Career Studies, ESL – Grade 10 (GLC 2OZ) – Course Outline

Eastwood Collegiate Institute

Mrs. Clarkson – Period B – Room 102

This course will provide students with the skills required to help them deal with an ever-changing complex world. Students will learn how to develop and achieve personal goals for future learning, work, and community involvement. Students will assess their interests, skills, and characteristics and investigate current economic and workplace trends, work opportunities, and ways to search for work. The course explores post-secondary learning and career options, prepares students for managing work and life transitions, and helps students focus on their goals through the development of a career plan. This course will focus on building the skills and knowledge that you will need for a lifetime of career and personal development.

Strands and Expectations for Student Learning

Students will demonstrate knowledge, skills and values related to the following three strands:

1. Personal Management 2. Exploration of Expectations 3. Preparation for Transitions & Change

It is expected that students will be diligent and also demonstrate the following:

- Responsibility- Collaboration- Organization- Independent Work

- Self-regulation- Initiative

Students are expected to arrive to class ready to learn. That means coming to class with learning materials (3 holed binder and paper, pencil, eraser, pen, etc.) and having visited the washroom and had a drink of water before entering the classroom.

Assessment and Evaluation

Course Work – 70%

  • based on evaluations conducted throughout the course including worksheets, projects, online activities as well as individual and group assignments

Summative – 30%

  • based on a final evaluation of the career portfolio (10%) and a career research presentation (20%)

Units of Study

Each unit will include lessons, hands on tasks and activities. Course content will be covered through 3 units.

Unit 1:Personal Knowledge and Skills

Unit 2: Career Portfolio & Employment Readiness

Unit 3: Exploration of Career Pathways

Texts and Resources: There are a number of resources used for this course. This includes textbook, handouts, videos/movies, guest speakers, online websites and compute-based tools that are used in the classroom on a daily basis.

Late Work Policy: 5% per day will be deducted for late assignments, to a maximum of 15%. Please communicate with the teacher before the due date if you have a personal issue.

Plagiarism Policy: Plagiarism is taking of thoughts, ideas, words or writings of someone else and presenting them as though they were your own. If you plagiarize, you will receive a “0” on the assignment.

Career Studies GLC2OZ Student Name: ______

After reading the course outline, please complete, sign and return this sheet
to your teacher no later than Friday,September 7th, 2012

To the Student and Parent(s)/Guardian(s):

Every effort will be made to ensure that your son/daughter has a very positive experience in this course. The self-discovery tasks are very practical and will give the students a good idea of their career direction. It is very important that students use the class time to get work completed.

We have read and understand this Student Information Sheet/Outline of Course of Study. In addition,we understand that:

Daily attendance, punctuality, and participation is very important. Frequent absences will affect student’s achievement.

It is the responsibility of the student to catch up and complete all missed class work.

All research for summative project must be completed in class time.Summative Project will not be accepted late.

Absolutely no food or drink is allowed in the lab. Clear water is allowed.

Students are not todownload anything from the Internet without permission of the teacher.

Please sign and date:

Student: / Parent/Guardian:
Date: / Date:

Please indicate if you prefer to be contacted by email or phone. Please PRINT

Parent/Guardian name:
What is the best time of day to reach you?
______ / Home phone:______
Work phone: ______