Mathematics Lesson: Year 3 - Multiplication
Year group: 3Resources: digit cards (0 to 10) or dice, multilink cubes, Multiplication Tables grid, number fans
Vocabulary: multiply, multiplication, row (across), column (down)
Oral and mental objectives: To know by heart and use all x10 tables.
Framework ref: Section 5 pages 52-53; Section 6 pages 58-59
Oral and mental activities:
Pairs place all digit cards face down on table. Mix these up. One pupil turns over a card and multiplies by 10 saying “number times 10 equals…..” and then says the answer. Score a multilink cube point if partner agrees correct. Repeat.
After 5 minutes give out 2 dice to each pair. Roll both together. Add the total and multiply by 10 saying the answer “total of both dice times 10 equals….” and then says the answer. Score a point if correct. Repeat.
Possible extensions could include
- asking the pair to turn over 2 of the digit cards, adding the numbers together and then multiplying by 10
- asking the pair to roll one die and turning over one digit card, adding the numbers together and then multiplying by 10.
- asking the pair to multiply by a number other than 10.
Main teaching objectives: To understand the relationship between multiplication and division
Framework ref: Section 5, page 57
Main teaching activities:
Teacher to show the multiplication grid (with the x10 row and column empty) on a large monitor/ screen/ laminated sheet/ acetate. Explain the difference between a row and a column. Explain to children that they are going to use this square to write multiplication and related division sums. Selected pupil to click on a cell. As a class, explore what two numbers need to be multiplied to fill in this cell. How do we know? Complete as a class the x10 row and column.
Pick any cell and highlight red. What multiplication do I do to get this answer? What is the related division? Write on board. Repeat.
(I found that having different coloured rows helped pupils with poor visual tracking skills).
Tasks:- (encourage discussion of methods. Pupils may benefit by referring to 100 square, or even number lines)
Lower Ability In Pairs. Either on computer or as print out, look at multiplication grid. Change the colour of any number in the x10 row or column to red. What multiplication goes with this cell? Can we make a related division? Write these in books or on the sheet.
(example: child picks 40 in x10 column. 4x10= 40. Related division 40 / 10= 4)
Middle Ability In Pairs. Either on computer or as print out, look at multiplication grid. Change the colour of any number in the grid to red. What multiplication goes with this cell? Can we make a related division? Write these in books or on the sheet.
Higher Ability In Pairs. Either on computer or as print out, look at adapted multiplication grid with empty x2, x5, x10 rows. Complete the grid. Next change the colour of any number in the grid to red. What multiplication goes with this cell? Can we make a related division? Write these in books or on the sheet.
Display the multiplication grid on the board. Cover one of the answers in a cell. What number should be in the cell? Write the number on whiteboards. Now try to write a multiplication and matching division on whiteboards. Compare and explain methods. Repeat, covering a different number.
Further uses for the ICT resource:
Pupils could, in future lessons, use the grid to investigate number patterns such as odd/ even numbers. Pupils could highlight rows/ columns of even numbers. What patterns are there? Can we explain these patterns?
ICT Skills link:
Following the Herts or QCA Schemes of Work, Word is one of the units covered in Year 3. I have seen dramatic improvements in the ICT capability of my Year 3 class by using tables for recording, particularly in maths, science and literacy.