June 26, 2003
To: County Treasurers and Title & Registration Associates
From: Peggy Stalcup, Assistant Manager, Titles & Registrations/Dealers Licensing
Subject: Electronic title VIPs system changes
We are very happy to report that the new elien web application has been in limited production for two weeks in the Title and Registration Bureau. Additionally, yesterday, we completed training for our pilot business users and they are now using the application.
In conjunction with that effort, within the next two weeks, we will be releasing some enhancements on the as/400 in your offices to improve the processing of the etitle application.
This week-end we will be releasing the following enhancements along with the legislative downloads described in memo dated June 24th entitled July 1st County Treasurer memo.
· The Title and Registration Receipt will display the salvage and non-hiway reasons on the following transactions types. The verbiage will appear on the receipt above the transaction type.
· Formerly non-hiway title applications
· Non highway title applications
· Salvage title applications
· Rebuilt salvage title applications
· Duplicate title menu option will no longer allow an application on a title with a lien on record. The error message will read “title record has lien, cannot process”. The only duplicate title applications accepted will be on titles records without liens.
· Edits are being placed on the reissue title that will not allow a lien release on an etitle record. The system will only allow issuance of an application on titles issued prior to January 1, 2003 with liens. All other releases must be completed on your new lien release menu option coming soon within the next couple of weeks. The error message will read “unable to process, e-title on record.”
Upcoming enhancements
· Non highway and salvage verbiage will be printed on all title and registration receipts if the vehicle has been or is being placed on non-highway or salvage status.
· Etitle verbiage on Title and Registration receipt if the vehicle is an etitle record. There will be additional information on this in another memorandum next week.
· New menu option of lien release, which will allow counties to process lien releases for customers that, will issue title without liens. There will be additional information on this in another memorandum next week.
If you have additional questions, please call the County Service Section at 785-368-8384.
Thanks for your support and assistance while we are implementing the e-lien system.
Cc: Mathew Moser, Manager, Titles and Registrations/Dealers Licensing
Sheila Walker, Vehicle Director