Langham Parish Council
Minutes of the Meeting held on 3rd February 2016
1 Attendance and Apologies for Absence
Cllr. E. Schofield Chairman
Cllr. W. Durlacher
Cllr. A. Ellis
Cllr. A. Stacey
Cllr. M. Bottwood
Cllr. A. Smith
Also present were Mr Lance Williams, Mr Chris Graves, and Mr Bob Schofield, members of the public, Cllr. Nigel Chapman, and Mr. D. Winter, Clerk to the Council.
Apologies for absence were received from Ian Sutherland.
2 Declarations of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.
3 Mr Kieron Moir, representing the Parish Safety Volunteer (PSV) Scheme
Kieron Moir the PSV Coordinator of Essex County Fire and Rescue Service gave an interesting talk about the PSV scheme. They are looking for volunteers over 18 to join the existing 19 in Essex to make home safety visits. They would be fully trained by the police and fire services, and would need to be able to dedicate between 2 and 4 hours per week.
4 Mr Vince Strafford of the Community First Responder Team
Mr Vince Strafford gave a very interesting talk about the Community First Responder Team that covers the Boxted/Nayland/Langham areas. There are 5 people covering this area based at Nayland, and they would like more volunteers for this extremely worthy cause, particularly based in Langham or Boxted. They would receive extremely good training at an initial weekend, which is kept up-to-date at monthly training sessions. There is no minimum or maximum commitment. In the last 13 there have been 7 calls. The first responders provide a vital service getting to emergency cases before ambulances or paramedics can reach them. The 8 minutes following a heart attack are critical before the brain starts to die. He was very keen on communities obtaining defibrillators in order to minimise the time lost after an incident has occurred.
5 Minutes of the Meeting held on 6th January 2016
Cllr. Stacey proposed and Cllr. Ellis seconded that the minutes be agreed as accurate. This was accepted unanimously and Cllr Schofield signed them.
6 Matters Arising from the Minutes.
Ref / Item / Action By / Status9.2 of 8/7/15 / The Council will continue to pay an
annual £50 grant, against invoices
where possible so that we can
reclaim VAT. / David Winter / The Clerk will pay the grant.
7.1 of 7/10/15 / Hornestreet Field
It was proposed by Cllr Bottwood, seconded by Cllr Ellis, and agreed unanimously that the Council is interested in taking responsibility for this land but clarification regarding the question of access is needed. The Council agreed it would need to ensure permanent access, possibly by owning the access track. This will be communicated to Mr Helliwell after agreement by Cllr Bottwood. / Mr Helliwell has had a Trustee meeting and will contact the Parish Council with the Trustees’ views.
8.1.2 of 7/10/15 / Defibrillator – the Community Centre would like to know if the Parish Council intends to install a defibrillator. / David Winter / The Council will contact the ambulance service to see if they can provide one.
9.3 of 6/1/16 / The committee was happy with the amount proposed (£8,864) but asked the Clerk to see if any Community Investment Fund (CIF) grant might be available. / David Winter
11.1 of 6/1/16 / Container in the front garden of the old rectory - there has been no response from the church despite two messages and they are to be reminded again. / David Winter / One final attempt will be made to obtain an answer. Failing this the matter will be referred to Planning Enforcement.
7 Residents Questions
There were no questions from residents at the meeting.
8 Reports to the Council.
8.1 Planning
Cllr. Ellis provided a written report.
152258: Lodge Park, Lodge Lane – Office extension APPROVE CONDITIONAL
152619: New Homestead, Birchwood Road – Extension and new roof structure. APPROVE CONDITIONAL
160002: Gun Hill Industrial Estate – replacement building - No objections
160007: Kingsmere, Turnpike Close - No objections
Housing Questionnaire
A map and details of the responses has been produced. The results show that back-fill is to be avoided, with preference to linear development. Proportionate development was thought to be about 5 new houses a year, totalling 85 over the next planning period. Cllr Stacey will produce a more accurate map of the areas suggested for development. Action: Cllr Stacey
At this point Chris Graves left the meeting.
8.2 Roads and Transport
The Council will put a questionnaire in the Parish Newsletter to obtain opinions as to the need for a footway at the A12 end of Park Lane. Action: Cllr Bottwood
Mike Rich is to be asked to check the state of Langham’s roads so that Cllr Bottwood can organise a programme of works if necessary. Action: David Winter
8.3 Recreation Ground
A quote had been received for £1,100 to replace the fencing and gate at the children’s play area. Cllr Smith proposed the quote was accepted, seconded by Cllr Ellis and accepted unanimously.
A quote of £3,500 for extending the footpath by the tennis court, including blocking tree roots from undermining the tennis courts, has been received. It was agreed that there should be a turning area included to the southern end of this footpath, and Mr Schofield would ask the Brewers to amend their quote. Action: Bob Schofield
One or two alternative quotes should be obtained if possible. Action: David Winter
8.4 Housing
There will be a meeting with Cllrs Brown, Chapman, Schofield, Durlacher and Mrs Hobbs to inspect the social housing in Langham.
8.5 Community Council
All is going well.
8.6 Footpaths
Mr Rix has opened up accesses to the airfield footpaths at Langham Oak Cottage on Park Lane and on Langham Lane.
8.7 General Purposes
The Langham emergency plan has been updated and a copy is to be sent to the first responders.
Cllrs Schofield and Durlacher will meet Eve Oxley and Jane Morton to discuss the arrangements for the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations.
9 Correspondence received.
Planning information is passed directly to the Planning Committee, and crime reports (including Dedham Neighbourhood Watch), Rural Services Network weekly reports, medical correspondence and EALC reports are distributed to all Councillors.
1 e-mail Correspondence
1. AONB January monthly newsletter.
2. Trees for the Parish from CBC.
3. EALC comments on the legality of grants for local schools. They say this is generally not permissible unless a community use is involved when a donation may be possible. More information may be available from EALC if needed.
4. Myland and Braiswick Neighbourhood Plan.
5. Lower Thames Crossing consultation.
6. Details of a free (donation welcomed) history walk of 3.8 miles at Boxted Airfield on Sunday 20th March at 2pm.
7. Boxted Neighbourhood Plan submission.
8. Spring Clean for the Queen.
9. Details of a course on Public Nuisance and Bylaws including dog fouling.
10. Details of the Essex 20 mile run from Langham on Sunday 6th March 2016.
11. Confirmation that Brian Hindley has cleaned the graffiti from the bus shelter on Birchwood Road.
12. Ian Sutherland emailed to ask about the poor state of the footway from the recreation ground and hedges protruding over footways. The Clerk was asked to suggest he contacts ECC directly over the footway and let the Council have details of where the hedges are protruding. Action: David Winter
2 Additional postal correspondence
1. Thanks from the University of Essex for the grant we made to them for the help with bonfire night.
10 Administrative Report for February 2016
1. An application has been submitted for Cllr. Anne Browns Councillor Fund of £1,000 for use in purchasing a projector and screen.
2. 2 members of the planning committee have been booked on an AONB course concerning village planning. This course has now got 60 attendees and is full. Mr Chris Graves cannot attend and his replacement will have to be nominated.
Action: Cllr. Ellis
3. The precept proposal has been submitted to the Borough Council.
4. Production of letters of thanks to the helpers at bonfire night.
No further action was needed on the website.
11 Finance
A list of payments (£1,477) and receipts (£28) was circulated.
12 Next Meeting
The date of the next meeting is to be changed to Wednesday 9th March 2016 at Langham Community Centre at 7.30 pm. This has been arranged.
13 Any other urgent business
The Clerk was asked to
(a) Ask Spencer’s Piece residents not to park in a way that obstructs School Road and leads to lorries having to drive onto the verge opposite
(b) Write to the school to ask the Head to ask parents not to park on the grass opposite the school
(c) Ask Brian Hindley how and why they have obtained all the bus shelters
(d) Contact Sheila Beeton to see if they would contact the garage and Birchwood Shops to see if they would clear up the rubbish on the road in front of them, or would she like Langham to contact them?
Action: David Winter
There being no other urgent business, the meeting closed at 10 pm.