
Type responses to all items on this form and return your completed application to:

Fatima Malik, MPH at

Or mail to:

Fatima Malik, MPH


2921 Stockton Boulevard

CTSC Building, Suite 1400

Sacramento, CA 95817

Attach any additional supporting material that will assist the nominations committee on following pages.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to foster research that is relevant to our communities. We bring researchers and communities together to build trust and mutual understanding.

The RECAB supports health-related communication and partnerships. We are the bridge between the Clinical and Translational Science Center and underserved communities. In order to make sure that UC Davis research is relevant to our communities, we advise and assist health scientists on connecting to communities, and recommend educational approaches to Community Engagement Program staff. Our ultimate aims are to improve the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of both researchers and communities around pressing public health problems.

General Information

Mailing Address:
Email (home):
Email (work):
Phone (home):
Phone (work):
Phone (cell):

Statement of General Interest and Qualifications

1.  Why are you interested in becoming part of the RECAB Advisory Board? Please indicate your interest in becoming a RECAB Board member and tell us how you learned about the Board:

2.  As this is a community advisory board, please identify the community or communities whose perspective(s) you would represent.

3.  What is your professional or occupational background? Please describe any special skills that would contribute to our mission.

4.  Please describe your volunteer activities. Provide a description of other advisory boards that you have served on or other volunteer activities, including fundraising, in support of non-profit agencies.

5.  Being a part of the RECAB will require that you attend bimonthly meetings, participate in subcommittee work, and attend RECAB-sponsored events whenever possible. Are you able to commit to the time needed for these activities? (Please refer to RECAB Roles and Responsibilities information).

Supplemental Material (attach vitas, resumes, articles, etc.)