English 10 GPName______Per____Date______


Julius Caesar: Act Four

Scene One

Now that Caesar is dead and Brutus and Cassius have fled Rome, Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus have taken over Rome and her territories, forming what is called the triumvirate- a committee of three. As scene one opens they are creating a list of enemies to be executed. Antony criticizes Lepidus’ ability as a leader. He plans to use Lepidus as a scapegoat for whatever unpopular decisions they make. Antony also wants to alter Caesar’s will so the people will get a reduced amount of money. Finally, Antony and Octavius begin to plan their strategy in the battle against Brutus, Cassius, and the other conspirators. This scene clearly questions Antony’s motives and character. Shakespeare focuses on the effect of power on individuals.

  1. What are the members of the triumvirate deciding as Act Four begins? (lines 1-9)
  1. What does Antony propose they do with Caesar’s will? Does this change your opinion of Antony? Why or why not? (lines 11-14)
  1. What is Antony’s plan for Lepidus? What is his reason?

Scene Two

Brutus and Cassius have fled Rome and set up camps near Sardis. Brutus notices that Cassius seems cold and distant; this change alarms Brutus- he doesn’t like the way things are developing. Cassius arrives and begins to argue with Brutus. Brutus cautions him to speak his complains quietly in front of the soldiers, and the two go into Brutus’ tent to discuss their problems.

  1. Why does Brutus want to see Cassius? (lines 6-10)
  1. How has Cassius changed since the assassination? (lines 16-29)
  1. How does Cassius greet Brutus? (line 37)
  1. Why does Brutus ask Cassius to come to his tent? (lines 42-47)

Scene Three

  1. Brutus and Cassius argue in this scene. In the chart below, keep track of accusations and rebuttals. (lines 1-142)

Brutus is angry because / Cassius replies… / Cassius is angry because… / Brutus replies…
  1. How important do you think it is for Cassius and Brutus to remain friends? Why?
  1. What do we learn about Portia? What do you think of her fate? P.972
  1. Cassius and Brutus propose different ideas about how to go about fighting the triumvirate forces. Fill in the chart below with what each man proposes.

Cassius Suggests… / Brutus suggests…

-Who do you think has the better idea?

-Who gets his way?

  1. Do you believe Brutus has really seen a ghost? How would you explain the incident?