NAME: / 503.05 Continuing Education Policy
EFFECTIVE: / 04/14/2010
Supersedes: / New

The Continuing Education Program at Jefferson Davis Community College offers a wide variety of educational programs and services. Services include seminars, conferences, short courses, workshops, and classes for personal enrichment and/or professional development to enhance quality of life or upgrade skills. These services are available to public and private organizations, as well as to individuals. The selection of Continuing Education courses is based on interests and needs of the area served by the College. Such courses will vary from semester to semester as demand dictates.

Regardless of the course length or format (traditional classroom or internet-based), the following policies and procedures will apply. This includes Continuing Education offered through third party vendors (including internet-based courses). All courses are subject to all applicable policies of the Alabama State Board of Education and the laws of the State of Alabama.

Curriculum Standards

Continuing Education courses must be approved by the Dean of Instruction,or designee, who will review each course to assure that it meets Jefferson Davis Community College’s curriculum standards. At a minimum, each course should have course objectives and a course outline indicating how those objectives will be covered.


In most classes, any person who can benefit from the class is eligible to attend. However, the college may require age limits for specific courses such as computer camps for children. Instructors may also require that students supply their own supplies such as a camera for a digital photography class.


Continuing Education course fees are determined for each course based on the cost of providing the course. Every attempt is made to keep course fees low to maintain course accessibility.


Payment is due at the first class meeting by cash, credit card, or check. Checks should be made payable to JDCC. If a student enrolls after the first class period, the full payment of tuition must be made the first day student attends class. No refunds are offered after a class begins.


Students are expected to attend classes. Attendance records are maintained by the class instructor for those classes earning official CEU credit. There are no official forms for withdrawing from class. Those who wish to discontinue class should inform the instructor.


Certificates are issued, upon request, to any student who satisfactorily completes course work.


Grades are not awarded for Continuing Education courses.

Course Evaluation

All Continuing Education courses are evaluated. A copy of the evaluation form is included with this policy.

Continuing Education Units

The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) was designed to recognize and record individual and institutional participation in non-traditional studies and special activities. Jefferson Davis Community College awards CEUs in accordance with guidelines established by the International Association of Continuing Education and Training. The following criteria must be met before CEUs will be awarded:

  1. In the preplanning sessions, there must be involvement by the target population, appropriate instructional personnel, and representatives of the College.
  2. The Continuing Education Units for any course must be determined prior to the course offering announcement. One continuing education unit is ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under capable and qualified instructor.
  3. There must be a course description, an identification of the target population, rationale for the course, course objectives, sequential course outline, and a process for course evaluation. These must be approved by the Dean of Instruction.
  4. Each participant must register for Continuing Education Units prior to the start of the course by completing an appropriate registration form.
  5. A permanent record must be maintained for each student.

Procedures for Setting up Continuing Education Courses

1. The continuing education coordinator arranges for classes to be offeredwithinput from the community, instructional personnel, and representatives from the College in accordance with the College calendar and schedule deadlines.

2.The coordinatorcontacts the instructor to arrange the following for each class:

a.Course Name/Description/Objective



d.Location (Brewton or Atmore Campus – room number)

e.Minimum number of students per class

f.Maximum number of students per class

g.Supplies provided by students (if any)

h.Supplies provided by instructor (if any)

i.Student age requirements (when classes are for children), etc.

j.Instructor charges per student

3.The coordinator will determine how much each student pays per class based on the instructor’s charges and expenses incurred by the College.

4.The coordinator will schedule classrooms/labs to be used with the dean of instruction’s administrative assistant or with the facilities director. If this information is unknown when class schedules are printed, TBA (to be announced) will be shown in announcements and the location will be provided when students register for class.

5. The coordinator will assign a course number and title for each class. Each course number will be prefixed by CEU.

6.Classes will be advertised in the JDCC class scheduleand on theJDCC Websitewith the following information:

a.Course Number – Course Title – Age Requirements (if any)

b.Brief description of course



e.Place (campus – room number)

f.Instructor Name


h.Any stipulations (class size, supplies to be provided by students, etc.) and registration deadline

Note: Only college officials may prepare CEU class advertisements. Instructors should not advertise their classes without permission from the appropriate personnel.

Payment Procedures for Instructors

The continuing education coordinatorinitiates a purchase order for each class taught by anon-college employee at the time the class is confirmed with the instructor. The business office provides a W-9 Form (Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification) to first-timeinstructors. The person responsible for registering students will notify the coordinator the day following the registration deadline to advise whether the class did or did not make. If the class makes, thecoordinator generates an invoice at the completion of the classand forwards it to the business office for payment to the instructor. If the class does not make, thecoordinatornotifies the business office to cancel the purchase order.

If the instructor is an employee of the College, the coordinatormakes a request to the director of administration and personnel to generate a contract for the employee if the class makes.

Registration Procedures

1.Class registrations are handled through the administrative assistant to the dean of instruction. If an individual does not reserve his or her place prior to the first class meeting, he or she will be admitted on a space-available basis. Students must pay atthe first class meeting. Students may be allowed to register late if space permits; however, the full amount must be paid on the first class meeting attended regardless of when the student registers. The administrative assistantnotifiesthecoordinator, instructor,and the night administrator when a class has or has notmade the day following the registration deadline. If the class does not make, pre-registered students are notified.

2.The Night Administrator (Atmore), the Director of Campus Life (Brewton), coordinator, or designee(s)meet the students the first time the class meets to obtain the following:

a.Class roll signed by each student

b.Registration forms prepared by each student

c.Payment (preferably with credit card or check). Checks should be made out to JDCC – not to the instructor.

  1. In addition, the Night Administrator (Atmore), the Director of Campus Life (Brewton), coordinator, or designee(s) provide theContinuing Education Program Evaluation and Survey forms (see last page of this policy) tothe instructor who will distribute and collect the evaluations on the lastclass meeting. The instructor should place the completed evaluationforms in the CEU coordinator’s mailbox.

Completion of Procedures

Completed registration forms, class roll, receipt book, and payments from students (cash, check, or credit card authorization) are forwarded to the business office. If a JDCC student is taking the class, receipt code CSER is entered on the student’s account, and the payment is receipted. For non-JDCC students, the payment is receipted directly to CSER. Receipt numbers are entered into the manual receipt book, and receipts are attached to the registration forms. Processed registration forms and class roll are forwarded to the dean of instruction office for recording of the CEU class in the AS400. The administrative assistant forwards the packet of information (official roll and registration forms) to the coordinator who maintains the records. All records are maintained according to records disposition guidelines.

When the class is completed an invoice signed by the coordinator is forwarded to accounts payable for payment of a non-college employee instructor. For a class taught by a JDCC employee, the coordinator will inform the payrollclerk in writing that the contract has been completed and payment can be made.

Reporting Continuing Education Activities to the Department of Postsecondary

Activities will be reported in accordance with forthcoming ACCS guidelines per State Board Policy 721.01.

Registration and Receipting Procedures for

CPR AND CPR RecertificationClasses

Procedures When Student Pays Before First Class Meeting:

Dean of Instruction’s Office

Schedule CEU class and notify business office of class and charge per student. Provide student with CEU registration form (may be obtained from Dean of Instruction’s office or business office). Forward processed registration forms received from the business office (see below) to instructor.


Complete registration form and give form and payment for class to business office staff.

Business Office

Receive registration form and payment from student. Enter charge for class on student’s account (if JDCC student), using receipt code CSER. Receipt payment, providing receipt to student. Retain registration form. Forward registration form with receipt attached to Dean of Instruction’s office.


Prepare a purchase order to the Red Cross for the number of CPR and/or CPR recertification cards needed for the number of students registered for the class.

Procedures When Student Pays at First Class Meeting:

Dean of Instruction’s Office

Schedule CEU class and notify business office of class and charge per student. Ensure instructor for class hasCEU registration forms, receipt book (obtained from business office), and credit card payment forms.


Give registration form to each student for completion. Accept registration form and payment from student. Complete receipt for payment made, giving copy to student and retaining copy in receipt book. (If student is paying with credit card the credit card payment form is completed and attached to receipt retained in receipt book).

Give completed registration forms, receipt book, credit card payment forms, and cash payments to business office (or to Dean of Instruction to forward to business office). Prepare a purchase order to the Red Cross for the number of CPR and/or CPR recertification cards needed for the number of students registered for the class.

Business Office

Receive registration forms and payments from instructor or Dean of Instruction’s office. Enter charge for class on student’s account (if JDCC student), using receipt code CSER. Receipt payments, attaching receipt to registration form and noting receipt number in receipt book. Forward processed registration forms to Dean of Instruction office










____1. The Instructor was knowledgeable of the subject matter.

____2.The material was presented in a manner that was easy for me to understand.

____3.The course or workshop met my expectations and needs.

____4.The facilities were adequate and all necessary materials were provided.

____5.The time, date, and location of the workshop were satisfactory.

Please answer the following questions, Yes or No

____ 6.At some future date, I will take additional continuing education classes at Jefferson Davis Community College.

____7.I will recommend the Continuing Education Program at Jefferson Davis Community College to my friends and family members.

Please complete the following:

I would like to see the following Continuing Education courses or workshops offered:

I recommend the following changes in the workshop or course I completed today: