Classroom Rules

Mr. Howard

1. Be on time for class. You are expected to be in your seat and ready for the day to begin. Tardy is not an option. They will be recorded in the log book each day.

2. RESPECT of other students, teacher, and substitutes should be a priority at all times.

3. RESTROOM use or out of class time is 10 times per quarter. Once those are used up, you will not be allowed to leave the classroom. These are recorded in your agenda book.

4. You will be expected to have the necessary school supplies for maximum use of your class time. PENS, PENCILS, PAPER, AND A THREE RING BINDER. If you do not have these items, tell the teacher and we will try and get them to you if possible.

5. CELL PHONES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE CLASSROOM. DO NOT HAVE THEM OUT. THEY WILL BE TAKEN UP AND TURNED IN TO THE OFFICE, They can, however be used on occasion for looking up material for class at the teacher’s discretion if we are working on a project that requires internet usage.

6. I do check dress code as it may be on a daily basis. Please follow the rules set forth in board policy.

7. I do not allow drinks (except for water) or food in class unless it is approved by me or a special 0ccasion.

8. The following are how offenses in the classroom are handled:

  • 1st offense – Warning.
  • 2nd offense- Warning.
  • 3rd offense – Supervised Study.
  • 4th offense – Supervised Study for (2) days
  • 5th offense – ISS – 3 days

9. It is your responsibility to ask for your make-up work should you be absent. Grades are most often daily and that will result in missed assignments. Example would be if you are absent you will have 5 days to make up your work.

10. Tests are 100 points, Notebooks are 100 points, Daily grades, quizzes, lab work are all 50 points each.

11. SAE completion in AET on line is also 100 points.

12. FFA membership is encouraged so that you may attend meetings and field trips, state and national conventions and participation in CDE’S. Dues are $12.00 and payable to Mr. Howard the first two weeks of school.

13. You are required to take a safety test for each Ag. Class and must score 100% in order to remain in the class.

14. Remember: You can achieve whatever you desire if you believe in yourself.

15. Let the adventure begin……….