A Long Term Investment in Life

I moved to the United States from Taiwan about 10 years ago with my husband and two teenage daughters. I quickly realized the living environment and the culture in the USA are greatly different from Taiwan. My husband and I joined a local gym since we have free time in the evenings. I never exercised when I lived in Taiwan; Myhusband goes to gym every night after dinner, and I always have different excuses not to go.

I was a full time employee, and always felt tired after work. I had allergies sometimes, but my allergies got worse once I moved to the USA. I slept very late during the weekends due to being tired and my allergies. My daughters complained a lot because I did not spend much time with them. I was always in a bad mood because I had no energy.

One morning, I talked to my husband about how to get rid of my allergies and gain strength without taking meds or supplements. He told me "exercise" is the best solution. I kind of doubted it, but I was going to try it because I had ran out of alternatives.

This time, I changed my exercise schedule, I went to group exercise classes instead of using strength equipment or cardio.My husband laughed at me after my first Zumba class, he said I had two dead feet. I told him that was very nice encouragement, and you just wait and watch, I will surprise you someday.

I talked to my instructor and she taught me the basic steps for Zumba salsa, and I practiced at home. I was doing much better after a month, then I started going to every Zumba class. I started learning the steps and movements within two months. After six months of steady exercise, I could feel my health and energy level changing. I became a Zumba instructor two years ago. I have been doing Zumba fitness for about 9 years, and I do not have allergies like I used to have. I do not get sick very often either. Sometimes, when I have a cold, I can get over it quicker without taking medicines if I just keep exercising.

Many friends tell me that my face and figure have not change very much over the years, and asked me what my secret was to keep my weight stable, and looking young. I told them "exercise" and "smiles" are my secrets. I believe "exercise" is a long term investment in your life, and there are so many benefits that this investment returns to us.

Taking care of your body is your responsibility. No one else is going to do it for you. The facts are simple; if you take care of your body, it will take care of you for many years. If you do not take care of your body, parts will start to fail early just like ignoring your car maintenance.

According to health research, people who exercise on a regular basis are happier, have much less chance of heart disease, certain cancers, depression, anxiety, stress and of course, gaining unwanted weight. The government has published thousands of documents regarding the benefits of a healthy exercise program. Exercise simply provides you a healthy and longer life.

I suggest people join a local gym membership. You may think it is expensive, but $0.95 a day, and 45 minutes of your time in a fitness center, is cheaper than cigarettes or beer. You need to look at this as an investment in your life.

If you can dedicate just six months of your time, you will be back for another six months because the benefits of exercise will start to be visually evident. You will look better, feel better, have more confidence in yourself, and you will want to continue. Actually, your body will be telling you to continue. Exercise creates endorphins in your body and these hormones signal your brain and urge you to go workout because you feel better and happier when you do.

There are few basic steps to get started:

· Convince yourself you want to have a healthy, long life

· Try different types of exercises, different equipment, or try group exercise

· Bring along a friend or partner to workout with you

· Have a trainer stay with you for instruction and encouragement

I could tell you health facts the government provides us for awareness, but actually, if we just stop to think about it, we do not need to ask the government what is wrong with us, or what we need to do to improve ourselves. We all know that exercise is good for us, don't we? The hardest part of exercising is just getting started. However, once you create a regular workout schedule, you will stick to it. Many clubs are reasonably priced and have friendly environments with trained people who want to help you help yourself.

Invest in your future, invest in your life, and start to exercise now!

I moved to the United States from Taiwan about 10 years ago with my husband and two teenage daughters. I quickly realized the living environment and the culture in the USA are greatly different from Taiwan. My husband and I joined a local gym since we have free time in the evenings. I never exercised when I lived in Taiwan; Myhusband goes to gym every night after dinner, and I always have different excuses not to go.

I was a full time employee, and always felt tired after work. I had allergies sometimes, but my allergies got worse once I moved to the USA. I slept very late during the weekends due to being tired and my allergies. My daughters complained a lot because I did not spend much time with them. I was always in a bad mood because I had no energy.

One morning, I talked to my husband about how to get rid of my allergies and gain strength without taking meds or supplements. He told me "exercise" is the best solution. I kind of doubted it, but I was going to try it because I had ran out of alternatives.

This time, I changed my exercise schedule, I went to group exercise classes instead of using strength equipment or cardio.My husband laughed at me after my first Zumba class, he said I had two dead feet. I told him that was very nice encouragement, and you just wait and watch, I will surprise you someday.

I talked to my instructor and she taught me the basic steps for Zumba salsa, and I practiced at home. I was doing much better after a month, then I started going to every Zumba class. I started learning the steps and movements within two months. After six months of steady exercise, I could feel my health and energy level changing. I became a Zumba instructor two years ago. I have been doing Zumba fitness for about 9 years, and I do not have allergies like I used to have. I do not get sick very often either. Sometimes, when I have a cold, I can get over it quicker without taking medicines if I just keep exercising.

Many friends tell me that my face and figure have not change very much over the years, and asked me what my secret was to keep my weight stable, and looking young. I told them "exercise" and "smiles" are my secrets. I believe "exercise" is a long term investment in your life, and there are so many benefits that this investment returns to us.

Taking care of your body is your responsibility. No one else is going to do it for you. The facts are simple; if you take care of your body, it will take care of you for many years. If you do not take care of your body, parts will start to fail early just like ignoring your car maintenance.

According to health research, people who exercise on a regular basis are happier, have much less chance of heart disease, certain cancers, depression, anxiety, stress and of course, gaining unwanted weight. The government has published thousands of documents regarding the benefits of a healthy exercise program. Exercise simply provides you a healthy and longer life.

I suggest people join a local gym membership. You may think it is expensive, but $0.95 a day, and 45 minutes of your time in a fitness center, is cheaper than cigarettes or beer. You need to look at this as an investment in your life.

If you can dedicate just six months of your time, you will be back for another six months because the benefits of exercise will start to be visually evident. You will look better, feel better, have more confidence in yourself, and you will want to continue. Actually, your body will be telling you to continue. Exercise creates endorphins in your body and these hormones signal your brain and urge you to go workout because you feel better and happier when you do.

There are few basic steps to get started:

· Convince yourself you want to have a healthy, long life

· Try different types of exercises, different equipment, or try group exercise

· Bring along a friend or partner to workout with you

· Have a trainer stay with you for instruction and encouragement

I could tell you health facts the government provides us for awareness, but actually, if we just stop to think about it, we do not need to ask the government what is wrong with us, or what we need to do to improve ourselves. We all know that exercise is good for us, don't we? The hardest part of exercising is just getting started. However, once you create a regular workout schedule, you will stick to it. Many clubs are reasonably priced and have friendly environments with trained people who want to help you help yourself.

Invest in your future, invest in your life, and start to exercise now!

I moved to the United States from Taiwan about 10 years ago with my husband and two teenage daughters. I quickly realized that the living environment and the culture in the USA are greatly different from Taiwan. My husband and I decided to join a local gym since we had free time in the evenings. I had never exercised when I lived in Taiwan. My husband went to gym every night after dinner, but I always had different excuses not to go.

I was working full time and always felt tired after work. I had allergies in Taiwan, but my allergies got worse after I moved to the USA. I slept very late on the weekends due to being allergic and tired. My daughters complained a lot because I did not spend much time with them. I was always in a bad mood because I had no energy.

One morning, I was talking to my husband about how to get rid of my allergies and gain strength without taking meds or supplements. He told me ‘exercise’ is the best solution. I kind of doubted it, but I decided to try to go to the gym because I had run out of alternatives.

I decided to go to group exercise classes instead of using strength equipment or cardio. My husband laughed at me after my first Zumba class. He said I had two left feet. I told him, “Thank you for the nice encouragement. Just wait and watch. I will surprise you someday.”

I got help from my instructor, she taught me the basic steps for Zumba salsa, and I practiced at home. I was doing much better after a month, and then I started going to every Zumba class. I started learning all the steps and movements within two months. After six months of steady exercise, I could feel my health and energy level changing. Eventually, I became a Zumba instructor. I have been doing Zumba fitness for about 9 years, and I no longer have allergies like I used to have. I do not get sick very often either. Sometimes, when I have a cold, I can get over it quickly without taking medicines if I just keep exercising.

Many friends tell me that my face and figure have not changed very much over the years, and they ask me what my secret is to keep my weight stable, and looking young. I told them "exercise" and "smiling" are my secrets. I believe "exercise" is a long term investment in your life, and there are so many benefits that this investment returns to us.

Taking care of your body is your responsibility. No one else is going to do it for you. The facts are simple; if you take care of your body, it will take care of you for many years. If you do not take care of your body, parts will start to fail early just like ignoring your car maintenance.

According to health research, people who exercise on a regular basis are happier. They have much less chance of heart disease, cancers, depression, anxiety, stress, and of course, gaining unwanted weight. The benefits of exercise will start to be visually evident. You will look better, feel better, have more confidence in yourself, and you will want to continue. Actually, your body will be telling you to continue. Exercise creates endorphins in your body and these hormones signal your brain and urge you to go work out because you feel better and happier when you do. Exercise simply provides you a healthy and longer life. I suggest people join a local gym membership. You may think it is expensive but it’s cheaper than cigarettes or beer.

There are few basic steps to get started:

· Convince yourself you want to have a healthy, long life

· Try different types of exercises, different equipment, or group exercise

· Bring along a friend or partner to work out with you

· Have a trainer stay with you for instruction and encouragement

The hardest part of exercising is just getting started. However, once you create a regular workout schedule, you will stick to it. Invest in your future, invest in your life, and start to exercise now!