Local Offer Review Board Minutes – 13th June 2017

Manchester Parent Carer Forum - Solange Timms & Cath Stone

Speech and Language - Kathryn Geoghegan

Social Care – Coral Henry

Health – Children’s Community Services - Nicky Boag

Career Connect - Aki Ahmed

Parent Champions’ Rep - Geraldine Hills

Clinical Commissioning Group - Selina Morgan

Special school rep – Sue Warner (Melland High School)

Pure Innovations – Debbie John

Our Manchester Disability Plan (previously All Age Disability Strategy) - Yasmin Rothwell

Education SEND Strategy - Julie Hicklin and Tracy Feeley

IASM - Margarette Lee-Chapman

Education Early Help and Young Carers - Maureen Howell

Local Offer Coordinator - Maria Simpkin

CAMHS - Jo Bromley


Talbot House – Jackie Hyde

Lifted - Emma Gerrard

Minutes and Matter Arising

Terms of reference to be signed off at the next LORB

Local Offer Update

·  Local Offer post cards have been produced. Orders being taken by Maria – email your request.

·  Parent Champions have been offered Community Reporter Training – Champions will help to furnish the Local Offer with short media clips to increase use and accessibility of it. They’ll capture parent / young people voice and other relevant stories across the city.

·  We have signed up to the Child Care Trust, Parent Champion scheme – they are able to support with training and data collection / monitoring of our parent champion model.

·  4CT and The Forum have been supported to apply for funds from, ‘Awards for All’ to fund sessions to support parents with emotional resilience. This was a key theme which emerged from the Forum’s launch event in March.

·  60 Staff across SEND services have received co-production training. The training was well-received by the staff involved.

·  Health colleagues have asked some Local Offer members to deliver Co-production training to their staff as part of the Audit & Clinical Effectiveness Days.

·  Geraldine Hills & Maria Simpkin have been invited onto the radio, North Manchester FM (106.6), to be interviewed about The Local Offer & the Parent Champion scheme.

IAS Update

·  IAS are part of the National Pilot for Parental Evaluation, of the IAS services - attached is the latest report. The annual report with parent comments is also now available – see attached.

·  IAS have a working group with the Early Years Sure Start Centre heads, looking at how the service can support the training of their staff on IAS/Local Offer. The training sessions will be delivered in August.

·  Work with young people; a six-week project with Factory Youth Zone is underway to capture the voice of young people in order to promote the local offer to a young audience.

Attached Parental Survey February-April 2017 & Parental Evaluation Report 2017

Manchester Parent Carer Forum (MPCF) Update & Survey

·  MPCF will be rolling out coffee mornings across the city – these will be posted on their website and Facebook pages.

·  Solange shared the information collected from the Parent Survey. Also see attached. This will be presented to the SEN Reform board in June.

Communication Plan / Peer Review

Communication Plan needs completion and ownership from Health partners.

ACTION: MS to send copy of plan to NB

DFE Survey

Julie shared the draft local authority response to the DFE survey – this will be shared with the SEND Board before submitting. Copies to follow once SEND Board have sign it off.

ACTION: JH to distribute copies at the next meeting.

Children’s Autism Group

Members of the group are collecting data to quantify what proportion of their time they are spending on assessing and working with children with autism. This will feed into the demand mapping work commissioned by the CCG.

Solange and Mari Saeki have devised and sent out a survey for parent carers to complete

There will be a meeting to discuss an under 5s pathway in the autumn.

All Age Disability Strategy

The strategy has been renamed: “Our Manchester Disability Plan”.

A co-chair has been recruited to the board - Jackie Driver - Chair of Breakthrough UK and a Director of the Equality and Human Rights Commission.

The Our Manchester Disability Plan Board were told about the competition that is currently running for children and young people. Board members thought that the competition was an excellent idea and are looking forward to meeting some of the winners at July’s meeting. Members are more than happy to attend future YP workstream meetings if the theme is relevant to their area of work.

Some of the other workstreams include, Health and Social Care - Mike Petrou is very keen for input to the workstream from a children and young people’s perspective.

Work and Skills – an initial meeting has been held to shape early priorities. They need to understand what’s currently happening as well as identifying any gaps. They would like to work out how to influence employers to develop good practice in employing disabled people and part of that is to identify what is already working well. They would like the workstream to

·  Put an ‘Our Manchester’ stamp on what makes a good employer

·  promote the DWP’s ‘Disability Confident’ scheme

·  support the development of apprenticeships for disabled people

·  improve access for disabled people in the workplace

·  Explore how to use procurement and social value to improve disabled people’s employment.

Transport – There is a workshop taking place this afternoon where the group will talk through TfGMs current disability focussed initiatives. This will be followed by a group discussion on what isn’t working so well so that they can draft an action plan. Representatives from the LORB are going to the meeting.

YR would like the board’s thoughts on what representation should be on the workstreams and the partnership board. Geraldine (Parent Champion Rep) and Cath (Forum) have attended some of the meetings so far.

YR explained the disability plan is intended to be an all age plan, and are very keen to have children and young people’s representation on the board and the workstreams.

ACTION: Discuss representation at next board meeting

Strategic Review and Demand Mapping

Steve Kenny introduced herself – she is from The Centre for Public Innovation, which has been jointly commissioned by the LA and CCG to undertake a Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Demand Mapping exercise as part of the Strategic Review.

She is mainly involved in the qualitative Stakeholder Consultation exercise, while other colleagues will lead on data collection and analysis. As part of her brief she is conducting a series of interviews with key people we have identified who may be able to help address some of the key issues we need to explore. Key areas of interest are:

·  Perceived levels of SEND need and demand – and whether these are changing over time

·  If levels of older young people with SEND are increasing or decreasing and why.

·  Whether the profile of older young people with SEND is changing and if so, what the key characteristics of the population presently are.

·  The effectiveness of referral pathways

·  Whether existing SEND provision for older young people is well used?

·  Any gaps in provision / duplication in provision

·  Whether current provision will be adequate in the future

Steve will be making contact with members of the Local Offer Review Board as part of this work.

Members of the board raised several current gaps in provision – to be escalated to the SEND Board:

·  Affordable digital holiday activities for young people with SEND

·  Activities for siblings of disabled children and young people

·  A support group for parent carers of children and adults with autism – can the Carers’ Forum help with this? Grange School runs a group for parent carers on Wednesday mornings.

Voice of YP

A dedicated role has been created to capture the voice of SEND young people. This will be on the agenda of the next board.


Young Carers

Maureen Howell reminded the group about the Young Carers Strategy Event on 4th July 2017. And the recent on-line launch of the Young Carers Strategy on (12th June) on Help & Support Manchester.

Next Meeting: 13th September 2017, 10am – 12noon at Westwood Street Moss Side M14 4PH