Bitterne Park School


Title of Post / Head of Finance & Operations
Hours / 37 hours pw / 52 weeks
Salary Position / Grade 12 (Range £42,866 - £50,644)
Responsible to: / Headteacher & Governors
Team membership / Senior Leadership Team, Extended Leadership Team, Governors meetings, staff meetings and others as required.
Direct Supervisory responsibility for: / All Heads of Operations:
Finance Office Team
Personnel Manager
Extended Schools Manager
Supervisory responsibility with a linked member of the Senior Management Team / Site Operations Manager
School Catering Division
Important Functional Relationships / Internal: Governors, Local school Governing Bodies, Executive Headteacher and orAssociate Headteacher, Senior Leadership Teams, Middle Leaders, teachers, support staff, pupils.
External: Parents; business partners including bankers; HMRC; suppliers of goods and services; EFA; DfE; Local Authority; internal and external auditors; consultants; other school networks; all other contractors.
Leadership Purposes / To contribute to the realisation of Bitterne Park School’s objectives and the strategic targets of the School Business Plan as part of the senior leadership team.
To lead the development of the School Trust’s Financial and Operations functions to ensure high quality delivery
To act as the strategic focus for all business management functions for Headteacher, SLT, Governors and staff.
To participate fully in the management of the School Trust, taking the lead in projects as required.
To take an active role in strategic planning processes and be aware of relevant internal & external developments, internal, local, external changes.
To undertake scenario planning, options appraisal and strategic organisational risk assessment and management and make recommendations to allow Headteacher, Governors and the Senior team, Including the HR and Finance, to make informed decisions.
To present fully costed proposals to SLT and the Directors as required.
To establish the Bitterne Park School School Trust’s commercial strategy, using the highest commercial standards, by developing a network of commercial activities to support the School’s educational aims, add value for students, maximise and enhance the budget and develop the reputation of the School locally and nationally. This will be done by:
  • Developing and maximising the assets including the School Trust’s resources, plant, and facilities; Developing a network of schools to develop effective services for improvement and for income generation; support school improvement and CPD; develop the curriculum, deliver new initiatives and identify new opportunities;
  • Preparing and submitting bids and generating income through other business opportunities including developing a network of potential sponsors/delivery partners/investment opportunities;
  • Co-ordinating authorised projects Programme Management to ensure maximum organisational benefits while maintaining a creative, innovative culture;
  • Making use of specialist financial advice, including investment advisors
To take responsibility for strategic capital management and capital development plans, the oversight of all aspects of maintenance of the school site, the buildings and their efficient operation.
To co-ordinate all aspects of Health and Safety taking responsibility for all aspects of risk management, including the completion of up to date risk assessments, appropriate legal checks to meet audit requirements and reports to Governors.
To line manage the development of all human resource management, taking note of all legalities.
In liaison with the ICT Infrastructure Manager, to ensure the smooth running, efficient, sustainable, future proofed ICT and administration systems.
To monitor implementation of policies and procedures, providing support and specialist expertise where necessary.
Change Management / To be aware of and take responsibility for managing the change in Financial and Operational Functions explicit and implicit in the development from LA school to Academy truststatus as a future possible development.
To develop a consistent approach to programme leadership/project management in all Trust projects, ensuring efficient and effective change management processes, including early interventions to avoid unsuccessful projects.
To be a member of the Priority School Build development team.
Financial Management / To be responsible for all accountancy of School finances, provide advice on matters relating to finance and financial policy; responsible for the management of all aspects of financial practices and procedures associated with the delegated budget, devolved funds and private funds so as to ensure legitimate and appropriate spending and budget management, value for money and effective monitoring procedures.
To be responsible for annual capital and revenue budget planning and subsequent reforecasts of income and expenditure, for approval by the Head and Governors.
To be responsible for budget monitoring and preparation of budget reports, including provision of accurate estimates, forecasts and projections in conjunction with the Headteacher, SLT, Finance Committee and Finance Business Manager.
To report regularly to the Finance & Premises Committee, or other Governors as appropriate, to ensure they are able to monitor the financial situation of the School and any arising issues or decisions that need to be made with regard to finance.
To ensure financial returns to DfE and Companies House and other agencies are completed and reported as required.
To promote the efficient, effective and economic use of resources.
To ensure financial and other management information is accurate, clear and timely.
To plan and manage cash flow and investment activity.
To be responsible for compliance and resolution of issues with all accounting procedures, laws, regulations, relevant codes of practice and internal operating procedures and to monitor/maintain those procedures by conducting periodic reviews and annual review.
To protect from losses of all kinds including theft, fraud, fire, flood, legal suits, and damage to reputation.
To liaise and negotiate with providers of goods and services and third party contractors in consultation with the Headteacher, including negotiations with service level agreements in accordance with Best Value frameworks. To conduct regular reviews of arrangements to ensure Best Value for money and high standards of service from contractors.
To line manage payroll and pension services for all staff to ensure full reconciliation and accurate payments to staff and third parties (in case of deductions).
To regularly review accounting systems, procedures and working practices to ensure compliance with financial regulations and audit requirements.
To oversee preparation of the annual accounts ready for audit.
To act as a cheque signatory.
To be responsible for maintaining a fixed asset register and system of inventory control.
To ensure that advice is provided to budget holders on budget planning and spending against budgets to ensure legitimate, cost effective and appropriate use of funds and recommendation for remedial action where necessary.
To provide estimates of income and expenditure for projects and carry out financial viability appraisals.
To ensure HMRC, VAT and pension payments are correct and timely.
To maximise income generation within the ethos of the School.
To ensure adequate insurances are in place so that all risks are reasonably covered.
Human Resources / To undertake a strategic review of the HR function within the Trust and make proposals regarding required roles.
To supervise the work of the HR Manager’s work as detailed in the job description as required
To be responsible for the strategic implementation and regular review of all non-teaching staffing structures.
To advise and assist with strategic implementation and regular review of teaching staffing structures.
To be responsible for the evaluation of the School’s personnel strategic objectives.
To advise on workforce planning including a strategy for development and succession management.
To be responsible for personnel matters and functions relating to all staff, including contracts of employment, sickness and other absence, maintaining accurate personnel information and records, recruitment, training, salaries and expenses.
To ensure personnel policies and procedures are followed including contract renewal, award of increments, staff discipline and grievance procedures, and that they are reviewed periodically.
To advise the Head and Governors on policies needed to comply with Employment law.
To formulate, monitor and implement the safety policy to comply with Health & Safety at Work Act and other legislation.
To be responsible for the annual review of pay and conditions of each employee and advise Governors and Headteacher with regard to proposed amendments.
To liaise with trade unions and professional associations.
To provide information, training, instruction and supervision as required.
As required, to ensure the efficient operation of the School staff performance management scheme and reviews are conducted within the areas of responsibility. Make arrangements for staff training in accordance with the defined development areas for staff and operational requirements.
Facilities & Property Management / To contribute to the strategic leadership of the development of the Facilities and Properties of the School.
To oversee the Premises Manager’s work as detailed in the job description.
To liaise with building contractors, architects, planning departments and other related agencies as required.
To be aware of the maintenance, cleaning, servicing and repair of the buildings, grounds, services and installation of equipment, furniture, fittings and services.
To review efficiency of utilisation of space.
To contribute to site security and future risk assessments.
To be aware of the supervision of relevant planning and construction processes in line with contractual obligations and with due regard to Health and Safety.
To monitor, assess and review contractual obligations of providers of site services.
To liaise and monitor catering, cleaning and other services.
To monitor the effectiveness and efficiency of contracted out operations.
To oversee the lettings of the school premises to outside organisations and school staff and for the development of all school facilities for out of school use.
To be responsible for maintaining and developing the concept of a Healthy School, particularly in respect of catering services and in partnership with curriculum delivery.
To be aware of the school disaster recovery plan through consultation with the Head and to ensure that such procedures are clearly communicated to all staff and SLT.
To have hands on leadership of the management of all aspects of the School’s Health & Safety policy and processes, including implementation, regular review and reporting to Governors or the Health and Safety Executive.
To ensure the maximum level of security consistent with the ethos of the School.
General Responsibilities of Head of Finance & Operations / To be aware of and to adhere to the child protection policy and procedures.
To be aware and to adhere to applicable rules, regulations, legislation and procedures (eg: school equal opportunities policy/code of conduct), national legislation (Health and Safety, Data Protection)
To maintain confidentiality of information acquired in the course of undertaking all duties.
To be responsible for own continuing self-development, undertaking training as appropriate.
To be responsible for all the above tasks but free to allocate duties and delegate authority to members of support staff as appropriate to their grade.
To undertake other duties appropriate to the grading of the post as required.