Intersectoral Forum Planning Group - Meeting Minutes

29 April 2010
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Tim Wilson / Dept of Communities, South West Region
Wallis Westbrook / CGC Member, Health and Community Services Workforce Council
Tricia Sheahan / Manager, Mercy Family Services, Ipswich
Cathy Boorman / Dept of Communities, Compact Secretariat
Fiona Tainton / Dept of Communities, Compact Secretariat
Anne Curson / Sector Development Project Officer, QCOSS
Arthur Marriott / Manager, Care, Goondiwindi
Agenda Item 1 – Actions from previous meeting / Action
Minutes from the past meeting were accepted by the Committee.
Action – Tim to send invitation to local government reps and peak bodies
Action – Arthur to take invitation to workshop in Chinchilla
Action – Tricia to present invitation to workshop in Ipswich
Action – Cathy/Fiona to email invitation to past forum participants to forward to their networks
Action – Fiona to email EOI list through to planning group
Action – Tim to send confirmed details of Traditional Owner to perform Welcome to Country at the event through Cathy
Action – Cathy to contact workshop facilitators and CGC representatives and confirm process and support requirements.
Action – Fiona to email workshop details to Stephen for the registration form on Community Door
Action – Tim to finalise a list of potential organisations to take part in the Web Ex discussion and email through to Cathy
Action – Compact team to issue invitation to nominated organisations, once details are confirmed.
Action – Tim to contact Indigenous organisations, both govt-funded and non-govt-funded regarding attending the event.
Action – Cathy to talk to Judy about spreading the word re the forum among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations in the region.
Action – Cathy also to talk to ATSIS centrally.
Action – Fiona to email Community Door registration details through to the planning group before the next meeting to test the discussion groups
Action – Fiona to talk to Kerry Harrison, RLO in the Toowoomba Office regarding media for the event, and photographs on the day.
Action – Cathy/Fiona to build the mini-launch of Community Door into the event’s agenda.
Action – Cathy/Fiona to build the mini-launch of Community Engagement Statement into the event’s agenda.
Action – Final running sheet for the day to be forwarded to the planning group by Fiona before the next telelink.
Action – Group to consider networking options at the next meeting when a better idea of the number of people attending the event is known.
Action – CGC Secretariat to distribute agenda and telelink instructions before the next meeting. / Invitation sent
Invitation sent
Invitation sent
Invitation sent
List sent
Details sent
Email sent
Details sent and uploaded
List emailed
See minutes below.
Organisations contacted.
Email sent
Email sent
See minutes below
Fiona to follow up.
Fiona/Cathy to follow up.
Fiona/Cathy to follow up.
Running sheet sent.
See minutes below.
Agenda, minutes, running sheet, list of registrations sent.
Agenda Item 2 – Update on Registrations / Action
Fiona confirmed that as at 29 April 2010, 58 had officially registered to attend the event.
However there will still approximately 40 people who sent through an EOI for the event but who hadn’t yet registered.
The group discussed the fact that although there are now more government representatives attending the event, there were not many Queensland Health representatives attending.
Tim advised that we may need to cater for an additional 10 people to allow for people who do not register by still decide to attend. / Wallis to follow up with Queensland Health representatives regarding attending the event.
Fiona to contact Tim once final registration list is compiled to consider catering for additional participants.
Agenda Item 3 – Update on workshops / Action
Cathy confirmed that she had contacted all workshop facilitators (except Cassandra Taylor).
Cathy confirmed that details of the outline of each of the workshops will be confirmed over the coming week with facilitators and content experts.
The Secretariat will send out the event program and information pack to registered forum participants the Friday before the event (7 May, 2010).
Briefing note to CGC members will be distributed on 7 May 2010.
The group discussed the structure of the workshops and the roles of the facilitators/chairs for each workshop. The group decided that the workshop facilitators and CGC members should decide themselves how they want each workshop to run.
The planning group confirmed that Carolyn should facilitate the Forum Overview and closing comments, and bring it all back to a statewide strategy. She should also provide additional commentary and close the forum.
Tim agreed to provide two staff members to help staff the registration desk at the event from 9:30-10am.
Planning group members and workshop facilitators to arrive at Highfields by 9am for a pre-brief to discuss timings, where things are and how the event will run, and also to help set-up.
The group discussed the lack of contribution from registered forum participants in relation to the introductory interactive discussion.
The group discussed having the questions raised by RDs at the Compact Champions workshop in Brisbane raised at the forum. Derek Tuffield and Terry Flanagan were present at the meeting to answer the questions from RDs. / Cathy to contact Cassandra Taylor.
Cathy to confirm final details of each workshop.
Fiona to email program and info pack to participants on 7/5/10.
Cathy/Fiona to prepare and finalise briefing note for CGC members and distribute 7/5/10.
Fiona to send email to Wallis to send to CGC members regarding their participation in workshops.
Tim to organise two staff members to assist.
All planning group members and facilitators to attend event de-brief at Highfields on 11 May at 9am.
Information regarding the pre-brief to be included in the briefing notes to be sent out on Friday 7/5/10.
Tricia to make contact with key people to provide some key ‘prompt’ questions to help stimulate discussion. Tricia to circulate and send details through to Cathy.
Cathy to compile a list of the questions asked by RDs for inclusion in the interactive discussion.
Agenda Item 4 – Community Door closed discussion group / Action
Fiona confirmed that there had been some technical issues with the Community Door website.
They are being resolved, and Fiona will email details of how to register for the site and become a member of the group soon. / Fiona to email Community Door registration details to group.
Agenda Item 5 – Web Ex post-forum discussion / Action
Tim sent through the names/organisation of people to invite to participate in the post-forum Web Ex discussion:
·  Care Balonne (St George)
·  Maranoa Regional Council;
·  Paroo Shire Council;
·  Cunnamulla Aboriginal Corporation for Health
·  Spiritus
·  Charleville Neighbourhood Centre
·  St George Aboriginal Housing Ltd
Other people to participate in the discussion will be:
·  Wallis Westbrook
·  Arthur Marriott
·  Anne Curson
·  Tim Wilson
·  Cathy Boorman
·  Fiona Tainton
The group agreed that the session will focus on the workshop topic “What is means to embed the Compact”.
A tentative date for the session was set for 14 May, 2010.
A time for the session to tbc. / Wallis to confirm availability on Friday 14/5/10.
Cathy/Fiona to issue invitations to organisations with details of how to log into Web Ex.
Details regarding the facilitation and content of the session tbc.
Fiona to follow-up with Arthur re: availability on 14/5/10.
Agenda Item 6 – Engaging Indigenous and Seniors organisations / Action
Tim sent another invitation out to organisation in the Western part of the region.
The group discussed other possible contacts to promote participation in the event by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.
The group also discussed encouraging participation by Aged Care organisations in the region. / Tim to send invitation to Indigenous organisations in the Eastern part of the region.
Cathy to send email to Di Harvey (child care peak) and QAIHC
Tim to ask Disability Services to follow up with Endeavour and Blue Care and other seniors organisations.
Agenda Item 7 – Other groups? / Action
The group also discussed encouraging participation by multicultural organisations in the region.
The group also discussed encouraging participation by child safety organisations in the region. / Wallis to follow up with Lifeline.
Tricia to follow up with Mercy Family Services and other organisations. Fiona to follow up with Andrea Sturgess.
Tim to follow up with Youth organisations.
Agenda Item 8 – Transportation – to/from event / Action
The group decided that they wouldn’t organise a bus for the event.
Instead they would promote a car pooling for the event, and would set up a discussion group on Community Door for people to register their details if they would are willing to car pool / would like a lift. / Fiona to set up discussion group in Community Door.
Agenda Item 9 – Evaluation Form / Action
The evaluation form was endorsed by the Planning Group. / Fiona to print off copies of the form and distribute at the event.
The Secretariat will compile the responses and distribute the report.
Agenda Item 10 – What else do we need to pay attention to? / Action
The group discussed networking opportunities at the event, and decided that there wouldn’t be any specific activities devoted to networking at the event, with the responsibility left to people attending the function.
However the group discussed the importance of reminding facilitators to encourage discussions and networking in workshops. / Cathy/Fiona to include reminders promoting networking in workshops in briefing notes for session facilitators.
Agenda Item 11 – Next catch-up / Action
The group decided that the next catch-up with be a debriefing session after the Forum on Thursday, 27 May 2-3pm.
Telelink details will be emailed around to members before the meeting. / CGC Secretariat to distribute agenda, evaluation report and telelink instructions before next meeting.

Meeting Closed – 3:00 PM