Archdiocese of Boston - Special Collections


Date/Collection / Week Before / Week of
2016 January 17
2017 January 15
Special Collection Sunday / Purpose to be determined each year by the Cardinal Archbishop. / Purpose to be determined each year by the Cardinal Archbishop.
We will continue to set asidethe third weekend in January
for a specific purpose designated by the Cardinal.
2016 January 24
2017 January 29
Church in Latin America / Next week’s second collection supports the Church in Latin America (CLA). The CLA provides support for pastoral projects in financially poorer dioceses in Latin America and the Caribbean. CLA funds catechetical and lay leadership programs, youth ministry, evangelization programs, and formation programs for religious, priests, and deacons.CLA is making it possible for the Catholic faithful in the Western hemisphere to help each other. Please visit more information. / This week’s second collection supports various pastoral projects throughout Latin America and the Caribbean. The Collection for the Church in Latin America funds the work of evangelization, formation of laity, religious and seminarians, as well as youth ministry and catechesis. Please visit more information.
2016 February 10
2017 March 1
Church in Africa, Central & Eastern Europe
(Ash Wednesday) / Next week’s collection supports the Church in Africa and in Central and Eastern Europe. These collections help the Church spread God’s Word and train Church leaders of tomorrow, help needy families materially and spiritually, rebuild churches that have fallen into disrepair, and support the sisters and brothers who have suffered for the faith. For more information, please visit
/ This week’s collection supports the Church in Africa and in Central and Eastern Europe. These collections help the Church spread God’s Word and train Church leaders of tomorrow, help needy families materially and spiritually, rebuild churches that have fallen into disrepair, and support the sisters and brothers who have suffered for the faith. For more information, please visit and

2016 March 25
2017 April14
Holy Land Shrines
(Good Friday) / Good Friday’s collection for the Holy Land is, in the words of Paul VI, “not only for the Holy Places but above all for those pastoral, charitable, educational, and social works which the Church supports in the Holy Land for the welfare of their Christian brethren and of the local communities.” / The Good Friday collection supports the sacred places and the educational, charitable and peace-seeking ministries of the Church in the Holy Land.
2016 March 27
2017 April 16
Easter Collection: Clergy Health Retirement Trust
(one envelope only) / Next week, at all our Easter Masses, our only collection will be to support the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. On behalf of all of our priests, thank you in advance for your generosity. For more information, please visit / The Easter Collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. These priests have given their lives to faithfully serve Christ, the Church, and you. Please be generous to this important collection. For more information, please visit
2016 April 24
2017 April 23
Military Archdiocese, Home Missions, and Black & Native American / Next week’s second collection supports three important national Catholic missions. The Military Archdiocesecollection provides for Catholic chaplains throughout the world for American servicemen and servicewomen. The Home Missions collection subsidizes the evangelization and formation activities of mission dioceses. The Black and Native American collection strengthens evangelization and outreach programs that serve the Native American, Alaska Native, and Black Catholic communities in the United States. For more information, please visit and / This week’s second collection supports three important national Catholic missions. The Military Archdiocese collectionprovides for Catholic chaplains throughout the world for American servicemen and servicewomen. The Home Missions collection subsidizes the evangelization and formation activities of mission dioceses. The Black and Native American collection strengthens evangelization and outreach programs that serve the Native American, Alaska Native, and Black Catholic communities in the United States. For more information, please visit and
2016 May 8
2017 May 28
Communications / Next week’s second collection supports the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). CCC communicates the Gospel through various formats, including social media, podcasts, TV, radio, and print media. 50%of the collection will support this national programming. Please visit
for more information. The other 50% of the collection will remain at the parish to support local communication efforts, such as website technology and bulletins. / This week’s second collection supports the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). If Jesus Christ were on earth today, how would he spread his message of salvation? Wouldn’t he use all communication vehicles to share the Good News? The CCC believes Jesus would use as many means as possible, and that is why it supports projects that use the entire array of media tools available today to evangelize and promote Gospel values. Please visit more information. 50% of the collection remains at the parish to promote local communication efforts, such as website technology and bulletins.
2016 May 15
2017 June 4
Seminarians (Pentecost) / Next week’s second collection supports the formation and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese of Boston for future service as priests. We are blessed that many are responding to the call to serve as priests.Please be generous and support these seminarians on their journey toward their ordination to the priesthood. For more information, please visit / This week’s second collection supports the formation and training of seminarians in the Archdiocese of Boston for service, we pray, as future priests. We are blessed that many are responding to the call to serve as priests. Please be generous and support these seminarians on their journey toward their ordination to the priesthood. For more information, please visit
2016 June 26
2017 June 25
Holy Father – Peter’s Pence / Next week’s second collection supports the Holy Father in providing emergency assistance to suffering people throughout the world. Contributions to the Peter’s Pence Collection are given directly by the Holy Father to individuals who are suffering from immediate emergencies that are the result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Please visit for more information. / This week’s second collection, for the Peter's Pence, enables the Holy Father to respond with emergency financial assistance to requests for aid to needy throughout the world - those who suffer as a result of war, oppression, and natural disasters. Please visit for more information.
2016 August 7
2017 August 6
The Catholic Relief Services Collection / Next week’s second collection is for Catholic Relief Services. This collection supports emergency relief, human development, and peace initiatives in countries around the world. The funds from this Collection provide food to the hungry, services for victims of human trafficking, support to displaced refugees, and show Christ’s love and respect to all people. The collection funds the ministries of six Catholic Church organizations: Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC), Migration and Refugee Services (MRS), the Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development, the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, and the Holy Father’s Relief Fund. For more information, please visit / This week’s second collection for Catholic Relief Services supportsemergency relief, human development, and peace initiatives in countries around the world. The funds from this Collection provide food to the hungry, services for victims of human trafficking, support to displaced refugees, and show Christ’s love and respect to all people. The collection funds the ministries of six Catholic Church organizations: Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. (CLINIC), Migration and Refugee Services (MRS), the Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development, the Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church, and the Holy Father’s Relief Fund. For more information, please visit
2016 September 4
2017 September 3
Catholic University of America / Next week’s second collection supports The Catholic University of America (CUA) and its scholarship fund for needy students. CUA, located in Washington, D.C., is the national university of the Catholic Church. Many priests and professional lay ministers throughout the US obtain their education from CUA. For more information, please visit / This week’s second collection supports The Catholic University of America (CUA) and its scholarship fund for needy students. CUA, located in Washington, D.C., is the national university of the Catholic Church. Many priests and professional lay ministers throughout the US obtain their education from CUA. For more information, please visit
2016 September 18
2017 September 17
Clergy Health & Retirement Trust / Next week’s second collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. On behalf of all of our priests, thank you in advance for your generosity. For more information, please visit / This week’s second collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. These priests have given their lives to faithfully serve Christ, the Church, and you. Please be generous to this important collection. For more information, please visit
2016 October 23
2017 October 22
World Mission Sunday / Next week’s second collection supports Catholic World Missions. By Baptism, all Catholics are called to participate in the mission of the Church and share their faith as missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support for the pastoral and evangelization programs and needs of more than 1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and remote regions of Latin America. The funds gathered on World Mission Sunday are distributed in the pope’s name by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith—a Pontifical Mission Society. Please visit for more information. / This week’s second collection supports Catholic World Missions. By Baptism, all Catholics are called to participate in the mission of the Church and share their faith as missionaries. World Mission Sunday gathers support for the pastoral and evangelization programs and needs of more than 1,150 mission dioceses in Africa, Asia, the Pacific Islands, and remote regions of Latin America. The funds gathered on World Mission Sunday are distributed in the pope’s name by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith—a Pontifical Mission Society. Please visit for more information.
2016 November 6
2017 November 5
Campaign for Human Development / Next week’s second collection is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which works to uphold the dignity of human life by breaking the cycle of poverty across the United States through grants to local community-based groups who create jobs, improve education, and strengthen neighborhoods. Twenty-five percent of the CCHD collection stays in the Archdiocese of Boston to fund local anti-poverty projects; seventy-five percent supports national grant and education programs. For more information, please visit / This week’s second collection is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD), which works to uphold the dignity of human life by breaking the cycle of poverty across the United States through grants to local community-based groups who create jobs, improve education, and strengthen neighborhoods. Twenty-five percent of the CCHD collection stays in the Archdiocese of Boston to fund local anti-poverty projects; seventy-five percent supports national grant and education programs. For more information, please visit
2016 November 20
2017 November 19
Collection for Retired Religious Sisters / Next weekend the Archdiocese will take up the Collection for Retired Sisters. Since 1988, the collection has provided needed financial support for religious communities who have served the Archdiocese of Boston as educators and health care and social service providers. Please give generously in recognition of the Sisters’ years of dedicated service. For more information, please contact Sister Marian Batho,CSJ, Delegate for Religious at 617-746-5637 or . / Today’s second collection is used to assist religious communities to provide for the retirement and health care needs of Sisters who have served in the Archdiocese. Please take this opportunity to say thank you to the Sisters who have served the Church of Boston so generously for so many years. Your contribution does make a difference. For more information, please contact Sister Marian Batho,CSJ,Delegate for Religious at 617-746-5637 or ,
2016 December 25
2017 December 25
Christmas Collection: Clergy Health Retirement Trust
(one envelope only) / Next week, at all our Christmas Masses, our only collection will be to support the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. On behalf of all of our priests, thank you in advance for your generosity. For more information, please visit / Merry Christmas from all the priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. The Christmas Collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. These priests have given their lives to faithfully serve Christ, the Church, and you. Please be generous to this important collection. For more information, please visit
