P.S. 212 The Lady Deborah Moody School

Our K-O-A-L-A-T-I-E-S of


Classroom / Hallways/Stairs / Playground / Cafeteria / Restrooms / Assemblies/Trips
Cooperation / ·  Follow teacher directions.
·  Work well with other students.
·  Work together to keep the classroom clean and organized.
·  Follow class rules. / ·  Walk quietly.
·  Stand in line spot.
·  No running.
·  Use the up/down stairwell. / ·  Take turns and share equipment.
·  Follow playground and game rules.
·  Include others in games. / ·  Eat most or all of my food and drink.
·  Raise silent signs.
·  Listen and respond politely to adults.
·  Follow directions. / ·  Take turns.
·  Use quiet voices.
·  Return to class quickly and quietly.
·  Sign in and out. / ·  Stay in your seat.
·  Follow teacher directions.
·  Sit quietly until dismissed.
Pride / ·  Always do my best work.
·  Bring my materials.
·  Participate in class.
·  Complete and turn in homework.
·  Take care of classroom materials. / ·  Keep my hands off the walls and the items on the walls.
·  Wear my school uniform.
·  No littering in hallways or stairwells. / ·  Take care of school equipment.
·  Return the equipment to the designated area.
·  Be a good winner and a good loser (sportsmanship.) / ·  Clean up after myself.
·  Throw away trays and trash in the garbage. / ·  Keep the floors and walls dry and clean
·  Flush toilets.
·  Throw trash in the trash cans,
·  Put toilet paper in the toilet. / ·  Stand during the Pledge of Allegiance.
·  Have good manners.
Respect / ·  Listen to the teacher and other students.
·  Raise my hand to speak.
·  Ask to borrow what belongs to someone else, take care of and return it.
·  Be supportive of my peers. / ·  Keep my hands and feet to myself.
·  Stay quiet while classes are in session. / ·  Be responsible for my own actions.
·  Listen and respond politely to adults. / ·  Be courteous: saying thank you, please, excuse me, etc.
·  Talk quietly.
·  Keep hands to myself. / ·  Wash my hands
·  Be private and allow others to have privacy. / ·  Listen to the speaker.
·  Clap at appropriate times.
·  Keep my hands and feet to myself.