13th April 2014- Grangemouth

Vic Hockley, Convenor of the Officials Commission was in the Chair.


Helena Black, Elspeth Morris, Pat Hockley, Alistair Aitchison, Rob Dalziel, June Duffy, Barry Craighead, Dave Biggin, Ken Watt, Margaret Brown, Val Murdoch, Kate Whigham, Brenda Stephen, Jason Pender, Lynne Jackson, Liz Wilder, John Dalton, Margaret McInally, Angus Cameron, Bob Carter, Ann Carter, Marion Donachie, Neil Donaiche, Evelyn Robertson, Sandy Forrest, Mike Forrest, Dave Finlayson, Joyce Rammell, Sheila Baillie, Hugh Baillie, Fraser Weir, Vic Hockley, Margaret Baird, Xabier Cid

1 Vic Hockley expressed thanks for the number in attendance, especially as few were involved in Training Courses after the meeting and were solely there for the AGM.

Vic spoke of his considerable sadness in remembering those officials who were lost during the year, Anna Poulton, John Robertson and Joe Cameron. A minutes silence was observed before the meeting.

2APOLOGIES:- Hilary MacGuire, Pam Auckland, Chris Tod, Allan Rae, Freda Silver, David Blues, Desmond Gilmore, Jane Roy, Ian Tatton, Frances Tatton, Pam Ross, Magnus Ross, Marc Ritchie, Mark Stringer, Ricky Taylor, Marjory Cook, Stewart McLay, Elspeth Allan, Neill Allan, Alastair Thomson, Alistair McInally, Frank Burns


There were no Matters arising and these were accepted by those in attendance.


Chairman’s Report 2013-2014

I would like to start by thanking all our officials for their hard work throughout the year.

This year has been extremely busy as not only have we had our regular meetings and championships we have been preparing for the Commonwealth Games. The majority of our championships but in particularly the Senior’s at Scotstoun was ran as a Level 5 meeting, this was followed by an excellent Conference with as a theme the Commonwealth Games then a 4 day IAAF TOECS II course at the Marriott Hotel in Glasgow for the Referees, Chiefs and team leaders.

Like other years the basic statistics are very similar. The Commission held four meetings; there were two Allocation and Upgrading subcommittee meetings and a number of other subcommittee meetings, including Service to Members and Recruitment and Retention. A difference this year was that Margaret Ann MacLachlan decided to resign from the post of Track Head of Discipline in August necessitating an election and we welcome Alistair Aitchison who took up the post at the latter part of 2013. Thanks to Margaret Ann for the work she has done, she continues on the Commission as Health and Safety representative.

A number of our members served on UKA Committees these included the UKA Peer Groups, Dave Biggin for the starter/Marksman, Jim Callander for the Track and Mike Forrest for the Photofinish. In addition Liz Wilder represented us on the UK Facilities and Shona Malcolm newly appointed on the Education and Training Committee. I represented us at UKA Officials Allocation and Upgrading (Territorial Secretaries) meetings. My thanks go to all Commission members and specifically Margaret Brown for an excellent job in looking after our meetings on Trinity, Brenda Stephen for taking over from me with the writing of the Newsletter and to Pat Hockley for the very onerous task of obtaining availabilities and allocations.

Congratulations to Shona Malcolm for receiving the OBE and to Liz Wilder for both the Tom Stillie Award and the Official of the Year Award and to Duncan MacLaren for the Service to Officiating.

While congratulating I must again congratulate the Conference Subcommittee chaired by Ann Carter for organising an excellent Conference. It was again held at the Carnegie Conference Centre in Dunfermline with the emphasise on preparing for the Commonwealth Games. Nearly 100 officials attended and 69 completed the questionnaire, an achievement itself, with the most common comments, being well organised, worthwhile and relevant.

Every year UKA make changes with regard to officials and this year is no different. You may recall in February you received a letter from UKA signed by Malcolm Rogers saying that there is a need to review the list of officials who are invited to Level 5 events. Development of this new list to be called International Meeting Officials or IOM’s will be completed this year ready for the winter. Unless safe guards are put in place which as yet do not appear to be there, this list and the changes in structure of the Peer Groups, in my opinion is detrimental, is likely to create a self perpetuating elitist group. It is not clear as yet what how selection and opportunities will be given to the regions

This year has also seen a change in our Events Manager with Stewart Caithness stepping effortlessly into the able steps of Ross.

Finally, I have been in this post of Convenor for the past 10 years and have decided that this coming year will be my last, equally both Pat and I have decided that we will not be putting our names forward for the IOM list although we emphasise that we will still be making ourselves available for Scottish meetings.

Finally, good luck to all those officials at the Commonwealth Games whether you are officiating, Clydesiders or simply spectating.


Vic included in his Report the fact that a new Track representative had been appointed since the last AGM due to Margaret Ann’s decision to step down. She was thanked for her very hard work in the role and Vic was happy to announce her continued involvement in the Commission as Health and Safety Representative. Alistair Aitchison took over the Track position. It was intimated after the formal Meeting that, after 14 years in the role. , Bob Carter is handing the reins over to Joyce Rammell. Bob will be a hard act to follow and has our grateful thanks for all his services within the Commission.

There were no self nominations for positions on the Commission. All other elected members were willing to continue and the list was read out and agreed by the Meeting.

ConvenorVic Hockley

Vice ConvenorMargaret Brown

SecretaryBrenda Stephen

Officials Co-OrdinatorPat Hockley

TrackAlistair Aitchison

Starter/MarksmanDave Biggin

FieldJoyce Rammell

Timekeeper Mike Forrest

AdministrationMargaret McInally

Service to members representativeAnn Carter

Co-Opted members

Facilities Committee representativeLiz Wilder

Health & Safety Group representativeMargaret Ann MacLachlan

Road and Cross Country representative

Track & Field representative

**It was intimated after the formal Meeting that, after 14 years in the role of Field Representative, Bob Carter is handing the reins over to Joyce Rammell. Bob will be a hard act to follow and has our grateful thanks for all his services within the Commission.

The Formalities of the Meeting were concluded by9:30



He wanted to draw attention to the new proposal (circulated by Malcolm Rogers) with regards to officials at International Level 5 Meetings. He expressed grave concerns as to the procedures for selection and the necessary checks to ensure fairness in the opportunities for Regional (Scottish) involvement. He wanted everyone to consider the situation and to monitor developments.

Barry Craighead

He wanted to know if anyone had considered the position of Scottish Athletics if Scotland became Independent. It was expressed that this would be a matter for IAAF and it was not thought that there would be any immediate prospect of change. It was an interesting point to consider.

Barry Craighead

Barry was interested in hearing if the Young Officials Groups were continuing their activities as he had not really heard anything. It was reported that some of our young officials were at Athletics meetings today but that they did appear to be trying to work with other groups within Britain and were still keen to attract fellow young people into officiating.


Asked if anyone had been selected as a Clydesider and Ken Watt was interested to hear from Liz Wilder that Sports Specific Volunteers like himself could expect to be involved in Training at the Emirates and dates of May 26th, 27th and 1st June were being looked at.

There being no other points for discussion the Meeting was completed at 9:45.

Informal networking took place over tea and coffee until the two courses Health and Safety and Call Room/Seeding began at 10:30.

Brenda Stephen


April 2014