Alternative Assignment
This assignment MUST be completed by any students who DO NOT ATTEND the field trip to ShubenacadieWildlifePark with the class. Students who do attend will be given credit in their participation in the trip activities and their journal reflection.
Name: ______Date: Oct 11th, 2013
Read a copy of the park’s brochure: & answer the following questions:
- In what year did the ShubenacadieWildlifePark first open? ______
- What are 3 different topics that students can explore at the park?
- ______
- ______
- ______
- How many different types of animals find a home in our wetlands? ______
- List two really good things that our wetlands do for us?
- ______
- ______
- List 3 animals you are likely to see at the wetland area at Shubenacadie Wildlife park boardwalk?
- ______, ______, ______
- What is the name of the center that is partnered with Ducks Unlimited? ______
- When was it opened? ______
- List 3 things you can see or do in the wetland center?
- ______
- ______
- ______
Go to the park’s website at:
1)Access a copy of the MAP of the park.
A)Which animal has the largest enclosure (its #6 on the map)? Why does this animal need a large enclosure?Type your answer directly into the spaces provided.
B)Using the information on the park’s website, describe the animal that lives in enclosure #39.
This animal is a: Black Bear
It is classified as (herbivore, carnivore or omnivore): ______
How fast can it sprint/run for short distances? ______km/hr
Males weigh ______lbs and females weigh ______lbs
How often are their babies born? ______
What are the babies of this animal called? ______
When are their babies born? What months? ______
What does this animal eat? ______
Are they considered true hibernators? Explain
Copy and paste a picture of this creature here:
C)Using the information on the park’s website, describe the animal that lives in enclosure #36.
This animal is a: River Otter
To what “family” do they belong? ______
How far can they swim before they need to come up for air? ______
Why do they need to groom themselves so much? ______
How long are they? ______What do they weigh? ______
Why are their eyes up on the top of their heads? ______
What does this animal eat? ______
It is classified as (herbivore, carnivore or omnivore): ______
What are their predators in water? ______On land? ______
How many babies are usually in a litter?______
Copy and paste a picture of this creature here:
D)Using the information on the park’s website, describe the animal that lives in enclosure #33.
This animal is a: Skunk
To what “family” do they belong? ______
What is the first thing you would normally notice about this creature in the woods? ______
Why do visitors to the park not have to worry about this problem?______
Before spraying, what do these creatures do to warn you away? ______
How far can they spray? ______
When are their babies born? ______& How many babies are usually in a litter?______
What does this animal eat? ______
It is classified as (herbivore, carnivore or omnivore): ______
Copy and paste a picture of this creature here:
E)Using the information on the park’s website, describe the animal that lives in enclosure #24.
This animal is a: Moose
What does this animal eat? ______
It is classified as (herbivore, carnivore or omnivore): ______
What eats them? ______
Where do they live?______
When are their babies born? ______& How many babies are usually in a litter?______
Copy and paste a picture of this creature here:
F)Using the information on the park’s website, describe the animal that lives in enclosure #34.
This animal is a: Beaver
What is special about this animal for our country? ______
Why do they build dams? ______
In what do they live?______
What does this animal eat? ______
It is classified as (herbivore, carnivore or omnivore): ______
Where do they store their food? ______
What is special about their nose & ears? ______
How long can they remain underwater before needing to breathe? ______
How far can they swim underwater? ______m
How do they signal that danger is around? ______
When are their babies born? ______& How many babies are usually in a litter?__
Copy and paste a picture of this creature here:
2)Compare and contrast the bobcat and the lynx (how are they similar and different). Include photos of each.
Bobcat / LynxPhoto / Photo
How they are similar / How they are different
3)Retell the story of the Sable Island Horses, IN YOUR OWN WORDS! Add a picture to your story.
4)Select 5 other animals of your choice and read about them from the website hyperlinks below. Give some information (at least 4 interesting facts) about each one. What was interesting/cool/ etc. about each? Please DO NOT COPY & PASTE. Add photos of each creature. Write the info in your own words:
Animal #1Interesting Facts: / Photo
Animal #2
Interesting Facts: / Photo
Animal #3
Interesting Facts: / Photo
Animal #4
Interesting Facts: / Photo
Animal #5
Interesting Facts: / Photo
5)Select 4 animals you have learned about and describe an adaptation that they have that helps them thrive in their natural habitat. Be specific about the nature of the adaptation and how it would help the animal.
Animal #1Description of the adaptation / How the adaptation helps the animal:
Animal #2
Description of the adaptation / How the adaptation helps the animal:
Animal #3
Description of the adaptation / How the adaptation helps the animal:
Animal #4
Description of the adaptation / How the adaptation helps the animal:
6)Do some research into the importance of wetlands and how wetlands reduce flooding. Take a look at the following websites:
7)Write a reflection about what you learned from this activity.
The Mammals
Hooved Mammals:- Sable Island Horse
- Red Deer
- White tailed deer
- Reindeer
- Moose
- Dall's Sheep / Weasel Family:
- Mink
- Fisher
- American Marten
- River Otter
- Skunk / Rabbits, Hare & Kin:
- Domestic Rabbit
- Snowshoe Hare
- Beaver
- Groundhog (Woodchuck)
- Porcupine
- Coyote
- Timber Wolf
- Arctic Wolf
- Red Fox
- Swift Fox / Feline:
- Cougar
- Bobcat
- Lynx / Omnivores:
- Black Bear
- Raccoon
Birds of Prey:
- Bald Eagle
- Snowy Owl
- Barred Owl
- Great Horned Owl
- Peregrine Falcon
- Red Tailed Hawk
- Merlin
- American Kestrel
- Turkey Vulture
- Black Vulture / Ducks:
- hooded merganser
- blue winged teal
- mallard
- black duck
- wood duck
- american eider
- canvasback
- cape shelduck
- ringnecked duck
- cuban treeduck
- greater scaup
- mandarin duck
- pintail
- ruddy shelduck
- green winged teal / Geese:
- swan
- emperor
- tule
- bar headed
- cackling canada
- richardsoncanada
- giant canada
- western greylag
- barnacle
- lesser whitefront
- pacific whitefront
- black braniet
- pink foot
- snow
Pheasants & Other Fowl:
- silver pheasant
- red golden pheasant
- blue eared pheasant
- yellow golden pheasant
- impean pheasant
- reeves pheasant
- ringnecked pheasant
- albino ringnecked pheasant
- elliot pheasant
- chukar partridge
- hungarian partridge
- Wild Turkey
- blue shouldered peafowl
- guinea fowl
- fantailed dove / Swans:
- coscoroba swan
- tundra swan
- black swan
- greater blacknecked swan / Other Birds:
- Magpie
- Common Crow
- Raven
- Sandhill Crane
- Grey Rhea
- Saurus Crane
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