Elementary Dress Code

Brentwood Baptist Christian Academy

Polo Shirts: All students must wear a collared polo shirt with 2 – 4 buttons NOT zippers, ties, or snaps

These are knit shirts – No regular blouses or shirts may be worn (see example)

·  Any color other than camouflage is acceptable (solid, plaid striped, flowers, etc. – but no bold print)

·  Must be long enough to cover all skin even when hands are raised above the head

·  Must be buttoned except for top button at the neck


·  All girls must wear a jumper or skirt (a sleeveless dress will count as a jumper)

o  Any color is acceptable. NO Denim or Jean material

o  Hemlines must be to the bottom of the knee when standing or sitting

è  (when kneeling the jumper/skirt must touch the floor in front and back)

o  Must be full enough to allow participation in games, running, etc. during recess gym

No skorts may be worn – skirt in front & shorts in back, etc

·  Should wear shorts under their jumpers/skirts for recess – not longer than the jumper/skirt

·  May wear slacks (not jeans) under their school dress at recess and to and from school only – not during class. (Tight-fitting leggings may be worn under girls’ skirts during the day from Dec. – Spring Break.)

·  Should keep their hair neat

·  May not wear makeup, perfume, nylons, or excessive jewelry

·  With pierced ears may only wear post earrings for safety reasons – no dangling earrings please


·  All boys must wear dress pants – A belt must be worn if there are belt loops

o  Any color is acceptable. NO Denim or Jean material

o  No top stitching (outer stitching)

o  Inset pockets – no flaps on the pockets – no cargo pants

·  Boys shirts are to be tucked in at all times other than during active play

·  Must keep hair cut with the tapered look, neat trim, and above the ear and collar

·  May not wear necklaces or effeminate jewelry

Undershirts, etc.: must be a solid color – white or match the color of the shirt

Shoes and Socks: must be worn at all times (gym shoes may be worn in class)

·  Should fit and preferably tie or fasten with Velcro

·  No backless shoes – No platform shoes – No high-heeled shoes

Programs: Students must wear dress shoes for programs – NO GYM SHOES

·  Boys will wear white, long-sleeved dress shirts, dark pants, dark socks, and ties for participations in all programs

Gym Dress Code: All students must wear gym shoes for gym class

·  Students may change clothes for gym

o  Loose-fitting sweatpants, etc. or knee-length shorts (no spandex/tight fitting, no jean material)

o  T-shirts with NO PRINTING – No sleeveless tops

·  Girls not changing clothes must wear shorts under their jumpers/skirts (not longer than the jumper/skirt)

Decorated Items: backpacks, notebooks, lunchboxes, shoes, jackets, etc.

·  May not promote live or animated – violent or aggressive entertainment personalities

Inappropriate Dress: If a child comes to school in something other than the prescribed dress code…

·  The child will be asked to change

·  If necessary, the parent will be called and the child will not be allowed back to class until he/she is dressed appropriately.

The School Dress Code Will Apply:

Ø  At ALL school activities (games, kindergarten/elementary/high school programs, etc.

Ø  Any time students are in the building on regular school days including days when they are absent from actual school attendance

**The Administration reserves the right to determine what is acceptable in matters of dress and appearance.

1516 elementary dress code 4/9/2015