CITLA Advisory Board Meeting
September 26, 2012 2-3pm
Lincoln: 2602 Providence: 1208 Warwick:4104 Newport: 233
Attending:Karen Griscom, Karen Kortz;Jeanne Mullaney; Debbie Notarianni-Girard, Cecile Roberti, Ruth Sullivan
1. WelcomeJeanne officially welcomed Karen Griscom as the new CITLA faculty coordinator who began working on CITLA projects over the summer.
2. CITLA events this fall (ADA webinars—replay in Newport and Providence with DSS staff available afterwards for Q & A, Brown Bag sessions on the silent discussion technique and inside-out teaching, Turning Technology clickers workshops, Critical Thinking FLC will continue and Leading Text-Based Discussions FLC will start in November)
- New this year
- Teaching Tips go out to CITLA list and are posted on MyCCRI for all faculty, hard copies in mailboxes for fall 2012
- Collaboration with ATAC and IT –Blackboard and EAC Outcomes workshops in the works
- Visits to Newport on 9/26 and Providence on 11/7 campuses to talk with faculty there
3. Winter Workshop during January intersession
a. Theme: Teaching the First-Year Student
- Recommended speakers: Amy Baldwin and Joe Cuseo
Because of the unpredictable weather in RI, the advisory board feels that we should look for speakers closer to home such as perhaps Laurie Hazard or Bob Shea (both of Bryant University). Amy Baldwin will be considered for the Spring Symposium instead.
4. Survey to assess efficacy of CITLA programming
As of 9/26, there were 32 responses to the survey indicating the different ways that faculty and staff have implemented what they’ve learned at CITLA events. There is also data on topics and formats of interest. Karen G. and Jeanne will prepare a summary of responses to be shared with respondents and with the Advisory Board. Respondents indicated that they prefer the extended day format and also workshops as part of PDD. Perhaps this year we will create a CITLA track or conference within the conference.
5. CITLA Resources
CITLA has purchased 128 titles to complement the existing library holdings on teaching, learning and assessment. These are mostly books, but some DVDs. Advisory Board members are urged to send titles of interest to Jeanne. Sending out a few titles on a theme might be a way to inform faculty and staff of the wealth of resources we have.
6. NERCOMPPresentation
Karen Griscom, Jeanne, Wendy Aronoff and Michael Cunningham are going to make a presentation at NERCOMP on October 11 on the collaboration between CITLA and the Student Success Center. This collaboration resulted in the FLC that focuses on leading text-based discussions in the classroom.
7. Other Items of Interest
Karen Kortz suggested that the Advisory Board establish a CITLA Innovation Award that would go to faculty to recognize and highlight the interesting work and research that our own faculty are doing.
CITLA needs to offer more workshops on different campuses. Perhaps the CITLA Spring Symposium will be hosted on a campus other than Knight this year.
Karen and Jeanne plan to visit NCC and PV again this spring and combine the visit with an event. CITLA could also offer an open house in the Knight Campus office.
Respectfully submitted,
Jeanne Mullaney