FY 2015/FY 2016 Head Start State Supplemental Grant – Questions and Answers Document

FY2015/FY2016 Head Start State Supplemental Grant Fund Code 390

Questions and Answers

Programmatic Questions

Q1. In regards to the $600.00 for the purchasing of tablets, are agencies limited to Apple iPads?

A1: Tablets other than iPads such as Asus, Kindle and Nexus are considered allowable for the Head Start State Supplemental Grant. The total must remain under $600.00 for each tablet.

Q2. Does the Head Start State Supplemental Grant have aMA Minority Women Business (M/WBE) requirement?

A2: No, the Head Start State Supplemental Grant does not have a M/WBE requirement.

Q3.For Narrative Question # 4, it states to attach your Agency's School Readiness goals. How should an Agency attach this document to the electronic Online Application?

A3: All Applicants are required to send a notification of submission to the EEC Submission mailbox indicating that they have completed the Head Start Online Application and Site Survey. Please attach your school readiness goals to the notification email that is sent to

Fiscal Questions

Q4. What is the appropriate way to report fringe benefits in the Lead Agency Budget?

A4: If you are reporting fringe for more than one staff member,and each member has a different percentage, please provide the fringe percentages in the narrative box. If the fringe is over 35%, the system will prompt you to provide a breakdown in the narrative.

Q5. In past fiscal years, the budget has required an Agency to report the employee name and the total salaries of each employee funded through this grant.Is this information required for fiscal year 2015 and fiscal year 2016?

A5: No, the employee name and total salary is not required. We do request that you report the FTE that will be funded with this grant. Example, if an employee is a full time staff member (FTE= 1.0) but 10% of their salary is funded through this grant please report their FTE as .10.

Head Start Site Survey

Q6. What is the reporting time period for the Head Start Survey?

A6: Please refer to the instructions provided in the Site Survey, as this will outline the time period requested for each section of the Head Start Site Survey. Note the following time periods requested in the Lead Agency section of the Site Survey listed below:

  • Contract and Vouchers: July 2012- June 2013.
  • EEC Competitive Grant Opportunities: July 2013- June 2014
  • EEC Renewal Grant Opportunities: July 2013- June 2014

Q7. Where should sites that are considered a local designed program be reported within the Head Start Site Survey?

A7: The Head Start Site Survey will pre-populate the information your agency provided in FY 2014. Please update the information for FY2015 and follow the same process of reporting data used in FY2014.

Q8. How should an agency report on the different degree levels of their home-based visitors?

A8: Please treat each home visitor as a Program to complete this section of the Site Survey. This will allow you to complete the individual degree level for each home visitor.

Q9. How should an agency report information requested on the lead agency pageas related to contracts and vouchers?

A9: Please report the Lead Agency information related to the contracts and vouchers as requested in the Site Survey. For example, if your Head Start program operates under a CAP Agency or a Lead Agency report the total number of contracts and vouchers received by your CAP or Lead Agency.