SAWS Consortium IV

Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting Minutes

July 21, 2016

Location: C-IV Project – Sutter Room

11290 Pyrites Way, Suite 150

Rancho Cordova, CA 95670

Members Present:

Region 3 - Cindy Uetz, 100 East California Ave., Bakersfield, CA 93307

Region 4 – Brian Taing, 102 South San Joaquin Street, Stockton, CA 95202

Region 6 – Bekkie Emery, 747 South State Street, Ukiah, CA 95482

Region 7 – Debbie Walsh, 818 South Main Street, Yreka, CA 96097

Members Not Present:

Region 1 - Rocio Aguiniga, 4060 County Circle Drive, Riverside, CA 92503

Region 5 - Mary Ellen Arana, 2115 W. Wardrobe Avenue, Merced, CA 95341-0112


Tom Hartman, C-IV Project Director

Additional Attendees:

Raychelle Menefee, Dan Dean, Farzad Ghazizadeh, Joe Mendoza, Nichole Nava, Peggy Macias, Scot Bailey, Dan Kohn, Kim Lamb, Martha Zepeda, Jennifer Hobbs, Liz Grisham, Lisa Salas, Karen Rapponotti, Sean Swift, Danielle Benoit, Jon Burkett, Larry Risser and Jenny Rutheiser.

Additional Attendees via teleconference:

Region 2 – Nancy Swanson, 860 East Brier Drive, San Bernardino, CA 92415

Dorothy Avila and June Hutchison

1.  Facilitator Tom Hartman convened the meeting at 9:05 a.m.

2.  Agenda Review

3.  Public opportunity to speaks on items not on the Agenda.

PSC Board Action Items

4.  Approve the Minutes of the May 19, 2016, Project Steering Committee Meeting and Update of Action Items

Summary: The Consortium is seeking Committee approval of the May 19, 2016 Project Steering Committee Meeting Minutes. Prior to approval, Tom Hartman will review the status of any outstanding Action Items from the Minutes.

Action Items from previous meeting:

Action Item 1- as needed

Action Item 2- Ongoing

Motion to Approve was made by committee member Debbie Walsh

Motion was seconded by committee member Brian Taing

All present committee members were in favor of the motion.

Motion passed unanimously.

Informational Items

5.  LRS Update

Summary: Karen Rapponotti and Dorothy Avila provided an update regarding recent activities of:

LRS Implementation Progress

LRS is on roll-out group and four starts next week. C-IV/LRS staff are in the field offices assisting with implementation supports, they’re has been good feedback with staff that are working with them. There is one more roll-out group that starts next week and will carry through August for implementation support. When the C-IV/LRS staff return they will be moving into the individual teams working under Dorothy Avila. Additional, on the migration side, C-IV/LA will have a meeting on Monday, walking through the change control processes that LRS has currently/upcoming will be using and comparing it to what C-IV has today. Looking at what terminology used, how the processes work and helping LRS continue their journey towards separation of the county from consortium and what those activities are. Also, looking at a joint change control process and hoping to put in place in August. Where C-IV/LRS start working on SCRs and documenting them as one that incorporates changes into both systems. Dorothy added they are very excited about the merging of the teams and alignment of the designs. LRS is getting ready to move on to one system for LRS. LEADER will be a read only mode system and will be used only for validation purposes for the next few months as LA prepares to decommission all of the LEGACY system. Karen added, they are also working with the Department of Children & Family Services (DCFS) and they have requested UAT participants for the testing of Foster Care, KinGap and AAP. The testing will begin next week and there are five slots for three weeks, for a total of fifteen spots available for participants. The project is covering the cost of these participants and LRS is exciting for their arrival. In addition to UAT there may be some system test, because LAs system test has gone a little slower than expected. Foster Care is expected to go out at the end of September (Live). A JPA Agreement will need to be approved by all 40 counties, along with the by-laws and memorandums of understanding. C-IV sent out a CRFI last Friday, that is asking for who is your legal contact, admin contacts (works to get item on board agenda/provide feedback & updates) and BOS Chairperson for each county. If the new JPA agreement Is not signed by December 2016, C-IV will send out a new CRFI in January asking for counties newly elected Chairpersons.

6.  LRS/C-IV Migration Update

Summary: Tom Hartman provided an update regarding recent activities and discussions of:

LRS/C-IV Executive Leadership Committee

The Executive Leadership Team has met again and made some decisions. June Hutchison will cover them in the Migration Planning Update.

7.  Migration Planning Update

Summary: June Hutchison provided a high level update regarding recent activities and discussions of:

Reviewed slide deck 7-1 Migration Planning Update PSC 7_16.ppt

Migration Update

Most heard the proposal at the General Membership regarding the new name California Automated Consortium Eligibility System (CalACES). There were some questions whether the new name was consortium or the consortium and the system. C-IV/LA officially have a name and has been vetted by legal counsel (C-IV/LA) and so CalACES is the new forty county consortium name & forty county system name. The name will start being used in some of C-IV/LA legal documents and the system name will happen at the time C-IV/LA transitions to go live (first set of counties). There is a meeting on Monday (Rehash of what Karen reported out on) and hoping to make progress with little “g”. The Cost Allocation Plan (CAP) is a part of the IAPDU where the money is divided up and explains how C-IV will get funded; federal, state, where ratios are and how much sharing will be with state and/or federal. C-IV was asked to do a review and re-evaluate things and the net result was C-IV decreased federal share, increased state share and there was no change to total county share; which totaled $249,453 in the current submission to the state. Farzad shared, the sponsors had questions about previous project and the amount. The last thing OSI did was send over additional information to CDSS. OSI, checked in but there has not been any activity; OSI is monitoring it closely. Open point as to whether CDSS will cover the 15 percent county share associated with CalFresh for migration D&I. The impact is it will increase the county share up to 5 million, which is huge for everyone. A historical look was taking on pass comparisons and no county share was taken accept for LRS D&I. C-IV/LA are waiting for a final response. At the general membership, Kristine Dudley asked attendees to provide her with justification on why C-IV/LA should not pay the 5 million county share (slide 6). Debbie Walsh made a comment that the project schedule may need to be extended in order for counties to be able to pay their share. Nancy commented, that C-IV should give counties their share based on the 5 million and 249 thousand options, so that counties can get a visual. The first year state would be looking for that share is 2021 if deferred or if asked for current it would be 2017. June added there is a plan to include this discussion to the quarterly fiscal meeting on August 17th. There is a continuance of conversations regarding the fiscal, legal and operating mode. This is one of the final decisions needed to complete the new JPA Agreement. C-IV/LA team has documented the tasks and slide 7 outlines how fiscal support is provided. Slide 8 is the outlining the process. Currently, C-IV/LA has requested an annual cost estimate from both San Bernardino ATC and Los Angeles Auditor/Controller for what it would cost to support the 40 county JPA. There are some meetings scheduled next week to make sure the two agencies have a clear understanding of the task and processes. There is also a request with OSI to make sure LA County can use the same advance request process. On slide 9, comments are noted from the General Membership meeting on what Directors thoughts were regarding switching fiscal and legal. On August 8th Executive Leadership meeting there are three recommendations that will be put forth; See slide 9. These options will be finalized on the 8th and are an action item to go to the August 25th JPA meeting. Nancy asked will LA start working with San Bernardino on processes for a smooth transition if LA County will take over. June stated that C-IV suggested earlier this week that LA Auditor/Controller start attending the Quarter Fiscal Meetings, so that begin to immerse themselves in how they process takes place, what kind of communication happens between counties, what kind of ownership does the fiscal team at C-IV has. Nancy asked if LA County takes over Fiscal, San Bernardino County will not lose any positions, right. Right now, there are funded positions that work solely on the project and it is an internal decision on whether they can absorb those positions. Once determination of the fiscal agent has been made, legal will follow suit because it just makes sense that the legal representation for the consortium/county comes from the same agency that is doing the fiscal. C-IV/LA is absolutely recommending that both legal counsel (San Bernardino, Rich Wyde & LA County) be involved as necessary in the future. Slide 11-12 are informational dates to understand what are some key important dates and what the C-IV/LA team is working on to get us to July 1, 2017.

8.  Tech Talk

Summary: Scot Bailey and John Dray provided an update on the following:

Ad Hoc Tool

Oracle/Discoverer ad hoc tool update, original there was a strong sense of urgency however, this has slowed done after tech looked into this and there wasn’t much overlap with the users using imaging system and using ad hoc system. The tech team has come to understand more about what LRS is doing and what the counties will get access to once migration occurs. LRS is working on a tool that will make ad hocking easier for non-technical users. This tool will not be available for a while so in the meanwhile, C-IV will continue to track its progress. C-IV is looking into Oracle A-Pac’s and pretty closely matches what discoverer does; somethings it does a little better. C-IV would like to roll A-Pac’s out by the end of the calendar year. C-IV is currently looking at functionality to make sure it has everything that Discoverer had. We are working with Brian Pickering to figure out the training for this tool and what that should look like. There are no plans to decommission Crystal Reports, C-IV plans to let that play out through migration and move to the tool that LRS is currently working on. There will be some CIT and CRFIs coming to the counties soon. Cindy asked if there will be an opportunity for other counties to have a review/testing/experience session. Scot stated we are not only talking to Brian Pickering but we are also working with the ad hoc committee and counties can send as many people to these meetings.

Audio/Video Conferencing

Original there was a single unit with two wired satellites. When C-IV did the phone upgrade, it was two wireless devices. C-IV tech team did some research and there is not a lot of products. With the current audio system, you cannot buy more pucks. The research concluded that there will not be a product that staff would be happy with. The next level is two put microphones that are permanently mounted in the ceiling because anything else where you change the desktop configurations messes everything up. C-IV received a few quotes on this and C-IV is proceeding with a vendor. The C-IV tech team believes there will be a video conferencing solution and is unclear of the timeline of the funding for the video conferencing. In addition, the tech team wanted something that when the audio system is put in it won’t be ripped out when a more robust video conference solution in. The is a real small field of vendors for this and was only able to get a couple quotes. The timeline to put in the audio system is about 3-5 months (set-up contractual relationship & get a time slot) to put in. The project is looking to put the same solution in Bodie, but because it is costly C-IV wants to try it out in Sutter to see if others likes it first. A discussion commenced regarding various video conferencing solutions. Nancy asked if the counties would have to buy certain type of equipment to use this. Scot answered, the solution C-IV was looking into was more focused with C-IV interactive with LRS; with no kind of foot print in the counties. A question was asked what is the value for the counties. This was more focused on committee meetings to get everybody together and have a meaningful conversation. Lisa Salas added, that Karen and Dorothy talked about doing joint design and it can be hard to joint design over the phone and be interactive. Tom asked if you could found out the value to identify what the technical specs are to participate remotely.

9.  M&O Application Update

Summary: Michele Peterson, Lisa Salas, and Scot Bailey provided an update on recent M&O Project activities and their status.

C-IV Outage

7/14 – C-IVs production data center is located in a large building with other tenants/offices at a different location. There were contractors doing work for another tenant in the building, the contractors did some things that lead to a small flood and also set off the safety alarms and triggered a lock down of the air conditioning unit. There are three separate air conditioning units in the data center. The reason we do this is in cause one fells, the other two can keep going so it doesn’t get hot. The servers at certain temperatures will shut off automatically and some are very hard/troublesome to bring back up. The temperature climbed to 94 degrees, building management will not remotely enable the air conditioning, the tech team made the call a little before 7 to shut down the equipment and sent notification a little after that. Shortly after that the air conditioning came back on and dropped down to 80 degrees. Tech team ran into lots of problems and took until 10:40am to get various services turned back on. C-IV was at the mercy of somebody (external entity) we had nothing to do with and that gave C-IV something to think about that they never considered.