Parks Commission Minutes
August 16, 2016
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I. Call to Order: Chair Bye called the meeting to order. Present: Vice Chair Weyer, Commissioner Chirhart, Commissioner Norton, City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Kegley, Arborist Danielson, Summer Park Program Coordinator Zeuli, and Commission-Liaison McComber. Absent: Commissioner Johnson.
II. Approval of Agenda: Commissioner Norton, seconded by Vice Chair Weyer, moved to approve the Agenda. Carried 4-0.
III. Approve Parks Commission Minutes – July 18, 2016: Vice Chair Weyer, seconded by Commissioner Chirhart, moved to approve the Minutes. Carried 4-0.
IV. Department/Commission Liaison Reports:
A. Arborist: Arborist Danielson reported a weed control visit took place on July 28 at the prairie restorations at Swager and Valley View Parks. She stated weeds were pulled and herbicide was applied at the sites.
B. Public Works Director: Public Works Director Kegley reported the trails were scheduled to be sealed in late-August or early-September and would be temporarily closed while the sealant was setting. He said that trail closings would be marked by signage and barricades.
C. Other / Commission Liaison Reports: Commission-Liaison McComber provided the Parks Commissioners with a copy of a letter she received requesting bocce ball courts in the City. She also reported that the City Council approved the purchase of two gazebos at Oak Park Crossing Park.
McComber informed the Parks Commissioners that the City Council requested to set a joint worksession with the Parks Commission on September 19 at 6:00 p.m. at Cover Park to look at possible locations for a Cover Park shelter.
She also reported that the City Council approved to schedule the 2017 Party in the Park in June because 2017 marks the 160-year anniversary of when the City was platted and to encourage neighborhoods to schedule their own National Night Out parties.
Summer Park Program Coordinator Zeuli provided an update on the summer park program.
Chair Bye, seconded by Vice Chair Weyer, moved to accept the Commission/Liaison Reports. Carried 4-0.
V. Visitors/Public Comment: None
VI. Public Hearing: None
VII. New Business: None
VIII. Old Business:
A. Capital Needs Ranking: The Parks Commission reviewed the ranking sheet and discussed various projects on the list. Commissioner Norton suggested a representative come to a Parks Commission meeting to talk about a splash pad. He also requested the bocce ball requester come to a meeting and possibly reach out to the old Tartan Park bocce ball league to see if they would use the court in Oak Park Heights. Commission-Liaison McComber stated she would contact the requester to see if she could come to the October Parks Commission meeting.
B. Park Shelters – Oak Park Crossing Park: City Administrator Johnson reported that the City Council took action at their August meeting to purchase the hexagon shelters with a cupola. He also stated the Council was discussing the process for a new park shelter at Cover Park and wanted to have a joint worksession with the Parks Commission to discuss location.
Chair Bye, seconded by Commissioner Norton, moved to meet with the City Council at Cover Park at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, September 19, 2016. Carried 4-0.
IX. Informational:
A. Joint Worksession with City Council: Monday, September 19, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. at Cover Park
B. Regular Meeting: Monday, September 19, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall
C. Council Representative: Tuesday, September 27 – Commissioner Norton
X. Adjournment:
Commissioner Norton, seconded by Commissioner Chirhart, moved to adjourn. Carried 4-0.
Respectfully submitted,
Jennifer Pinski
City Clerk