the SEELY HALL, BROOKonWEDNESDAY 14th AUGUST 2013at7.30pm.

PRESENT: Mr. J. Cirrone (Chairman), Messrs. R. Haviland, J. Morgan, K. Taylor, D. Tolfree, Mesdames J. Brown, S. Chorley, S. Roberts, IW Cllr. Bob Seely, plus 11Members of the Public, together with Mrs. A. Mariner (Clerk & Registrar).


DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST: Mr. D. Tolfree and Mrs. S. Roberts declared Prejudicial Interests in the item relating to `Blanchards`.

MINUTES: The Minutes of the Meeting of the 10th July,having been previously circulated and read, were confirmed asa correct record, and signed by the Chairman.

MATTERS ARISING: (i) Play Equipment. The rotting posts forming part of the Galleon had been removed and the area made safe. Two of the posts had been cut down to make supports for the walkway. The Recreation Ground Admin. C`ttee. was looking at designs for a new piece of equipment.

(ii) Cycling on Footpaths. The Police had been patrolling and talking to the children and teachers. The children had been pushing their cycles down the Warnes Lane Footpath and there had been no issues. The Police will go into the School and talk about cycle safety.

(iii) Possible Consultant in relation to Blanchards. The Chairman confirmed that it had not been necessary to engage a Consultant.

AGE UK (IW): Kay Lunn, Advice & Advocacy Officer, had been unable to attend. Age UKIW, Information and Advice Service, wished to develop closer links with rural communities in order to ensure that residents had up-to-date and relevant information. It was looking to identify local venues which can be used to keep booklets and information leaflets and to be used to provide regular outreach services in order to have face to face contact with individuals. It was also hoped to recruit local volunteers to act as community champions to run the outreach service, with support; to ensure that the information provided is replenished on a regular basis and to provide details of local community activities and events to be promoted to those contacting the Newport Office of Age UKIW. A pilot project was being set up in Ventnor. Councillors resolved that Kay Lunn be invited to attend a meeting after the pilot project had been set up in Ventnor.

PLANNING APPLICATION: TCP/05980/E. P/00965/13. Proposed Dog Kennel to be used for the shelter of dogs used on the land. The Guet, off Limerstone Road, Brighstone.

Councillors had concerns about this application – the size of the building and the proposed use. The proposed building is 2.6m high; has no permanent ventilation; the window is not at a height for the dogs to see out and there is no run attached in which the dogs could relieve themselves.

There is no evident agricultural use on the site as stated in the application.

Councillors resolved that, should the application be granted, a condition should be placed to the effect that `permission is granted only for 2 working dogs whilst the owner is on site`. OBJECT.

PLANNING RESULTS: P/00618/13. Barn adj. 1 and 2 Marsh Green Cotts., Marsh Green, B`stone.

Alts. And conv. Of barn to form, one unit of hol. acc. with assoc. parking. APPROVED.

P/00767/13. Chestnut Cottage, Brook. Proposed Summer House. APPROVED.

P/00626/13. Braeside, New Road, Brighstone. Demolition of conservatory and garage; proposed single storey rear ext. to form kitchen/diner. APPROVED.


P/01940/12. Brook Farm House, Brook. Conv. of redundant stables/holiday acc. cottage to form 4 units of accommodation. APPROVED.

P/00607/13. Fore Down, Limerstone Road, Limerstone. Demolition of dwelling; proposed replacement dwelling with det. garage and ext. swimming pool. APPROVED.

P/00811/13. Hilltop Cottage, Gaggerhill Lane, B`stone. Alts., single storey ext. on north elevation to provide additional living acc; alts. To roof. APPROVED.

P/00666/13. Land adj. Blanchards, Moortown Lane and between Upper Lane and Main Rd., B`stone. Outline for a mixed use development comprising Abbeyfield residence (13 flats) sheltered housing (4 flats and 6 chalet bungalows); 8 semi-det. assisted care bungalows; 12 units of open marked housing (10 det. and 2 semi-det. houses); 14 units of affordable housing (4 semi-det. houses, terrace of 4 houses and 6 flats); doctors` surgery with assoc. pharmacy, community park, assoc. parking and formation of vehicular access from Main Road and Upper Lane. REFUSED.

TO RECEIVE any up-date in connection with the PLANNING APPL. for BLANCHARDS.

(Mr. Tolfree and Mrs. Roberts left the room for this item, having declared Prejudicial Interests).

The Chairman read a Draft Letter to Mrs. Jean Cheverton which he wished Councillors to consider in order to endeavour to take forward the future of this land. Following discussion, Councillors resolved that the letter should form the basis of a need to talk to all land owners as part of the Neighbourhood Plan process. The Clerk to re-write for approval by Councillors with copies of Mr. Tim Smith, Executor, and Mrs. Jean Chambers, IWC.

POSSIBLE MID MONTH PLANNING MEETING: Wednesday 28th August at 7.00pm.


Mr. Blanchard thanked Councillors for their invitation to attend the meeting and introduced Mr. Alan Bennett who said they had attended in order to allay the fears and concerns of Councillors. Michelle Lock had organised the 2013 Festival, for the first time, and mistakes had been made. The most significant of these was being a later start time resulting in cyclists passing through the villages when more people were around. Mr. Blanchard confirmed that next year`s time trials would start at the earlier time of 7am and the last cyclist would be finished by 9.30am. In addition, there would be changes to the route resulting in the event not terminating in BrighstoneVillage Centre.. Details of the 3 days events would be sent to the Parish Council which we would circulate on the website and in the Newsletter so that residents would be aware of racing cyclists.

Mr. Haviland asked 3 questions: 1. Do cyclists adhere to speed restrictions? Mr. Blanchard said cyclists were told to comply with the rules of the road. A risk assessment is undertaken before each race and the Police are notified.

2. Are cyclists made aware that they should give way to pedestrians? Mr. Blanchard said that everyone should pay due respect to each other. He suggested that dangerous areas might be taped off which would signify caution to be taken by everyone.

3. When planning an event, tell us where you position your Marshalls. Mr. Haviland suggested that Hulverstone Lane warranted the presence of a Marshall. Mr. Blanchard said that an Events Planning Meeting was to take place soon and these points would be discussed. He promised to send a schedule for 2014 and the dates and times could be inserted into the Newsletter and Village Talk.

Mr. Blanchard and Mr. Bennett were thanked for attending and left the meeting.

POLICE REPORT:During July there had been 1 isolated incident of ASB and 1 of Theft. There had been reports of 2 male cold callers in the Shalfleet area offering to undertake gardening work for elderly residents. The vehicle is believe to be a 4 x 4 but no other details are known. The Police ask that everyone is aware.


NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN: Mr. P. Jostins would be interested in being a member of the Steering Group, but not available until January 2014. Mesdames Bentley and D`arcy also wished to join and Mrs. Bentley asked for a copy of the Notes of the Meeting held on 24th July. The first meeting of the Steering Group Volunteers would be on Wednesday 28th August at 7.30pm in Brighstone School Hall. The Chairman confirmed that the meetings would alternate between daytime and evenings.

Mr. Taylor said that representatives were required from Brook/Hulverstone/Mottistone as these areas were part of Brighstone Parish. He felt that grant money (and possibly support) available from LOCALITY should be sought sooner rather than later as applications in the current year would only be considered until the available funding was allocated and there was no guarantee this would be available next year. This involved answering lots of questions and providing costings, including estimates, for employing a consultant and/or a Lead Officer. He said that Terms of Reference should be agreed ahead of the First Meeting and he agreed to send suggestions, for the Steering Group, in draft form, to all Councillors first. A Service Level Agreement had been received from the IW Council which needed to be agreed, signed and returned.

Mrs. Chorley felt that only limited progress could be made at this stage as the application for a Neighbourhood Plan was out for consultation which didn`t end until 23rd September. The Terms of Reference were a guide and not mandatory. The Clerk was instructed to ask Mr. Oliver Boulter if draft Terms of Reference were available.

Mr. Taylor was asked to produce a Draft Agenda for the Meeting on 28th August.

BROOK VILLAGE GREEN INFORMATION BOARD: All Councillors had received a copy of the proposed wording. It was suggested that the reference to insurance by the Parish Council be deleted; the word use be changed to uses and commas inserted. Mr. Haviland said that an oak plinth would cost £450 so other ideas had to be sought. The people of Brook would be asked for their confirmation of the wording and ideas for designs and siting.

BRIGHSTONEVILLAGE CENTRE NOTICE BOARD: An estimate had been received for a top to the Board and lettering for an amount of £480. The Signwriter had suggested painting this and the Notice Board in black, with gold lettering, to match the Finger Post Sign and the Black/Gold Posts. Councillors resolved this with the proviso that this was acceptable to the Wilberforce Hall C`ttee. The Clerk to e-mail the Secretary for approval at their next meeting.

PROVISION of MAP in WARNES LANE: Mr. Morgan had made enquires into costs for enlarging the existing map, which was possible at a small cost, but changing from portrait into landscape was not possible. The Chairman suggested cutting down the existing Map Board to the size of the new map and affixing. As some new Councillors were not familiar with the Board, the decision was put on hold until after the Tour of the Parish, when Councillors could see the problem.

JUBILEE TREE: An estimate had been received for tidying around the tree; cutting back the lower branches; re positioning and re-tensioning tree ties, if necessary; touching up paint work on support posts and removal of waste for an amount of £20. Councillors resolved this be accepted.

S106 MONIES from the HEATH GARDENS DEVELOPMENT: An amount of £3480 had been paid to the IW Council when permission for development was granted. This to be spent on capital works for off-site open space. Councillors resolved that this should be spent on new play equipment. Mrs. Joan Brown offered to ask the school children for their ideas and report back to the Recreation Ground Admin. C`ttee.

The Clerk was instructed to ascertain whether there was a cut-off date for expenditure of the monies.

TOURIST INFORMATION POINTS: The Chairman said we had not been informed or involved in any discussions about this which had been put in `Seven` with the Official Opening taking place on the 8th August. Mr. Taylor attended. The Chairman had asked Mr. David Thornton of Visit Wight to attend the September Meeting, to which he had agreed.


The Chairman read a letter from Mr. Martin Lewis complaining that the `playing field was not level` in that he had been reported to the IW Council for having an A-Board on the pavement, whereas a Tourist Information Point Sign was on the pavement; a Board advertising `Seven` was on the verge at the junction of Grange Road/Military Road and a bicycle advertising the Sun Inn, Hulverstone, was on the verge at Brook.

Mrs. Brown offered to speak to the owners of `Seven` and the Chairman would speak to Mr. Lewis.

Mrs. Chorley said that the Parish Council had been advised that Visit Wight wished to increase their website data with information from the Parishes and she had made contact, with the promise of a reply which had not materialised. Mrs. Bentley would take the concerns to the next Tourism Meeting.

BKV COMPETITION RESULTS: Brighstone had been awarded 81 marks with the judges` comments about pot holes in Warnes Lane Car Park and no lights; smelly and wet floor in the Toilets and not many litter bins. The War Memorial had been awarded 79 points with the comment of it not being up to its usual standard. Brook/Hulverstone/Mottistone were awarded 86 points with the comments of a wonderful show of daffodils at Brook but bus shelter needed refurbishment.

The Presentation Evening would be held on 26th September at 7.30pm in the Church Centre, Town Lane, Newport. Mrs. Brown offered to attend.

AUDIBILITY at MEETINGS: Mr. Tolfree said this continued to be a problem for some members of the public and for some Councillors. Following discussion, it was resolved that different seating arrangements be tried to address the problem. If this failed, sound systems should be investigated.

TOUR OF THE PARISH: Some possible dates had been previously received, others were given at the meeting. The Clerk would sort out a suitable date to everyone and circulate a starting time.

RISK ASSESSMENT CHECKS FOR AUGUST:Goods ordered had been received; Health & Safety Risks regularly undertaken; Office Equipment and Documents were in good order.

ACCOUNTS for PAYMENT: Councillors resolved that the following should be paid:- VAT

B`stone & District Newsletter – Reports100.00

Information Commissioner – Data Protection 35.00

IW Computer Geek - Website back-up for 2 yrs.120.00

SLCC – Up-dated pages for Clerk`s Manual 35.50

Hants Prob. Trust – Brook Stream Clearance150.00

CountyFencing Supplies – Removal of posts 97.50 19.50117.00

Groundsells – Grass Cutting 900.00180.00 1080.00

Top Mops Ltd. – Toilet Cleaning for July 208.73 41.75250.48

IW Council – Election Costs 78.28

Mrs. A. Mariner – Salary – June.337.00}


TO RECEIVE FINANCIAL STATEMENT to 31st JULY 2013: This was received. Mr. Haviland noted that the estimated reserves figure had increased .

TO RECEIVE REPORTS from REPS. ON OUTSIDE BODIES:Island Roads Meeting. Mr. Haviland and the Clerk had attended together with members from Shalfleet PC. The logic of repairs was that work on the better roads would be undertaken, as the worst roads would not get any worse. Lighting was being replaced and would be controlled from one centre and all areas could be individually controlled as they wished. Grass cutting of verges had been a problem in some areas but the employees were receiving education and training. Area Stewards were patrolling their areas and would check on all reports.


A new machine was being used to fix potholes. Lay Assessors would be recruited to monitor work in progress for 1 day a month. Training would be given and they would be in this role for one year only.

IW COUNCILLOR`S REPORT: `Blanchards`. Mr. Seely said he was pleased the application for mixed development had been refused.

IWCouncil Meeting. Considered to be better than the previous meeting.

Road Issues. The list of road defects, in WW, given to Island Roads would receive work very soon.

Verge Cutting. It was proposed that the wild flowers would be left, unless on a dangerous bend, and the areas where visibility was a problem would be cut.

FormerLibraryBuilding. This had been discussed with the Deputy Leader of the IW Council. It was likely to become a Community Asset and Cllr. Seely hoped to persuade the IW Council to hand it over for a peppercorn rent.

Service Providers. There was talk of Parish Councils being used as Service Providers. No further information was known.

Jet Patcher. This was being used to fill in potholes, being cheaper and faster than the old method. The downsides were that it left the road messy, with loose shingle and runny tar. Cllr. Seely had persuaded Island Roads to have an extra person on the machine to sweep up the loose shingle; to return a week later and re-sweep; to use a board to prevent material spilling onto pavements and for the lorry to run over the filled-in potholes, several times, to compact the hole.

WW Marketing Board. Joint talks had been held.

Toilets. There had been discussions about re-opening some of those which had been closed by the previous administration.

CORRESPONDENCE: Training Courses and Dates. All Councillors had received a list of these. Anyone wishing to attend any of the sessions should let the Clerk know. Mr. Taylor wished to attend the Planning for Local Councillors on 23rd September.