider boards, scrimmage fees, additional goalie equip, early ice, and mite improvements. Motion to approve by Sarah Nelson and second by Bryan Platisha
  • Board Position Update-Tournament plan-still needing someone to fill role, will have help
  • Hutch Hockey Day-January 20
  • Summer hockey camp-June 12-June 30

Vice President’s Report – Brian Knorr (absent)

  • D5 update-no report

Director of Special Projects Report – Sarah Nelson

  • Oktoberfest Planning-Motion was made by Josh Karg and second by Bryan Platisha to hire Compass Occasions (approx. $750)
  • Water Carnival Plans (float/boat parade, programs, teddy bear band)

PDC Report – Chad Koenen/Marc Telecky (absent)

  • Coaches Update-no report

Director of Hockey Operations Report– Erick Mallak

  • No report

Director of Squirts, PeeWees, Bantams Report – Josh Karg

  • 2 missing jerseys

Director of 10U, 12U, 15U Report– Mike Hauan

  • 15U- no mention

Director of Mites/8U/EquipmentReport – Bryan Platisha

  • Equipment Handout for Summer Camp-TBD

D5/Tournament Coordinator Report – TBD

  • Plans for recruitment

New Business

  • Next few board meetings time change to 6:30pm at Squeakys with the exception being the June meeting to be held at MSSB due to Water Carnival conflict. Motion made by Sarah Nelson and second by Josh Karg, motion approved.

Pete Ladwig made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Second by Bethany Carter, motion adopted.

Next meeting will be held on Wednesday May 10th at Squeakys at 6:30pm

Shannon Lien, Secretary