Dr Andrew Robinson


Business and Macroeconomics. (with Pass, C. & Lowes, B.) International Thomson Business Press, London and New York, 301 pp, 1995. ISBN 0-415-12399-2 / 186152207X.
Published reports

1.‘Training, union recognition and collective bargaining: findings from the 2004 workplace employment relations survey'.unionlearn Research Paper No.4London: unionlearn/TUC (with Stuart, M.) 24pp. 2007

2. ‘Equal Opportunities Practices and Enterprises Performance: An Investigation on Australian and British Data’, (with Perotin, V.A.T.; Loundes, J.) Working Paper no. 14, International Labour Office; InFocus Programme on Promoting the Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.2003.

3. ‘Employee Participation in Ownership and Profit. A Review of the Issues and Evidence’, (with V. Perotin) European Parliament Working Paper, No. SOCI109EN, Social Affairs Series, Directorate-General for Research. 2002. ISBN: 92-823-1719-6

4. ‘Participation aux bénéfices et actionnariat salarié: les éléments du débat’ (with V. Perotin) Document de Travail du Parlement Européen, n° SOCI109FR, Série Affaires sociales, Direction générale des Etudes, 2002. ISBN: 92-823-1720-X

5. ‘Arbeitnehmerbeteiligung an Gewinn und Kapitalö Ueberblick über Fragen und Befunde’, (with V. Perotin) Europäisches Parlament Arbeitsdokument, SOCI109DE, Generaldirektion Wissenschaft, 2002. ISBN: 92-823-1718-8

6. ‘Profit Sharing in OECD Countries’, (with Estrin S., Perotin, V. Wilson, N.). Report prepared for the Working Party on Employment, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. Published in OECD Employment Outlook 1995, Part II: Key Issues in Labour Market and Social Policies, Chapter Four, pp139-169.ISBN: 10:9264144706 / 13:987-9264144705.

Special Issue of Journal

Employee Participation, Firm Performance and Survival’, (edited with V. Perotin) Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labour-Managed Firms, Vol. 8. 2004. Elsevier JAI.

Contributions to Edited Books

1.“The Impact of Profit-Sharing on Productivity” in Pendleton & Perotin (eds), Impact of Profit-Sharing in Europe, Edward Elgar. (forthcoming)

2.“Profit-sharing in the UK” in Pendleton & Perotin (eds), Impact of Profit-Sharing in Europe, Edward Elgar.(forthcoming)

3.‘Equal Opportunities and Productive Efficiency in the Workplace: Fairness, Employee Participation and the Firm’, (with Perotin, V.), in Dan Coffey and Carole Thornley (eds.) Industrial and Labour Market Policy and Performance: Issues and Perspectives, Routledge, London, 2003.

4. ‘Post-Transition Analysis of Public and Private Sector Wage Differentials in the Czech and Slovak Republics’, (with Planovsky, J.) in Gottvald (ed), Determinants of Individual Pay and Firm’s Pay Structures in the Czech and Slovak Republics, Vysok Skola Banska, Ostrava, 2002.

5. ‘Performance-related pay (with reference to profit-sharing)’, in J. Michie (ed) A Reader’s Guide to the Social Sciences, Fitzroy Dearborn, 2002.

6.‘Unhealthy Attitudes that Endanger Good Performance’, (with Smallman, C. John, G.) in James Pickford (ed), Mastering Risk Volume 1: Concepts, p152-156, Financial Times, Prentice Hall, 2001.

7.‘Les Contextes Nationaux: Quatrieme Chapitre Royaume-Uni’(with Pendelton, A.) in Cahier Travail et Emploi, Le Partage Du Profit En Europe, Institutions et effets compares par le reseau IPSE. Minister de L'emploi et de la Solidarite. 1997.

8.‘Analyses Comparatives: Septieme Chapitre, Effets Sur L'efficience Productive’, (with Perotin, V.) in Cahier Travail et Emploi, Le Partage Du Profit En Europe, Institutions et effets compares par le reseau IPSE. Ministere de L'emploi et de la Solidarite. 1997.

9.‘Employee Ownership and Corporate Performance’ (with Wilson, N.) in Wilson (ed), ESOPs: Their Role in Corporate Finance and Performance, Macmillan, September 1992.

Refereed Journal Articles

1.‘Contemporary Management Practices and Firm Performance: A Longitudinal Study’, (with Birdi, K., Patterson, M., Stride, C., Wall, T., Wood, S.). forthcoming in Personnel Psychology 2008.

2.‘Financial Participation and Productivity: Insights from Stochastic Frontier Estimation’, (with Wilson, N.). Economic and Industrial Democracy, 27, 4, pp609-635, 2006.
3. ‘Employee Share Ownership: Safeguarding Investments in Human Capital’, (with Wilson, N.). British Journal of Industrial Relations, 44, 1: 31- 50, 2006.

4. ‘The Contemporary British Workplace: A Safer and Healthier Place To Work?’, (with Smallman. C.). Work Employment and Society, 20, 1, pp87- 107, 2006.

5.‘Employee Share Ownership: Safeguarding Investments in Human Capital’, (with Zhang, Hao). British Journal of Industrial Relations, 43, 3: 469-488, 2005.

6. ‘Employee Participation, Firm Performance and Survival’, (with V. Perotin). Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labour-Managed Firms, vol. 8, pp211-226, 2004.

7. ‘Equal Opportunities Practices and Performance in Small and Large Enterprises: An Investigation on Australian and British Data’, (with Perotin, V & Loundes, J.) International Labour Review, vol 142, no. 4, 471-506, 2003.

8. ‘Igualdad de oportunidades y productividad empresarial. Invesigacion comparada de Australia y Reinon Unido’, (with Perotin, V. & Loundes, J.). Revista Internacional del Trabajo, 122(4), pp.519-556, 2003.

9. ‘Politiques d’Egalite des chances et resultants des enterprises: etude comparative de la situation en Australie et au Royaume-Uni’, (with Perotin, V. & Loundes, J.). Revue Internationale du Travail, 142(4), pp.509-546, 2003.

10. ‘Specific Human Capital and Partial Employee Ownership: A Transaction Cost Analysis’, (with Wilson, N. & Zhang, Hao). Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labour-Managed Firms, vol. 7, pp211-226, 2002.

11.‘Employee Participation and Equal Opportunities Practices: Productivity Effects and Potential Complementarities’, (with Perotin, V.). British Journal of Industrial Relations, vol38, no 4 pp557-584, 2000.

12. A Comparative Paper on Profit-sharing and Productivity. Evidence from Britain, France, Germany and Italy’, (with Perotin, V.). Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory and Labour-Managed Firms, vol. 6, pp135-162. 1998.

13. ‘The Incidence of Profit-Sharing in OECD Countries: A Review and Some Evidence’, (with Estrin, S., Perotin, V., Wilson, N.). Business Strategy Review. vol. 8, Issue 4, pp27-32. 1997.

14. ‘Is Profit-Sharing the Answer?’, (with Perotin, V.) Public Policy Research (formerly New Economy), Vol 4, 2, pp112-116, 1997.

15. ‘Employee Participation and Corporate Governance in Employee-Owned Firms’, (with Pendleton, A., Wilson, N.). Work, Employment and Society, vol. 10, no. 2, pp205-226. 1996
16. The Impact of Employee Share Ownership Plans (ESOPs) on Employee Participation and Industrial Democracy: A UK Study’, (with Pendleton, A., Wilson, N.). Human Resource Management Journal, vol.5, no. 4, pp44-60. 1995.

17. ‘Does Employee Ownership Weaken Trade Unions; Evidence From the UK Bus Industry’, (with Pendleton, A., Wilson, N.). Economic and Industrial Democracy, vol. 16, no.4, pp577-605, 1995

18. ‘Co-operative vs. Private Firms: An Empirical Comparison of Cooperative and Private Small Firms in Britain’, (with Wilson, N.) International Business Review, vol. 2, no. 3, pp. 281-296. 1994.

Other Research Publications

1.‘Changes in Employers’ Use of Contingent Labour: Evidence from the Construction Sector’, (with MacKenzie, R. and Forde, C.). Bollettino Adapt, Edizione Speciale, NO. 49, Associazione per gli Studi Internatnazionali e Comparati, ‘Marco Biagi’, pp10-12. Oct 2006.

2.‘Towards A Healthy Workplace’ (with Smallman, C.) The Cambridge Business Bulletin, Issue 4, Lent 2001, pp2-3

3.‘Health and Safety in the Workplace’, (with Smallman, C.) May 23 2000. The Financial Times, Business Matters.

4.‘World Recession - Fact or Fiction’, The World Fact Book, Guinness Publishing Ltd, pp9-11. May 1994.

5.‘Influencing Strategic Decisions: Worker Directors in UK Bus Companies’, (with Pendleton, A., Wilson, N.). Management Research News, vol. 16, 5/6, pp25-27, 1993.

Major Reports

1.‘Blueprint to Business Success: Survey of Successful Businesses’, (with Stuart M) Report prepared for the Campaign for Learning. 67pp. 2003

2.‘Equal Opportunities Practices and Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’, (with Perotin, V. and Loundes, J.). Background paper prepared for the 2004 International Labour Office Global Report for the Elimination of Discrimination. (published as ILO working paper). 2003

3.‘Employee Participation in Profit and Ownership: A Review of the Issues and Evidence’, (with Perotin V.) Only invited background paper prepared for consideration by the Members of the European Parliament as part of their deliberations about European-wide legislation on employee participation in ownership and profits, 2002 (published as European Parliament Working Paper)

4.‘Yorkshire Regional Economic and Business Survey’, (with Pike, R). Sponsored by for Price Waterhouse. Published twice yearly in ‘The Yorkshire Post’. 1996-97

5.‘Empirical Analysis of the Performance of the UK Large Management Buy-Out Market’. Charterhouse Development Capital Limited. 1996

6.‘Profit Sharing in OECD Countries’, (with S. Estrin, V. Perotin, and N. Wilson) Report prepared for the Working Party on Employment, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1995 (subsequently published in OECD Employment Outlook, 1995).

7. Report on Workforce Skills within Museums and Galleries (with Wilson, N). Department of Trade and Industry.

8. Report on Employee Attitudes Towards Employee Ownership and Participation.(with N. Wilson) The Baxi Partnership Ltd. Dec 1993.

Invited Papers / Keynote Addresses

1. ‘Employee Share Ownership, Human Capital and Competition’, (with Pendleton, A.), University of Newcastle, March 2007.

2. Invited by the International Association for Financial Participation (IAFP) and the European Commission to a conference of ‘experts in financial participation’ to comment on a ‘Model Plan for Financial Participation in the European Union’, Brussels 2005.

3.‘Firm Foundations? Contingent Workers and Employers’ Provision of Training in the UK Construction Sector’, (with Forde, C. and MacKenzie, R.).Plenary Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Training Employability and Employment, MonashUniversity, Prato, Italy, 21st – 23rd September, 2005.

4.‘Participation, Human Rights, and Performance’, (with Perotin, V.) Keynote address to the 10th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation Trento, Italy; 2000.

5. ‘Profit-Sharing in Europe, Research of the IPSE research network’, Keynote Speaker at the French Ministry of Labour and Employment Conference on Profit-Sharing, Paris, December 1997.

6.‘Profit-Sharing in OECD Countries’ (with S. Estrin, V. Perotin, and N. Wilson). 25th Meeting of the Working Party on Employment, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Chateau de la Muette, Paris, April 1995

7. ‘The Effects of Employee Share Ownership on Employee Attitudes: Job Satisfaction, Organisational Commitment and Intent to Turnover’ (with A. Pendleton and N. Wilson) Paper presented at the French Ministry of Labour, Paris, Sept 1992.

Other Selected Conference Papers (post 2000)

1. ‘Employee Share Ownership and Productivty: An Interaction Based Approach’, (with Pendleton, A.), The 22nd Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australian and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 6-8 February 2008.

2. ‘Which Firms Use Employee Benefits and Why? An Empirical Analysis of the Characteristics of British Workplaces and Employee Benefit Plans’, (with R. Hudson). 1st European Reward Management Conference, EIASM, Brussels, Belgium, December 2007.

3. ‘Changes in employers’ use of labour’, (with MacKenzie, R & Forde, C.). Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations Association, Universidad de Lima, Peru, September 11-14, 2006.

4. ‘Employers’ use of Contingent Labour: Evidence from the UK Construction sector’, (with MacKenzie, R & Forde, C.). Paper presented at the 56th BUIRA Annual Conference, 30TH June 2006, National University of Ireland, Galway.

5. ‘Help Wanted? Employer Attitudes to Employment Agencies in the Construction Sector’, (with MacKenzie, R & Forde, C.). Paper presented at the 55th BUIRA Annual Conference, University of Northumbria, 7th-11th September, 2005.

6. ‘Employee Ownership and Firm-Specific Human Capital’, (with H.Zang and N. Wilson). Presented at 11th Conference of the IAFEP, Brussels, July 2002.

7. High Involvement Work Practices and Health and Safety’ (with C.Smallman). Presented at EGOS Conference, Lyon, 2001.

8. ‘The Healthy Workplace?' (with Smallman, C.) Presented at the First Meeting of the WERS98 User Group, National Institute of Social and Economic Research, London, 3rd March 2000

External Research Grants and Awards

Data Collection and Evaluation of the EU Equal Project. Campaign for Learning.
£8,200 Sole Recipient, 2005.

Analysis of Blueprint for Business Success’, (with Stuart, M). Campaign for Learning.
£6,000 Co-investigator. May - July 2003

Equal Opportunities Practices and Performance in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises’. (with Perotin, V. & Loundes, J.) International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland. InFocus Programme on Promoting the Declaration on the Fundamental PrinciplesandRightsatWork. $12, 000, Co-investigator, 2002.

Determinants of individual pay and firms’ pay structures in the Czech and SlovakRepublics’,(with Prof Tor Erikson and Dr. Jaromir Gottvald) European Union Action for Co-operationinEconomics(ACE)Programme. €91,480, Co-investigator, 1999-2000.

Research visit and consultation on a study being prepared on ‘Forms of employment and enterprise performance’, Cross-Departmental Analyses and Reports Team, International Labou rOffice, Geneva,Switzerland. €1000, Sole recipient, 1999.

The Impact of Profit Sharing in Europe (IPSE)’. European Union (Human Capital and Mobility fund. This was part of a €250 000 project involving research teams from France, Italy(x2),GermanyandtheUK. €10 000, Co-investigator, 1995-1998.

‘Empirical Analysis of the Performance of the UK Large Management Buy-Out Market’ Charterhouse Development Capital Limited. £15,000, Sole Recipient, 1996.

‘Profit Sharing in OECD Countries’, prepared for the Working Party on Employment, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). $12000, Co-investigator,1995.
Between 1990 and 1993 I received the following postgraduate and career development awards: 1993: ESRC funded Teaching Fellowship Award (3 years). 1993: ESRC Funding for Full-time PhD (3 years) 1990: ESRC Funding for MSc Economics (1 year)