Project Brief for

Consultancy Services

Project Name: …..

Consultant Type:….

Tender No. …

Date of Issue: …..

Capital Projects and Service Planning

Department of Health

Tender Brief (Complex) April 11.doc




Section AProject Specific Details

1The Client



1.3Contact Officer

2The Project


2.2Project Objectives and Scope

3Scope of Consultancy Services

3.1Phases of Standard Brief (Part B) to be Undertaken

3.2Additional Services

3.3Consultancy Structure

3.4Information Available

3.5Site Inspections

4Terms and Conditions

4.1Standard Agreement

4.2Progress of Phases


4.4Quality Assurance


4.6Intellectual Property


6Estimated Project Cost


7.1Submission Inclusions

7.2Fees - Submission

7.3Fee Payable – Adjustment


7.5Other Information

7.6Submission: Resource Tables

7.7Submission: Fee Table

7.8Submission – Resource Availability

8Privacy Statement

9Lodging of Submissions

10Selection Criteria

Section BStandard Consultant Brief & Services

11Project Consultancy Services

A:Environmental Sustainable Development

B:Bushfire provisions.

11.1Phase 1 - Fabric Survey / Master Plan Study

11.2Phase 2 - Feasibility Study

11.3Phase 3 - Schematic Design

11.4Phase 4 - Design Development

11.5Phase 5 - Tender Documentation

11.6Phase 6 - Tender, Evaluation, Award and Contract Administration

11.7Phase 7 - Defects Liability Period

11.8Phase 8 - Post Occupancy Evaluation

12Roles and Responsibilities – Consultants

12.1Liaison with Department’s CPSP Project Manager

12.2All Consultants – General Responsibilities

12.3Project Manager - Consultant

12.4Architect as Planning & Design Consultant.

12.5Architect as Principal Consultant.

12.6Architect as Principal Consultant and Project Manager.

12.7Quantity Surveyor

12.8Engineering & Other Consultants

12.9Mechanical Engineers

12.10Electrical Engineers

12.11Hydraulic Engineers

12.12Communications and Security Engineers

12.13Civil Engineers

12.14Structural Engineers

12.15Fire Protection Services

12.16Fire Safety Engineer

12.17Lift Services Engineers

13Other Consultants

13.1Building Certification Services

13.2Environmental Sustainability Consultant

Tender Brief (Complex) April 11.doc



The role of the Department of Health is “to enhance and protect the health and well-being of all Victorians”. The Department delivers health care services through the public hospital system, community based services and ambulance services, aged care and mental healthservices, directly and via funded agencies. The Department seeks the provision of facilities which meet service requirements and which provide value for money, while conforming to Government policies and probity requirements.

Capital Projects Service Planning Branch (CPSP) manages or assists in the development of capital projects to support the delivery of health services.

TheseHealth projects require construction related consulting services. Requirements for the provision of these services for this project are set out in this document as follows:

Section A:Project Specific Details

Section B:Standard Consultant Brief and Services (covering all consultant types)

Section AProject Specific Details

1The Client


The Client will be the Department of Health and for all phases of the project, the Client will be represented by a Project Control Group.


The Principal to the contract is the Secretary to the Department of Health.

1.3Contact Officer

The primary point of contact for the consultant team is the Project Manager from the Project Development & Implementation unit within the CPSP branch of the Department, who has a key role in the co-ordination and management of the project. The CPSP Project Manager is delegated to represent the “Supervising Officer”, nominated in each consultant’s Consultancy Agreement for the project, for the day-to-day operational aspects in the management of the project.

The name and contact details of the Department of Health’s CPSP Project Manager responsible for this project is noted under sub-clause 3.4 below. Reference to the general role of the CPSP Project Manager is briefly notedin clause 12 below under sub-clause12.1: “Roles and Responsibilities – Consultants”.

The responsibilities of consultants for liaising with the CPSP Project Manager are set out in more detail in Part B, clause 12, under sub-clause 12.2: “All Consultants – General Responsibilities”. That sub-clause also includes the general responsibilities of all consultants for meeting attendance, reporting requirements and other matters.

2The Project


The CPSP Project Manager will include here a brief background to assist consultants in the preparation of their tender. Background information may include details of the following:

  • Location of proposed project; history of current site, former site(s);
  • Relevant health region;
  • Existing health services;
  • Existing buildings;
  • History of additions to buildings or on the site;
  • Identification of new or updated service needs;
  • Completed preliminary studies, conclusions, outcomes;
  • Current state of development (example – Master Plan already prepared/not prepared)
2.2Project Objectives and Scope

The CPSP Project Manager will include here a description of the project, with an outline of the objectives and an explanation of the scope.

The project scope may include any combination of the following:

(a)Refurbishment of the existing building(s) and/or,

(b)Additions to an existing building and/or,

(c)A new purpose built facility.

The project is to be developed in phases as detailed in the following sub-clause 3.1. .

3Scope of Consultancy Services

3.1Phases of Standard Brief (Part B) to be Undertaken

The phases applicable to this project will be: [The CPSP Project Manager will modify as appropriate]:

Phase 1Master Plan

Phase 2Feasibility Study

Phase 3Schematic Design

Phase 4Design Development

Phase 5Contract Documentation

Phase 6Contract Administration

Phase 7Defects Liability Period

Phase 8Post Occupancy Evaluation

A summary of the key aspects of the consultant services to be provided for each phase is set out in Part B, clause 11, of this project brief. Part B also includes a general description of the roles and responsibilities of consultants for each consultant discipline.

3.2Additional Services

Additional Services required for this project are listed follows:

  • [Example: Asbestos Audit]
  • [Example: Decanting]

[The CPSP Project Manager will list associated or additional services required to be included and priced by the consultant. List to be duplicated into Table C in sub-clause 7.7]

These additional services to be provided by the consultant are to be included in the consultant’s tender priceby completion of Part B of Table C in sub-clause 7.7 below.

The Department of Health or the Project Control Group (PCG) reserves the right to review the project design and documentation at any stage by the engagement of an independent consultant or through the process of an internal departmental review.

3.3Consultancy Structure

The details of all consultants to be appointed for this project are listed below.

The Project Manager, the Principal Consultant – Architect, and the Quantity Surveyor will be separately appointed by the Department.

The extent of each consultant’s involvement will be dictated by the specific project size, cost or focus of service delivery.

[The CPSP Project Manager will modify and customise the list of possible consultants below, as appropriate consultants to be appointed for the particular project]

Consultants to be appointed for this project include:

  • Project Manager * (refer to Roles and Responsibilities of Consultants, sub-clauses 12.3 Project Manager (Consultant))
  • Architect / Principal Consultant (refer to Responsibilities of Consultants –sub-clauses 12.4: Architect as Planning and Design Consultant, and 12.5: Architect as Principal Consultant).
  • The Principal Consultant’s engagement may include the following disciplines/sub-consultants:
  • Architectural;
  • Interior Design;
  • Landscape;
  • Engineering Services;
  • Health Planning;
  • Structural Engineers;
  • Hydraulic Engineers (cold water and sewerage);
  • Civil Engineers;
  • Fire Risk Assessment (safety audit);
  • Fire Safety Engineer;
  • Traffic Engineer; and
  • Building Certification Services Consultant
  • Quantity Surveyor (refer to Responsibilities of Consultants – 12.7)
  • Engineering and Services Consultants / Sub-Consultants (refer to Roles and Responsibilities of Consultants – clause 12, sub-section 12.8: Engineering & other Consultants, and other following sub-clauses):
  • Mechanical Engineers;
  • Electrical Engineers;
  • Hydraulic Engineers;
  • Communications and Security Engineers;
  • Fire Protection Services Consultants;
  • Lift Services Engineers
  • Sustainability (Environmental / Energy) Consultants#
3.4Information Available

The following documents are available at

  • Standard Contract for Construction Consultancy Services
  • Property Guidelines
  • Fire Risk Management Guidelines
  • Capital Development Guidelines

This Project Brief describes what specific additionalinformation or documentation will be available for viewing. Such documentation includes the following:

  • Asbestos Audit Report
  • Draft Functional Brief
  • Fire Risk Assessment Report
  • Master Plan Study
  • Service Plan

Any further information will be available by contacting the CP&SP Project Manager:

xx ….@healthcontactname*>
Capital Projects and Service Planning
Department of Health
Level 4, 50 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne Vic 3000 / Phone: xx …@healthcontactnumber*>
Fax: 9096 9136
E-mail: xx @healthcontactemail*>
3.5Site Inspections

The location of the project site will be set out in the Project Brief. The availability and timing of site visits will be detailed.

4Terms and Conditions

4.1Standard Agreement

Consultants will be required to enter into a Standard Contract for Construction Consultancy Services, which is available for perusal on request and is available at:

Tenderers should familiarize themselves with this Agreement, and provide a statement in their submission that they are prepared to sign the Standard Departmental Contract for Construction Consultancy Services (unaltered) should they be successful in being awarded the tender.

No requests for any modification of the Standard Consultancy Agreement will be considered by the Department of Health. Any tender submission which includes suggested or proposed modifications to the Standard Consultancy Agreement will be considered to be an invalid tender and will not be considered.

Upon acceptance of the tender, the CP&SP Project Manager will prepare the specific Consultancy Agreement and forward copies to the successful consultant. The consultant must arrange for signing by the appropriate directors and promptly return the agreements for execution by the Department.

4.2Progress of Phases

Consultants are to be appointed for all phases described in the Project Brief and the submission should contain separate fees for each component. Consultants will only proceed from one phase to the next following endorsement by the Project Control Group and approval by the Department.


The consultants will be required to warrant that the project design and documentation is fit-for-(the stated) purpose, conforms to the objectives detailed in clause 2.2 above and meets the requirements of service delivery set out by the service plan and this project specific brief.

4.4Quality Assurance

Consultants will be required to demonstrate that they have appropriate processes in place to ensure that the planning, design and documentation conforms to the brief, and to ensure co-ordination of the physical aspects of the project across disciplines. The appointed Project Manager or Principal Consultant must ensure that such processes are established at the earliest stage of the project. All consultants must co-operate in the quality assurance process.

Where the consultant has a quality management system in place which includes these processes, the system should evidence a commitment to ensure that the design and documentation is fit for the stated purpose.


The consultants are to obtain and keep current for the duration of the project, Professional Indemnity Insurance and Public Liability for amounts specified in Schedule 1 of the Agreement. Standard details of insurances required are as follows:

Amount of Public Liability Insurance: / $10,000,000 for any one occurrence
Amount of Professional Indemnity Insurance / $10,000,000 for any one claim and $20,000,000 in the annual aggregate.

4.6Intellectual Property

The Department retains the right to use the project design and documentation in whole or part as set out in the Agreement (refer to clause 8 - Intellectual Property).


Thespecific “Project Brief” will advise likely datesthat the particular Consultancy will commence and be completed. The project brief will also advise the anticipated date by which the handover of buildings should be achieved.

The consultants are to provide a preliminary program to reflect these targets as part of their submission.

6Estimated Project Cost

The estimated Total Construction Cost(TCC), exclusive of GST, is: $......

(Note that this amount excludes property acquisition, consultants’ fees, furniture and equipment, authority charges, temporary accommodation, administration and agency commissioning costs).

This amount is to form the basis for the consultant’s fee submission – refer to 7.2.1 below.

The TCC will be adjusted at Cost Plan C1 stage and this adjusted TCC will be used to determine the final fee payable - refer to sub-clause 7.3 below.


7.1Submission Inclusions

The consultant’s submission shall provide all information requested in this Project Brief.


The submission shall include a response to each of the Selection Criteria in the order listed in clause 10 below.

The submission should include the following items to assist in consultant selection:

  • Methodology –provide a description of the manner in which the consultant would provide the services as set out, including a proposed development program and reporting schedule for the whole project.
  • Resources – nominate personnel to be assigned to the project; refer to sub-clause 7.4 below.
  • Resource availability – provide a clear affirmation confirming that the personnel nominated in the submission would be available to be assigned to the project and would remain available for the duration of the services. Where applicable, Table D in sub-clause 7.8 below is to be completed as part of the submission.
  • Referees - list of minimum 3 clients for whom the consultant(s) has recently carried out similar consultancies, together with a contact for reference in each instance.
  • Fees.

Complying submissions shall have fee schedules set out in accordance with the format included in this Project Brief. Where appropriate, the schedules shall be prepared for all consultant(s) including sub-consultants (shown separately).


The consultant’s attention is drawn to the Government’s Victorian Industry Participation Policy (VIPP). The Policy applies to Government procurement activities for projects above the threshold values of $3 million or more in Metropolitan Melbourne and $1 million or more in Regional Victoria. The policy requires a VIPP Plan certified by the Industry Capability Network Victoria Ltd (ICN) to be submitted as part of the tendering and evaluation process. For consultancy engagements, where the tender amount (including GST) is above the threshold values, tenderers must submit a Certified VIPP Plan to the Principal as part of the Tender. Where the tender amount (including GST) is below the threshold values, this requirement does not apply.

Tenderers are advised that the services of the Industry Capability Network Victoria (ICN) will be available to assist them in implementing the policy in obtaining a certified VIPP plan to include with their tender submission.

Further information on the policy and templates are available on the Department of Innovation, Industry and Regional Development (DIIRD) website

7.2Fees - Submission

7.2.1The consultant’s fee submission is to include a sub-total of amounts for those phases which are fixed sum, and a sub-total of amounts for those remaining phases which are percentage based. Fee percentages in the consultant’s submission should be based on the estimated Total Construction Cost exclusive of GST (TCC). (Refer to Project Cost, clause 6 above.) For the calculation of the final fee payable, note the contents of sub-clause 7.3 below.

7.2.2Fee proposals shall be provided for each of the phases listed in this Project Brief. The following table lists the type of fee required to be submitted for each particular phase. (refer to Table C – Fee Schedule, in sub-clause 7.7 below):

Phase 1 / Master Plan / Fixed Sum
Phase 2 / Feasibility Study / Fixed Sum
Phase 3 / Schematic Design / Percentage
Phase 4 / Design Development / Percentage
Phase 5 / Contract Documentation / Percentage
Phase 6 / Contract Administration / Percentage
Phase 7 / Defects Liability Period / Fixed Sum*
Phase 8 / Post Occupancy Evaluation / Fixed Sum*

Note: The project brief may require the fee for Phase 7 to be included in the fee for Phase 6.

7.2.3The fees for each sub-consultancy should be separately shown for each phase (as set out above) when a submission is provided by a consortium.

7.2.4Provisional sums are to be identified for selected items. They are to be listed separately. Consultants are to identify which of these items are included in the fees associated with Phases 1 to 8 above.

7.2.5Consultants should note that the fee schedule (refer Table C in this section) should be adjusted for specific project issues.

7.2.6Total Fees will allow for all relevant consultant services and all disbursements, including all travel, printing of all documents to provide sufficient copies to inform all relevant parties and to meet contract obligations.

7.2.7If the project is cancelled or deferred, additional fees for any consultants will not be attracted.

7.2.8Fee proposals should show the GST exclusive values, the GST values and note clearly that fee claims will be in the form of a tax invoice detailing the fee plus GST.

7.2.9Consultants should provide a schedule of hourly rates for works undertaken at the direction of the Department outside the agreed scope of the consultancy, and should clearly indicate the period of validity of the rates quoted.

7.3Fee Payable – Adjustment

For those phases which are not fixed sum, the consultant’s submitted fee percentages will be used to determine the final fee payable to the consultant. The percentages will be applied to the construction cost from the approved Cost Plan C1, to adjust the final fee payable. For the purpose of this determination, the TCC as calculated at Cost plan C1 includes the design and construction contract contingency amounts, but does not include cost escalation to project completion.


The consultant’s submission for services shall nominate personnel to be assigned to the project. The submission should also include a list of proposed sub-consultants, which contains such consultants’ professional experience. The submission should include the following for relevant consultant personnel, and for each consultant and sub-consultant:

  • The names of the personnel who would be assigned to the project, their roles and responsibilities, qualifications and other professional experience relevant to the conduct of this study.
  • The person nominated to lead the team and the team’s clearly defined management structure. The assigned staff together with allocation of time should be presented in the consultant’s submission in a form as set out below: see Tables A, B and D.

7.5Other Information

7.5.1Electronic data

In order to simplify the exchange of electronic files between Capital Projects and Service Planning Branch and consultants, the Branch requires that consultants supply files in a format (either created in or saved as) that is consistent with the software used by the Branch.