Membership Meeting Minutes

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Minutes of OCMA Membership meeting held at the Santa Ana Police Department Community Room, in Santa Ana, CA. A copy of these minutes is available at:

OCMA Board members:

Absent Phil Daigneau (President)

Present Donna Grubaugh (Vice President)
Present Jeff Corp (Secretary)

Present Melissa Tober (Treasurer)

vacant (Member At Large)

OCMA Exec Director:

Present Mark McDorman

  1. Call to Order:

Donna Grubaugh (Vice-President) called the meeting to order at 12:06 pm on August 25, 2016. Donna welcomed all members (17 managers [including Board members] in attendance). The attending Board members introduced themselves. Donna announced the retirement of David Brock from the County and the OCMA Board. Donna also announced that the OCMA Board elected her to fill the seat left vacant by David and to assume the Vice-President’s office.

  1. Approval of Minutes:

Donna called for a motion to approve the minutes from the June 16, 2016, OCMA Membership meeting. A motion was made by Elaine Renner to approve the minutes and seconded by Rhonda Marshall. The minutes were approved by a unanimous vote of the attending membership.

  1. Treasurers Report:

Melissa Tober provided the Treasurer Report. The current balance of funds remains stable at over $600,000.00.

  1. Membership Report:

Mark McDorman reported the total membership for OCMA stands at approximately 835 managers. Mark encouraged managers to promote membership to their fellow managers who have yet to join and reminded members that the referral reward is 2 Regal/Edwards movie tickets.

  1. Markey/Equity Process:

Mark McDorman informed the members that the 2016 Market/Equity Review process has begun. Manager requests were due to OCMA by Aug 5th with the analysis completed and submitted to the County by September 16th. Final recommendations are to be completed by October 7th with CEO approval by October 28th. Mark explained the analysis process and also explained that there is limited funding available (.6% of overall manager’s salaries, approx. $700,000) and that all requests and recommendations are discretionary.

  1. MOU Vacation Amendment:

Donna explained the MOU Vacation Amendment submitted to the Managers by the County. The Amendment was then submitted to the OCMA Membership for a vote and was overwhelmingly approved (93.1%). The Amendment heads back to the County for BOS approval, which is scheduled for the September 13, 2016, BOS Meeting. The amendment will allow for Managers with 1-3 years of County service to accrue vacation time each pay period without waiting for 1, 2 or 3 year anniversary date to get a lump sum vacation balance.
A question from the membership was asked about a change in salary due to a change in job duties. It was explained that the MOU indeed allows for an increase in salary due to a change in duties.

  1. MOT:

Donna encouraged the OCMA managers who work more than their scheduled shift to use the MOT code on VTI in order to document hours worked in excess of 80 hours in a pay period. Donna explained that there is an expectation of managers to work a normal 8 hour (or 9 if on a flex schedule), however when managers work more than the expected shift and put in excess hours, this should be documented by using the MOT code.

  1. Management Performance Evaluations:

Melissa provided a brief update on the progress of the committee. Unfortunately the County has been unable or unwilling to set or maintain a schedule that allows for any significant progress. The process is currently at a standstill with expected new direction coming from the new HRS Chief. Melissa announced that two non-Board member managers have been added to the eval committee, Claire Moynihan and Melissa Padilla.

  1. Meeting with HRS Chief:
    The OCMA Board of Directors has met with the County’s new Chief of HRS. A variety of topics important to the Managers were discussed including the development of Management Evals.

Donna also announced the resignation of HRS Labor Relations Manager, Robert O’Brien from the County. Robert has accepted apposition with the City of Oceanside as their HR Chief.

  1. Election:

OCMA Board elections for 2017 will be held in November. Three seats (2 year terms) are open. Members will receive an announcement via e-mail with instruction on how to make a nomination for an open seat.

  1. Other Issues:


  1. Door Prize:

Regal Movie Tickets were awarded to a lucky manager in attendance.

  1. Adjournment

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