Anatomy and Physiology Final Review

Answer the following questions, create the charts, and define the vocabulary words. Bring back completed on the day of the final to see what you will be able to use for the final.

Ch. 1 Essential Questions:

1)Explain how Anatomy and Physiology are related.

2)Name the levels of structural organization for the body AND explain how they are related.

3)For each of the following organs, say which organ system it belongs to:

  1. Heart
  2. Stomach
  3. Glands
  4. Brain
  5. Skin
  6. Lungs
  7. Cartilage
  8. Heart Muscle
  9. Ovaries
  10. Lymph Nodes
  11. Kidneys

4)List the 8 functions that humans must perform in order to maintain life

5)List the survival needs of humans

6)Explain why homeostasis is important

7)Describe Negative Feedback and give an example.

8)Describe the anatomical position.

9)Using your knowledge of the orientation and directional terms, complete the following sentences

  1. The knee is ______to the thigh.
  2. The ear is ______to the nose.
  3. The chest is ______to the chin.
  4. The breastbone is ______to the spine.
  5. The eyes are ______to the mouth.

Ch. 2 Essential Questions:

1)Differentiate between matter and energy.

2)Explain how each of the 4 types of energy are different.

3)Draw an atom of Carbon and label its Protons, Neutrons, and Electrons.

4)Name the 4 most abundant elements found in the Human Body.

5)Compare and contrast Ionic and Covalent Bonds.

6)What is an organic compound?

  1. Name the four most important organic compounds found in the human body

7)Why is water such an important feature in the body?

8)Why is salt an important part of the body?

9)Why are Carbohydrates so important to life?

  1. Give examples of sources of Carbohydrates

10)Why are lipids important to life?

  1. Give examples of sources of Lipids

11)Why are Proteins so important to life?

  1. Give examples of sources of proteins

12)Why are Nucleic Acids so important to life?

  1. Compare and Contrast DNA and RNA

Ch. 10 Essential Questions:

You must answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper!

  1. Identify the components of blood plasma and why is it so important?
  2. Identify which Leukocyte would be involved in the following
  3. Parasitic wormsb. releasing histaminesc. macrophagesd. phagocytes
  4. Explain how you would decide what kind of blood an AB+ person could receive in a transfusion. Explain why you would or would not use each blood type in the transfusion.
  5. Describe which antigens are present on the following blood types ABO and Rh
  6. A+ b. AB- c. O- d. O+ e. B-
  7. Universal Donor ______
  8. Universal Recipient ______

Ch. 12 Essential Questions:

You must answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper!

  1. Identify the function of the body’s Nonspecific Defenses?
  2. Describe how each of the following non-specific defenses works:
  3. Surface Membrane Barriers
  4. Inflammatory Response
  5. Fever
  6. Explain the function of Humoral Immunity?
  7. Explain the function of Cell-Mediated Immunity?
  8. Explain the difference between Active and Passive Immunity.
  9. What is the overreaction of the immune system called? The overreaction is caused by the release of which chemicals?
  10. How can a destroyed or even weakened (attenuated) virus help us develop immunity towards a disease?

Ch. 7 Essential Questions

Ch. 7 Figures from the book that you need to know!

Figure 7.1: The nervous system’s functions (p.203)

Figure 7.2: Organization of the nervous system (p. 204)

Figure 7.4: Structure of a typical motor neuron (p. 206)

You must be able to identify the following structures on a diagram

Neuron / Axon / Nodes
Cell Body / Axon Terminals / Schwann Cells
Dendrites / Myelin Sheath

Ch. 7 Essential Questions:

You must answer these questions on a separate sheet of paper in complete sentences!

  1. List the general functions of the nervous system
  2. What structures make up the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System?
  3. Describe the functional classification of the Nervous System. Explain the function of each part.
  4. Describe the difference between the words AFFERENT and EFFERENT
  5. Describe how a nerve impulse travels through a neuron how it moves from one neuron to another
  6. Describe a situation that would lead to a Reflex Arc, then describe the physiological events of a Reflex Arc.

Chapter 1 Key Vocabulary:

Anatomy / Integumentary System
Physiology / Skeletal System
Tissue / Muscular System
Organ / Nervous System
Homeostasis / Endocrine System
Anatomical Position / Cardiovascular System
Superior / Lymphatic System
Inferior / Respiratory System
Anterior / Digestive System
Posterior / Urinary System
Medial / Reproductive System
Sagittal Section
Frontal Section
Transverse Section

Chapter 2 Key Vocabulary:

Matter / Neutron / Ionic Bond / Salts / Carbohydrates
Energy / Electron / Hydrogen Bond / Acid / Lipids
Atom* / Molecule / Organic Compounds / Base / Proteins
Proton* / Covalent Bond / Water / pH / Nucleic Acids

Chapter 10/12 Key Vocabulary:


Immune System / Cell-Mediated Immunity
Pathogen / Antigen
Phagocyte / B lymphocytes
Natural Killer Cells / T lymphocytes
Inflammatory Response / Macrophage
Humoral Immunity / Active Immunity
Antibody / Passive Immunity
Formed Elements / Lymphocytes
Plasma / Monocytes
Eosinophils / ABO Blood Groups
Basophils / Rh blood groups

Chapter 7 Key Vocabulary:

Nervous System / Myelin sheath / Somatic Nervous System
Sensory Input / Nodes of ranvier / Neuron
Integration / Axon / Reflex arc
Motor Output / dendrite
Central Nervous System / synapse
Peripheral Nervous System / neurotransmitter