The Chapter Letter

The Third Sunday of Easter

Sunday30 April 2017


A very warm welcome to worship at the Cathedral, with a particular greeting to those who are newcomers or visitors. It is a delight to welcome you.

On the horizon, Ascension Day 25 May: Ascension Day is one of the great red letter days of the Christian year, marking the close of the Easter season. It is the last great cry of Alleluia for joy at the resurrection – and we look to Christ as the elevated King of Love. This is a really special day, and celebrations are very much in order. The 5.15pm Festal Eucharist will see the Cathedral Choir leading our praises. The bells will be rung, and a drinks party will follow the service.

Earlier the same day there will be a Eucharist in the Nave at 10.00am. As Dean I will be preside and preach, and Wells Cathedral School will be in attendance. John Davies, Dean

The Installation of the Archdeacon of Wells: The Bishop of Bath & Wells together with the Chapter of Wells Cathedral are pleased to invite you to the Installation of The Revd Canon Anne Gell as Archdeacon of Wells on Saturday 20 May 2017 at 3pm. Although you will not require a ticket for this occasion, if you would like to be present please RSVP to Debbie Jones in the Cathedral office no later than Monday 8 May, indicating your intention to attend, for catering purposes.The congregation are to be seated by 2.40pm as the processions will begin at 2.50pm. Email:

Bishop Michael Perham: With sadness we announced last weekend the death of Bishop Michael on Easter Monday. Bishop Michael’s funeral will be held at Gloucester Cathedral on Saturday 6 May at 2pm. Wells Chapter will be represented, and others from Wells will be warmly welcomed too – indeed a coach may be available, details from Rosie Inge on . Our condolences and prayers are with Alison and her family. John Davies, Dean

Easter attendances: It is good to be able to report that attendances at almost all Holy Week and Easter services were up on last year. At a time when decline is suggested as the only narrative true of the church, that growth is possible is proven here.

Thank you to all those who have examined during Lent their financial contribution to the Cathedral. Early indications are that giving has already increased. These things can sometimes slip the mind, so if needed here is a last gentle nudge. Many thanks again to all who have reflected on this matter. The confidential contact for standing orders/weekly envelopes is Kelly Hall. (Tel: 674483, ext: 280 or email: )

Scaffolding: It can sometimes seem as if all self-respecting cathedrals are covered in scaffolding! The present scaffolding on this cathedral is in connection with a major repair to the Nave Roof. Funding is coming from the World War One Memorial Fund for Cathedrals and from the Friends of Wells Cathedral. Some additional fundraising is also in hand.

John Davies, Dean

Cathedral Campswhich have served Wells and other cathedrals so well in recent years are apparently to be wound up. There is sadness in that: but also a spur to action. In coming weeks I’ll be inviting volunteers to join me in weeding around the Cathedral – and we’ll check to see what else the camps tackled. It’s down to us now! John Davies, Dean

Election Hustings: With a General Election on the horizon, I am in discussion with ecumenical partners with a view to offering the Cathedral as a venue for an evening hustings. More details soon.

John Davies, Dean

City of Culture 2021: As the application from Wells goes in for evaluation and possible shortlisting, the Cathedral has signalled the strongest support for the bid. Thanks go to Lindsay Mann and others who have been working on this. John Davies, Dean

The Precentor, the Reverend Canon Nicholas Jepson-Biddle will be on sabbatical from 1 May to 31 July.

May Specials in the Cathedral Café: Healthy, Homemade and Hearty, come and try one of our fantastic lunch meals as a Weekly Special Only £5.75 each and available Monday – Saturday each week.

W/C 1stMay - Beef Goulash Soup served with a homemade bread roll – using beef from our local butcher here in Wells, with smoked paprika, sweet potato and peppers slow cooked and tender.

Bach Complete Organ Works: Recital 15 – Change of Date.

NOW to be held on Thursday 18 May at 1.05pm (instead of Thursday 4 May)

The fifteenth in the bi-monthly series of organ recitals surveying the complete organ works of J. S. Bach over six years, played by Matthew Owens (Organist and Master of the Choristers)

Taste and See - Meeting for Silent Prayer - Monday 1 May

Taste and See’ takes place on the first Monday of each month in the Chapter Room (firstgate on the left at the bottom of Vicars’ Close, under the Vicars’ Hall), and is open to all. Starting at 6.15pm, there is a five minute introduction led by a member of the clergy or alay person. This is followed by thirty minutes of silence, begun and ended with the ringingof a small bell. The gathering closes with a gentle recitation of an evening prayer, afterwhich people are free to leave quietly. All are welcome. O taste and see how gracious the Lord is. Psalm 34!

Wells Cathedral Community Roll: Back in February we let people know that under the Cathedrals Measure 1999 the Cathedral is required every six years to create a roll containing the names of all those who are members of the Cathedral community who apply to be enrolled. You are eligible to go on the Roll if:

You worship regularly in the Cathedral (over 16 yrs of age)

You are employed by the Cathedral

You act as volunteers at the Cathedral

We have had a really good response but wanted to give those who may have missed the previous notification a chance of this opportunity. All the Volunteers were contacted by Ruth Clacee-Rowe, Volunteer Coordinator, whilst all Cathedral Staff were contacted by Debbie Jones. There is still time to be included and a supply of the forms are available from the Virgers or the Cathedral Office. You are asked to complete the form and return it to Debbie Jones in the Cathedral Office.

Debbie Jones, PA to the Cathedral Administrator

Christian Aid Week House to House Collection: This year is the 60th anniversary of the founding of Christian Aid and Christian Aid Week runs from the 14 -20 May.Last year, the churches in Wells and nearby raised a total of over £6,700 and over £1000 of this came from the Cathedral – a great effort!If you wish to see how this money is used, I would recommend looking at the Christian Aid web site.We have a small but hard-working nucleus of house to house collectors who cover 60% of our patch. Our collectors do sterling work. Some might like to hand over to those with perhaps more time and energy – and we could seek to cover the uncollected 40%.This year, our esteemed Dean is taking a lead by covering a few streets. If anyone is prepared to follow that lead, I would love to hear from them: please telephone 01749 689231or email: . Adrian I’Anson

Elizabeth Dewar RIP: The funeral service for Elizabeth Dewar will take place at Wells Cathedral on Thursday 4 May at 11am, followed by Mendip Crematorium at 12 noon. Afterwards there will be a buffet lunch at the Undercroft in the Bishop's Palace. All are welcome, but if you would like to join the family for lunch would you please contact Judith Chapman at or on 07728 376273 for catering purposes.


Readings for next Sunday’s Eucharist, The Fourth Sunday of Easter with Baptism and Confirmation, will be Acts 2. 42- end and John 10. 1-10.


Mon / 1 / 5.15 pm
6.15 pm / May Bank Holiday
The Choir of St John’s, Glastonbury to sing Evensong
Taste and See Prayer Group in the Chapter Room
Tues / 2 / 7.30 pm / Millfield Choral Evensong in the Quire
Thurs / 4 / 11.00 am / Funeral Service in the Quire
Sat / 6 / 2pm / Lions International Peace Poster Exhibition in the South Cloister until 12 May
Funeral of Bishop Michael Perham at Gloucester Cathedral
Sun / 7 / 9.45 am / Wells Cathedral Confirmation Service