“The Secrets of Body Language” – History Channel DVD Notes

1.  ______% of human communication is verbal. ______% of what we communicate with others is nonverbal.

2.  When you can read body language, every moment you spend with others can be ______. In business, every moment you spend with others can be ______.

3.  Walking speed sends out messages about ______.

4.  Body language is often complex and easily______.

5.  There is great meaning behind who ______first. In the Middle East, this has great cultural significance.

6.  A pat on the back is a way to demonstrate ______.

7.  When world leaders get together, they know that the opportunity to demonstrate dominance is the “______.”

8.  Having the “upper hand” implies dominance. Grabbing by the ______can show who is the leader.

9.  Even in a ______position, the bodies of world leaders can say a lot.

10. Hands behind the back indicate a person has ______.

11. A ______gesture says, “Here we go. I can get through this.” (Ex. President Richard Nixon)

12. When a person makes a definitive statement, and then retreats or backs away, it is likely that what they have just said is ______.

13. The “______” shows protection.

14. To unlock the secrets of body language, experts rely on an analytical system called “______.” This system analyzes body language in contrast to how a person responds normally to situations.

15. It is believed that if people can see your ______, they can also see your ______.

16. Crossing one’s hands ______the body demonstrates good behavior. (Ex. Paris Hilton)

17. “______” between Presidents Nixon and John F. Kennedy first prompted politicians to be mindful of their images.

18. One’s back is ______when one feels threatened. Confidence causes one’s chest ______. Posture is important!

19. When giving speeches, politicians wave hello to individuals. This gives the impression that ______.

20. Good salespeople smile. J People buy products based ______.

21. Gesturing on ______as one speaks is the mark of a good speaker.

22. One shows integrity when one’s movements are all done in ______. (Ex. Pres. Bill Clinton)

23. Reading body language is an extremely important part of ______. If you can recognize a threat, you can counteract it.

24. Dr. Paul Eckman studied whether there were universal expressions that crossed cultural boundaries. He found that there are 7 universal facial expressions:

“The Secrets of Body Language” – History Channel DVD Notes








“The Secrets of Body Language” – History Channel DVD Notes

25. ______come out quickly before we have time to think about them.

26. Body language and ______have a large impact on how well one communicates.

27. The ______one’s voice, the less credibility one has.

28. President ______is known as “The Great Communicator.”

29. Whenever there is a conflict between words and body language, believe the ______!