Telegraph Hill Local Assembly Action Plan
Your Assembly, Your Say
This action plan reflects the Telegraph Hill Assembly’s priority areas identified through Assembly meetings and via outreach to local groups and individuals.
The 5 areas identified by local people as priorities are:
- Youth activities and support projects
- Community activities
- Safety, crime and anti-social behaviour
- Cleaning up dirty streets
- Traffic calming and transport
All of the ideas that people raised within the priorities can be found in the ideas document in appendix 1. To be included in the Action Plan ideas must be S.M.A.R.T. In other words, they should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and with a timescale.
Colour key
Objective 1: healthy children and young people
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA1 - Healthy cooking classes for young people and growing food / Identify current provision through the ward audit exercise. / Jul 12
A2 - Football and boxing mobile unit that travels to different community centres running the same course / Identify current provision through the ward audit exercise / Jul 12 / Yes / Currently no mobile units thoroughout the ward however XLP have been doing work in Honor Oak.
Identify through a survey of local secondary schools if there is a demand for this activity / Dec 12
A3 - Young persons gym and outdoor gym / Identify what current provision there is the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / Currently no gym specifically for young people.
Identify through a survey of local secondary schools if there is a demand for this activity / Dec 12
A4 - Coaching – table tennis badminton / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / Table tennis is played at all the Youth Clubs in the ward.A5 – Build a Bike course / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / No provision identified.
Identify through a survey of local secondary schools if there is a demand for this activity / Dec 12
A6 – young people to teach each other to skate / Ask Jacqui Shimidzu for more information about what teaching is being offered at the skate area / Jul 12 / Yes / Over the summer several outreach sessions are being held in TelegraphHillLowerPark. Success of this will be reviewed. A safer skating event was also held in late July 12.
A7 – roller skating / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / There is a rollerskate session/disco every Thursday at the Honor Oak Youth Club. Well attended by local young people 50-60.
Objective 2: Increase young people’s confidence and life skills
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA8 - Improve young people’s practical skills / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Sep 12
A9 - Improve young people’s financial literacy (budgeting/money management) / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Sep 12
A10 - Presentation skills (how to talk to people) / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Sep 12
Objective 3: Increase young people’s educational and employment opportunities
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA11 - Support 16-22 year olds into further/higher educations/training and work / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / 170 Advice Centre provide an employment project to assist with young people getting into work. In addition, Elevating Success are working in Honor Oak to help people start-up their own business.
A12 – youth volunteers / Get an update from Joan Roach to identify what work the Spice programme has been doing with young people in Telegraph Hill / Jul 12 / Yes / Spice are beginning steps to work with Primary Schools and Youth Clubs. When the Youth Forum is established in the ward we will work with them.
Objective 4: Creative Young People
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA13 – drama/singing projects / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / Various classes for a range of dances at the Community Centre. No further action unless demand is evidence.
A14 – dance project / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / Various classes for a range of dances at the Community Centre. No further action unless demand is evidence.
A15 – Digital photography classes and film projects / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / The Assembly funded an intergenerational photography project.
A16 – design/fashion / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / None identified. Wait for Youth Fourm to establish survey to identify if a demand.
Objective 5: Improve opportunities for social and informal education opportunities
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA17 – more Friday evening activities / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / Friday night youth Clubs at both Honor Oak and Telegraph Hill Centre.
A18 – Support Ministry of Youth to keep going / Identify what their current situation is / Oct 12
A19 – Support provision of a youth club in the Telegraph Hill Centre / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / Assembly funded this in 2011-12 and the Youth Club currently operates on a Wednesday and Friday evening.
A20 - Café for local 11+ teenagers to meet; cooking and eating together / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / Currently no provision – if there is a demand in the Youth survey we will look into.
A21 - Joint youth club activities / Work to establish a Youth Forum involving people from all three youth clubs. / Nov 12
A22 – School holiday activities / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12 / Yes / There are a wide range of activities throughout the ward at Youth Clubs, Adventure Playgrounds, parks and other community venues. Need specific information about what activities are missing to progress this further.
A23 - Fun Day with sports, fashion, hair and beauty / Identify providers that take part in the Come and Look Day 2012 / Sep 12
A24 - Better access to Askes Greenhouse projects / Contact Askes Haberdashers to find out what the current process is for young people to get involved in their activities / Sep 12
Objective 6: Breaking down inter-generational barrier
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA25 - A volunteering project where young people help older people in their area and are rewarded by vouchers for cinema, food etc gardening and walking dogs. Young people volunteering to help repair and paint. / Get an update from Joan Roach to identify what work the Spice programme has been doing with young people in Telegraph Hill / Jul 12
A26 - Day or evening training where older people share their skills and experience organised with youth groups. / Talk to youth workers to find out if this is something that they would be interested in supporting / Jul 12
A27 - Drama projects; dance projects; video projects – confront issues via film/video with all generations / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12
Objective 7: Support young people away from gangs
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA28 - Work with young people to divert from gangs. Educate and support about rights and life aspirations. / Talk to NCSS what work is already being done / Jul 12
Talk to SNT about what work is already being done
Talk to Second Wave about what work is already being done
Objective 8: Help parents
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsA29 - Support parents to help wellbeing of their children / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul 12
Objective 9: Facilities for young children – under 8s
Currently no actions outstanding
Objective 1: New ideas to meet community need
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsB1 - Support a community greengrocers on New Cross one way / Identify what the current situation is with this. / Jul-12 / Yes / The 170 Health Project has established Eat a Rainbow which is a fruit and veg stall in the New Cross Post Office forecourt every Monday morning.
B2 - Support the internet café for residents of Honor Oak Estate / Analyse the Honor Oak survey results to establish if there is a demand for the facility / May-12 / Yes / This was mentioned in the Estate survey.
Speak to the Community Centre about the possibility of having an internet cafe once a month
B3 - Encourage volunteering in the area e.g. time banking project / Work with Joan Roach to help publicise the Spice initiative to residents / Ongoing
B4 - Support community allotment projects / Establish community garden in Honor Oak using Assembly funding / Sept-12 / Yes / Work currently underway with the garden due for completion in September.
Objective 2: Bring local communities together
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsB5 – Community wide events / Organise the Come and Look Day event 2012 / Sept-12
B6 - More activities run from local community centres / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Oct-12
B7 - Flim nights e.g. park in the Summer / Review success of Deptford Film Festival 2012 based on numbers of people who participated / Oct-12
B8 - Link adventure playgrounds to play tournament, have competitions and socialise / Establish Youth Forum in the ward to see if there is support for this / Nov-12
B9 - Film making projects to make the community feel positive about their area / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul-12 / Yes / Currently no projects identified. However, no widespread demand. No further action unless more specific information is received.
B10 - fundraisers / Organise an advice session/workshop for local community group / Nov-12
B11 – increase bee keeping / Identify through the ward audit what the current provision is / Aug-12 / Yes / BessonStreetGarden have bees. No evidence of further demand.
Objective 3: People better informed about activities in the ward
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsB12 – open days / Organise the Come and Look Day event 2012 / Sept-12
B13 - Street/tree notice boards / Identify what current/planned provision there is in the ward audit / Sept-12
Contact London Overground to find out why the noticeboard outside Brockley station (Mantle Road entrance/exit) has been removed and ask for it to be replaced / May-12 / Yes / Received a response from London Overground on 01/06/12 – notice board was removed while a new ticket barrier is installed. It will be replaced when the work is completed.
Talk to Jumbo about the cost of producing wooden notice boards at his workshop / Aug-12
B14 - Central point for information in each area / Produce ward directory and distribute it to every household / Sept-12
B15 - Get Hill Telegraph and Gatepost to circulate ward-wide / Identify what Hilly Telegraph circulation area is and find out if they have plans to distribute wider / Aug-12 / Yes / 5,000 printed and delivered within the parish boundaries (Hatcham Parish) – no plans to expand this as done by the Church
Identify what GatePost circulation area is and find out if they have plans to distribute wider
B16 - Use Facebook and Twitter / Draft a social media strategy for discussion at the Coordinating Group / Oct-12
Investigate the possibility of having a ward website which could be used by all organisations/agencies
Objective 4: Maximise opportunities for older residents
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsB17 – More activities for older people at the community centres e.g. afternoon teas, soup kitchen, bingo / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul-12 / Yes / AWFC have regular sessions; JOY have regular activities using local community centres; the Telegraph Hill Centre has regular sessions for older people and the Sector J Club meets every Thursday afternoon for bingo. No further action unless demand is identified.
Objective 5: Promote healthy communities
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsB18 – Tai Chi / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul-12 / Yes / JOY provide.
B19 – Community walks / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul-12 / Yes / JOY provide
B20 – Seated exercise classes / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul-12 / Yes / JOY provide
B21 – Line dancing / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul-12 / Yes / JOY provide and also sessions at Barnes Wallis.
B22 – outdoor gym / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Sep-12
B23 – athletics training - running / Identify what current provision there is in the ward audit / Jul-12 / Yes / None identified within the ward. No evidence of demand for it.
Objective 1: Residents feel safe at home
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsC1 - Security doors with fob keys at Honor Oak / Talk to Lewisham Homes to identify which blocks are going to be getting security doors / Jun-12 / Yes / Barwell, Kentwell, Staveley, Spalding are being done soon and Sayers has been done already
C2 - Information on fire prevention; falls; exercise; security; panic buttons; stop chain and check spyholes; ID cards for callers / Identify what information is currently provided by the Police and Fire Service / Oct-12
C3 - More crime prevention information for residents / Identify what information is currently provided by the Police and Fire Service / Oct-12
Objective 2: Lessen anti-social behaviour on estates and in
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsC4 - Help with uncontrolled dogs and dog fouling / Participate in Honor Oak Dog Day (organised by Lewisham Homes) / Jun-12 / Yes / Approx 10 residents used the service – look to support further events
Organise dog team to attend Come and Look Day 2012 / Aug-12
C5 – More residents to join Neighbourhood Watch / Identify what Neighbourhood Watch schemes are operating in the ward / Oct-12
Objective 3: Young people to feel safe on streets
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsC6 - Young people more aware of stop and search laws and to meet with the Police / Find out from Second Wave what the progress of their project is / Sept-12
C7 – Improve communication between Police and young people / Identify what activity is currently taking place in this area / Oct-12
Objective 1: Improve the appearance of public streets
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsD1 - Community clean up dayNew Cross Road chewing gum etc / Contact Colin Sandiford (Highways) to identify if this has already been completed / Jun-12 / Yes / Received response on 01-06-12 to say the clean up day took place on 12-05-12.
D2 – Litter project with schools / Identify what activity is currently taking place / Oct-12
D3 - Wheelie bins to be returned after emptying and not be left in street / Establish what LBL’s policy on this issue is by contacting the relevant department / Sep-12
Objective 2: Improve the appearance of estates (roads and open spaces)
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsD4 - Clean up Swallows Close play area / Conduct a site visit to work out whether this action is necessary / Jul-12
D5 - Remove Graffiti in Wildgoose Drive / Conduct a site visit to work out whether this action is necessary / Jul-12
Objective 3: Increase recycling in ward
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsD6 - Increase home recycling by reminding people what is recyclable / Establish what is currently being done to promote what can be recycled / Sep-12
Objective 1: Reduce traffic speed to increase safety on roads in the ward
Summary of idea / Actions / Deadline / Completed / Outcome and/or next stepsE1 - Get bus companies to reduce speeding buses – 343 and 484 / Talk to ward Councillors to find out the current status of this request / Sep-12
E2 - Reduce speeding with 20 mph limits in Drakefell Road and Gellately Road / Establish what the current situation is with speed limits in these roads / Jun-12 / Yes / 20mph limit is in place on both roads
E3 – Concern about collisions/pedestrian safety outside New Cross Gate station / Request figures from TfL / Jun-12 / Yes / Response from TFL: In the 36 months prior to Dec 11 have been 12 collisions involving pedestrians between Jerningham Road and St James Road. 1 collision out of the 12 occurred at Jerningham Road, and was a recent fatal collision. The remaining 11 collisions occurred between New Cross Gate station and the pedestrian crossing by Goodwood Road.
Ask TfL what action can be taken to prevent future incidents / Jun-12 / Yes / TfL investigated whether the existing crossing near Goodwood Road could be relocated closer to the station or whether the bus stops could be relocated to remove the crossing desire line. Because of the number of bus stops in the vicinity there is no location for the crossing point to be relocated to. A number of bus routes use this section of New Cross Road and there are no suitable alternative locations for the bus stops than their current positions. There would also be negative consequences of moving the bus stops away from the interchange point of the railway station.
Objective 2: Increase access to rail stations