Title of proposal

Community Centres and Community Development

Lead officer

Michael McMahon/ Sandra Hayes


  1. Summary of proposal (s)

The proposal that is being considered is:
  • to transfer the running of the 11 Council Community Centresto the voluntary / community sector (VCS)

  1. Description, background and rationale for this proposal

Luton Borough Council runs 11 Community Centres across Luton as follows:
Bury Park, Bushmead,Chaul End, Farley, Futures, Hockwell, Lewsey , Limbury, Park Town, Raynham Way, Saints,
These centres attract about 395,000 visits annuallyand support front line community development services by providing:
  • access to essential/highly valued local services such as day care and child-care, libraries, adult education, wellbeing clubs, leisure/fitness classes etc.
  • space and support for community groups to organise their own activities
  • opportunities for residents to take part in and organise community and social activities i.e. festivals, community celebrations, neighbourhood meetings etc.
  • information and signposting such as Councillor Surgeries
The Council’s Community Development Service (CDS) also direct and provide services to local communities by leading on:
  • the ‘Your Say, Your Way’, Neighbourhood Governance programme(the Council’s community involvement and empowerment programme supporting residents to influence decisions and workwith their councillors to agree priorities for their neighbourhoods)
  • The Council Volunteering Scheme, which provides skills development and job opportunities for local people
  • a range of other community based projects such as the National Citizen Service– a social involvement programme for 16-17 year olds
It should be noted that providing community development services is not a statutory duty. Due to budget pressures, many local authorities have already scaled backthis service and/or transferred responsibility in whole, or in part, to the Voluntary and Community sector.
The proposal
The Council is considering the running of the 11 Community Centres to a local Voluntary and Community organisation.
Staff would transfer to the partner organisation under identical terms and conditions.
If the proposals are approved, the retained Community Development Service would provide a strategic leadership role for community development across Luton – including developing, managing and monitoring the relationship with theVoluntary and Community sector partner and the roles described above.
What does the Council hope to achieve with this proposal?
The proposal would see the service maintained in its present form but on a new financially sustainable footing, which would have a reduced direct cost to the Council. If agreed, it is hoped that the proposal will enable the community centres and frontline community development services to gain maximum benefit from sponsorship or donations from London Luton Airport Ltd and other local and national sources of independent financial support. Therefore there is potential for the service to be improved.
This proposal will reduce pressure on the Council’s budget (approximately £1.26m) and deliver potential savings (£300,000).
What would be different for the residents of Luton if the proposal was accepted?
The proposal to transfer the running of the community centres and frontline community development support services does not include any immediate change in levels of service currently offered.
What might be the consequence of rejecting all of the proposals?
The Council has to balance its budget by law. Equivalent savings to replace any not taken from this service will have to be found from elsewhere.
  1. Findings from our draft Integrated Impact Assessment

A draft Integrated Impact Assessment has been completed. There are neutral and positive impacts for local people as services would be maintained or improved through the proposal; if the proposal was not agreed services would have to be reduced.
A full Integrated Impact Assessment will be conducted once the consultation process has ended.
  1. Actions we will take to reduce the impact of the proposal

If the proposal is approved, the retained Community Development Service would provide a strategic leadership role for community development across Luton– including developing, managing and monitoring the relationship with theVoluntary and Community sector partner and the roles described above.
  1. Consultation – how the public and organisations can tell the Council their views

Consultation will involve:
  • Meetings with Community Developmentstaff (Luton Borough Council) and Unions
  • Meetings with Community Centre Users and their Management Committees
  • Survey for Voluntary and Community Sector in general and those who are specifically affected – groups who use the Community Centres, small businesses (specifically those who use the Centres for Activities)
  • Survey for the general public

  1. Potential cash savings and benefits of this proposal

Transferring over Luton’s community centres to a voluntary sector partner organisation would reduce the direct cost to the Council asvoluntary sector organisations have access to funds that the Council does not. Part of the consultation will involve speaking to potential voluntary sector partners and looking at their funding sources. We will not know the direct saving until we have these discussions.
The main benefit would be the protection of current levels of service delivery that underpin the Council’s key aims, and the provision of future opportunities for service improvement in line with community needs. The actual cash savings would be dependent on the ability of the organisation to raise additional funds but could include up to £1.26m - being the current costs of operating the 11centres and frontline community development services.
  1. For further information on this proposal please contact

Officer name: Sandra Hayes
Telephone: 01582 548777

Comment on this proposal

  • as a resident
  • on behalf of an organisation