


Vivian QuaneLezayre Commissioners – Chairman

Mike BerryArbory Commissioners

Andrew JessoppBraddan Parish Commissioners

Kevin WeirCastletown Commissioners

Raina ChatelDouglas Borough Council

Ann CorlettDouglas Borough Council

Simon ClucasLonan Commissioners

Bob PillingMalew Commissioners

Alison LynchMarown Commissioners

Rob CallisterOnchan District Commissioners

Derek CrellinOnchan District Commissioners

David TalbotPatrick Commissioners

Christopher MayersRamsey Town Commissioners (observing)

Peter GunnRushen Commissioners

Barbara Dunworth(Secretary)

In Attendance:

Rosemary Clarke and Vicky Christian representing the Fair Trade Organisation

Apologies for absence were received from:

John Quaye of Braddan Commissioners, Richard McAleer of Castletown Commissioners, Rosalind Bate and Julie Pinson of Laxey Commissioners, Steve Hamer of Michael Commissioners, Paul Craine of Marown Commissioners, Helen Kinvig of Port St Mary Commissioners, John Quaye of Braddan Commissioners


The Chairman welcomed the Members and guest speakers Rosemary Clarke and Vicky Christian from the Fair Trade Organisation.

Fairtrade Organisation

Rosemary and Vicky gave an excellent presentation describing how Fair Trade ethics are applicable to Local Authorities. They spoke about the Island’s status as a “Fair Trade Island” which was endorsed by Tynwald.

Fair Trade is about fair pricing, proper working conditions and fair trading for farmers and workers. It is also about supporting the development of thriving farming and working communities in order that they have control over their future; this involves protecting the environment in which they live and work. Fairtrade operate from the One World Centre. Their key message is “TRADE RATHER THAN AID”.

Leaflets were distributed and further information is available from:

Questions raised by Members were answered and a general discussion took place with a lot of interest being shown by Municipal Members who were keen to take the information back to their respective Boards so see how they can further their involvement in this worthwhile project.

Thank You

The Chairman thanked Rosemary and Vicky for their very interesting and informative presentation, and they responded by saying how much they appreciated the opportunity to share the information with Local Authority representatives; they were very pleased with the amount of interest shown.


It was resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 29 October 2015be approved and signed as a correct record.

Matters Arising from Minutes

A Member asked what Fellow Members thought about Minister Shimmin’s meeting with the Municipal Association last month. Comment was passed about the Minister’s comment that local authorities were low on his profile, which was very disappointing to hear. It was agreed that the Minister now should be better informed about the value of the Municipal Association and what our Members do. A lively discussion took place.


The Chairman offered sincere congratulations to Councillor Raina Chatel on being given the freedom of the Borough of Douglas and this was warmly echoed by Members present.

Treasurer’s Report

The report had been circulated and was noted.

Secretary’s Report

The report had been circulated and was noted.

World War I Commemorations

There was no further report at this time.

Municipal Association Website

The Secretary had received no response to the formal letter sent to Mr Beecroft, in spite of several further approaches by email, with delivery receipts but no ‘read’ receipts. This was with regard to our request to close down the existing website, and thanking him for his assistance over the years. The website had remained open until today. The Secretary also had spoken to the Treasurer who had confirmed the Association’s ability to fund the proposed cost of commissioning and maintaining a new website.

The Vice-Chairman reported on the quotations he had received from Mr Chris Littler and from 3-Legs. A discussion took place on how to proceed regarding features required in the new website and the details supplied by Mr Littler and by 3-Legs.

A decision was reached to accept the quotation submitted by Mr Littler in the sum of £585.00, and instruct him to proceed immediately with building the new website. It was felt that there was very little if any content needed from the old website, although it would have been helpful to have the passwords etc. Mr Talbot agreed to endeavour to speak to Mr Beecroft at his office and also to instruct Mr Littler to proceed with the new website, liaising also with Mr Rob Callister with regard to content and link to our Facebook page.

ACTION: Mr Talbot/Mr Callister

Training Forums for All Clerks and Commissioners

The Vice-Chairman commented that a revised and comprehensive list of subjects for Forum meetings had been circulated which includes some site visits; of course, further suggestions would be welcomed. Mr Talbot went on to speak about the huge gap that has existed since last we had a meeting with Amanda Craig or other members of the Department, which now wishes to be identified with what we are doing, without actually being involved. Rather surprisingly they seemed to be unaware of what we had actually been doing over the past four years.

We now need to decide upon dates and venues, speakers and timing for Forum meetings to commence as soon as possible after next April’s elections. The programme is based on the Local Government Act and the Local Authority Member’s Handbook, plus Standing Orders and the Principles of Public Life.Members suggested adding in the Bribery Act 2013, and Public Rights of Way; it was agreed these would be valuable additions. The Local Authority Handbook is presently being re-written and should be available on the web by April 2016.

Mr Talbot had received feedback from Mr Jonathan King after his presentation on ‘Understanding the Legislature’ recently, who felt that it not have been entirely the right presentation to give to elected Commissioners and Councillors; he said he would love to host another presentation based more on what Commissioners and Councillors think they need leading up to becoming an MHK. However, those present really enjoyed the recent presentation and thought it was excellent. It was, in fact, the same presentation given to MHK’s but tailored to suit the Municipal Association.

The Secretary had been in contact with Mr Mike Kewley who felt he may be somewhat out of date by now. With many other commitments he was reluctant to be tied down to specific dates. However, Mr Kewley would be more than delighted to help in any way required with Elections, which was gratefully noted.

The Secretary was instructed to start organising venues, speakers, dates etc. The Vice-Chairman pointed out that this was an on-going programme that would be unfolded over the months after the Local Authority elections.

ACTION: Vice-Chairman/Members/Secretary

Elections 2016

The date for the Local Authority Elections has been officially confirmed as 28 April 2016. It had previously been resolved that the Executive Committee would not meet that month.

Attendance Allowances: A Member raised this issue asking were Members happy with the present system? One Member said he was quite happy initially but had recently attended four meetings in one week, which is getting to be too much. It was noted that Civil Servants are being paid for this, whereas Commissioners and Councillors are not. Some Members were quite happy not to take the fee. It was noted that on the Board of Education members can claim £78 per meeting. The problem for Councillors and Commissioners is that it is now actually costing them money, which is okay for those who can afford it but not for others who may find the cost of parking and petrol a problem, and in some cases the cost of printing is an issue. Another issue is that those who do claim the allowance should not be made to feel bad about doing so.

A general discussion took place culminating in a consensus of opinion that people do not mind giving their time but it should not be costing them money they may not be able to afford. It was felt that the Municipal Association should be doing something about this now, to avoid potential commissioners and councillors refraining from putting themselves forward for this reason. After a long discussion a member wondered how some of this could be put out into the public domain.

Report on Waste Management

Mr Rob Callister, who had put in a great deal of time and effort on this subject, felt that the Municipal Association should take some credit for the Waste Report next week, and Members agreed with him since without the Municipal Association we would never have had working Forums. It was clear that we all are working together and working for each other. As Local Authorities we have a responsibility to help people, we should not just accept the situation. It was felt that we should issue a press release to say that as Local Authorities we are very concerned about regionalisation and the cost to everyone, including Gate Fees, a subject which would benefit from further discussion.

Manx Utilities Authority

Members discussed and felt that the rate the Department of Infrastructure charges for services is acceptable; however, it is being pushed out to the consumer not to the Local Authorities. First of all there was no sewage charge; now there is a charge which is going up by 50% and then again and again

The Chairman commented that these two issues had given rise to very interesting and timely discussions.

Any Other Business

  1. A Member spoke about the Northern Board experiencing problems and asked if Members would consider sharing their Terms of Reference and Constitution with other boards. The Chairman said she needed to have a think about this.
  1. A Member mentioned the Localisation Bill in September. Mr Graham Cregeen MHK had put forward a Bill to the House of Keys for people to have more say in Planning. There was support from Minister Gawne and Chris Thomas MHK but the Council of Ministers voted against it; he actually managed to get a vote of 12 to 10 although Co—Min voted against it as a block. They have been in touch with the Attorney General’s Office to ensure that, if it does not get beyond a certain point by June, it will not be lost when there are changes after the elections.
  1. The Vice-Chairman commented that when talking to Steve Willoughby and Emily Curphey, Steve Willoughby said he had spoken to Officers at the Chief Secretary’s Office who deal with the Electoral Roll which it seems is now to be re-done every year. This could present a huge problem after the debacle that occurred this year. Members discussed this and felt it should be a rolling Electoral Roll. Members felt we should be insisting that the roll is alive and up to date. Out-sourcing it could lead to another and larger debacle. Mr Talbot was concerned about people on the Electoral Roll who are too lazy to return the form or who do not pay attention to it when received.
  1. Mr Christopher Mayers, who attended last month and tonight as an observer, wished to thank the Municipal Association for inviting him to the meetings; he had found them very enlightening and enjoyable. Mr Mayer said he was surprised that fellow members of his Board had not taken an active part recently. Therefore, at the meeting in December he intends to ask the Board to recognise him as representative of Ramsey Town Commissioners at Municipal Association meetings. The Chairman and Members present were very pleased to hear this.
  1. A Member spoke about the newspaper report that the draft Strategic Plan had been published. It was supportive of the main recommendations contained in the draft, describing the information regarding Housing as sound. However, it was not clear where these comments originated.

There being no further business the Chairman wished the Members a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, and looked forward to seeing them in January 2016.

There being no further business the meetingclosed at 2125

The date of the next monthly meeting of the Executive Committee is Thursday, 28 January 2016 at 1900 hours, when Minister Gawne will be in attendance

Signed………………………………………………………………………………….. Chairman
