
Round table Conference on measures against IUU fishing

Trondheim, Norway August 7th 2006

The Round table Conference was hosted by Ms. Helga Pedersen, Minister of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs of Norway, in Trondheim, Norway, on August 7th 2006. The Conference was attended by the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries of Portugal, the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries of Morocco, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Affairs of Sweden, the Minister for Environment and Rural Affairs, Scottish Executive, the State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Germany. Iceland was represented by its Ambassador to Norway. The Minister for Local Environment, Marine and Animal Welfare, UK, and the European Commission were represented by senior fisheries officials.

Ms Pedersen underlined the value of this ministerial conference in strengthening a common understanding of the main priorities for action in fisheries and oceans issues regarding measures against IUU fishing. [i]

Eliminating IUU fishing

The participants stressed that IUU fishing is nothing short of theft from legitimate fishermen which undermines conservation and management of fish stocks and the economic benefits for the legitimate users of the resources. This is a practise which despite sustained efforts to end it, remains widespread both in areas under national jurisdiction and on the high seas.

They reiterated their full commitment to implement agreed conservation and management measures. They deeply regretted that some vessels continue to break the rules established by Regional Fisheries Management Organisations (RFMOs). Appropriate sanctions must be applied on a non-discriminatory basis against vessels infringing those measures in order to secure full compliance and thus deprive offenders of the benefits accruing from IUU fishing.

The participants stressed the value of continuing cooperative efforts to combat IUU fishing in particular through closer cooperation between relevant RFMOs. They agreed on the need to improve the implementation of monitoring and control measures, and to draw attention to any fishing behaviour that undermines the conservation measures of RFMOs.

Furthermore, they noted the need for RFMOs to build common databases and exchange information to improve transparency on quotas, catches and landing data in accordance with national legislation. Therefore each country and other competent parties should be willing to give data on catches, landings and transhipment of fish to the relevant RFMO. They also recognised the importance of improving bilateral cooperation with respect to monitoring, control and surveillance.

The participants noted the outcome of the High Seas Task Force (HSTF) on IUU fishing and agreed to examine its recommendations with a view to joining in appropriate activities. They also appreciated the efforts to date of the International Monitoring, Control and Surveillance Network (MCS Network).

Furthermore, they agreed to increase awareness of the detrimental effects of doing business with vessels engaged in IUU fishing. They stressed the need to identify marketing and sales routes of fish derived from IUU activities with a view to taking appropriate action.

The participants were in agreement that flag States should not authorise their vessels to fish unless the State fully exercises its obligations under international law to control the activities of these vessels when fishing both on the high seas and in areas under national fisheries jurisdiction.

They also agreed to look further at future activities on strengthening Port State Control, through the development of a legally binding instrument as advised by the 2006 United Nations Fish Stock Agreement (UNFSA) Review Conference, and to consider the potential for a comprehensive regional scheme for Port State control, based on the FAO model.

Actions envisaged

The participants agreed on the need for taking actions, including the following:

·  denying IUU vessels access to ports and provisions as well as any other form of support;

·  preventing the marketing of fish caught by IUU vessels;

·  ensuring that sanctions in all jurisdictions are sufficient to deter nationals and beneficiaries from engaging in IUU fishing;

·  improving traceability of products to prevent access of illegally caught fish to legal markets;

·  improving cooperation in control to counteract IUU activities;

·  coordinating efforts to ensure compliance by non-contracting parties;

·  continuing the work of strengthening and modernising RFMOs, including governance and compliance, taking into account the outcomes of the current HSTF model RFMO work;

·  incorporating the outcome of the 2006 UNFSA Review Conference in national policies;

·  increasing efforts to conclude agreements on the management of unregulated fish stocks;

·  increasing cooperation among RFMOs on lists of confirmed IUU vessels to establish a list of these vessels so that all RFMOs can take appropriate action against them;

·  to assist developing countries to establish appropriate mechanisms to combat IUU fishing.

Helga Pedersen,
Minister of Fisheries and
Coastal Affairs of Norway
/ Mohand Laenser,
Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries of Morocco
Jaime Silva,
Minister of Agriculture, Rural
Development and Fisheries of Portugal
/ Ross Finnie,
Minister for Environment and Rural Affairs, Scottish Executive
Ann-Christin Nykvist,
Minister of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Affairs of Sweden
/ Gert Lindemann,
State Secretary of the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection, Germany
Stefán Skjaldarson,
Iceland's Ambassador to Norway
/ Darius Campbell, DEFRA
on behalf of The Minister for Local Environment, Marine and
Animal Welfare, UK
Constantin Alexandrou,
Special Adviser, DG Fisheries,
European Commission