School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences PRES action plan 2017
SSHES scored 95% in the PRES, putting it as one of the top performing schools in the University. Nonetheless there were 7 questions where we scored less than 80%. Detailed below is how we intend to deal with each of the questions
4.4 I have access to the specialist resources necessary for my research (77%)
Some of the comments to this question related to lack of access to journals. Students will be contacted to enquire as to which journals would be useful to subscribe to (that we currently do not). However, whether we will be able to increase subscriptions is somewhat doubtful in the present climate, given the desires to try and reduce library subscriptions. Students will also be reminded of other ways of obtaining papers (e.g., via researchgate)
6.4 I have opportunities to become involved in the wider research community, beyond my department (73%)
Since completion of the PRES, the University has begun a number of PhD initiatives (e.g., PhTea), and all SSHES students have been notified of these opportunities. In addition, PhD students are activiely encouraged to present at National and International conferences annually. We are also in the initial stages of planning for the second annual pan-wales postgraduate sport and exercise science conference which provides a forum for PhD students across Wales to present. The inaugural event was held in Swansea during Easter 2017, with the next one due to be held in Easter 2018 (venue tbc). This year SSHES paid for travel and accommodation expenses for students wishing to travel, and will do the same next year.
8.4 The final assessment procedures for my degree are clear to me (68%)
Although “viva preparation” type sessions are offered it is evident that these could be promoted more actively to students, which will occur from 2018 onwards. Further, staff will be reminded of the importance of making assessment procedures clear to their students.
14.3 I have developed contacts or professional networks during my programme (75%) & 14.4 I have increasingly managed my own professional development during my programme (76%)
It is difficult to provide a detailed plan to deal with these questions as to some extent these are out of school and staff control and are down to the student. Nonetheless the PGR director will highlight these issues to staff and encourage them to encourage their students to take the initiative in these areas.
21.2 I am satisfied with my work-life balance (68%) & 21.3 There is someone I can talk to about my day-to-day problems (68%)
Some of the comments in this section related to a lack of PhD social activities. Since the autumn the PhD students have had a number of social activities, and have developed a now thriving postgraduate collaboration group. Nonetheless there remains a need for staff and the PGR director to remind students about the importance of work-life balance as well as reminding students who they can speak to if they have any problems. The PGR director has a session with the PhD students in November 2017 (to discuss the REF) and so will remind students of who they can speak to should they need to.