
  1. Opening Prayer – Msgr. Tom Flach
  1. Present: Sue Humphrey – President, Msgr. Thomas Flach , Cindy Yong - CPM, Monica Jones, Sara Gordon, Jenny Martin – CRE and Debra Bertrand - Secretary

Guests: Deacon Ken Hilliard

  1. Absent: Moy Kilpatrick, Elizabeth Huhman, Curt Cox and Shannon Sullins-CYM
  2. Approval of July Meeting Minutes: Approved with corrections. Motion was made to accept the minutes by Sara Gordon and seconded by Monica Jones.
  3. Old Business:
  4. Outreach Food Drive – February 11 - 12, 2017 will be the next food drive. The Food Pantry was very appreciative of the donations of food and money.
  5. Parish Partnership
  6. Mass Schedule –The current Mass schedule will remain as it is until October2016. Msgr. Flach will celebrate Mass at St. Paul at 9:30 am on Sundays. Arrangements were made for retired priests to fill in for him at St. Joseph during this time. A meeting of the Partnership Council was held and a cooperative spirit prevailed. Mass schedules werediscussed with no final determination made. One of the suggested Mass times were – St.Paul 8:45am and St. Joseph at 10:15 am. There was a lot of discussion about the various issues related to the changes and the impact that those changes may have. The Joint Parish Council will create a trial schedule for 2-3 months and then re-evaluate it. Msgr. Flach will meet with them and form a group tofinalize the plan.
  7. Pastoral Council – Discussed that there is a need for one Pastoral Council. The Constitutions for both St. Paul and St. Joseph will be reviewed and combined into one governing document for both. The goal is to start working on it by the first of the year with target completion by Spring.
  8. Bulletin - Msgr. Flach spoke with Sandy West and Pat Restivo from St. Paul and they were open to using only one bulletin. The combined bulletin may happen by the beginning of November 2016.
  9. Youth Ministry, VBS, PSR, Parish Picnic, Women’s Organization – The picnic and other fall events are fast approaching and Father told Sandy to start advertising these events at St. Paul. VBS went well. Recruiting is starting for the Youth Ministry. St. Paul has a Women’s Organization and PSR that will continue.
  10. Other considerations – Financial, housing, food allowance, etc. Finance Council will work out the details and there will be two councils to keep the finances separate.
  11. Status of Prodigal Son Play – A letter was received from Harry Mosley withdrawing his request to put on this production (See attached). He has decided to move it to the O’Neil Auditorium at John A. Logan Community College.
  12. Vision/Mission Statement – This needs to be explored further and we need to put thought into it. Explore what Belleville has and then follow it. We will work with St. Paul and develop one together with a broader scope. This item will be tabled until the combined Pastoral Council can come together and work on it.
  13. Stewardship Update – No update. Compilation of data from the last campaign is still pending. Monica Jones to follow up and report at next Pastoral Council meeting.
  14. Property Inventory – Finance Council is working withthe insurance company and Bill Johnson re: re-evaluating cost replacement. If there is a concern about equipment disappearing, an inventory can be done; otherwise, the Finance Council will handle it. As we move forward and combine councils, there may be a need to look at other things.
  15. Reports – Family Picnic will be held 9/11/2016. Donna Bragee and Christy Holmes are co-chairpersons. Many activities are planned such as the Fire Department with their Smokehouse; Life Line will be there with their helicopter and will allow children to go through it, Rosie’s Gribble‘s son will perform and there will be a D.J. for music. This weekend there will be a promo video in the Gathering Space on the upcoming activities. St. Paul has two volunteers working with us.

Wine Tour is scheduled for 10/23/2016. Carla Haas is the Chairperson and will start selling tickets in September. There will be 2 busses that will leave St. Joseph at 12:30pm and return at 5:30pm. They will go to 3 Vineyards- Blue Sky, StarView and Rustle Hill. Cost will be $20 per person. More info to come such as bus guidelines and winery requirements.

  1. New Business:

a. Vocation Committee - Father Nick Junker, Chaplain, Newman Center isspearheading the creation of a Vocation Committee. Someone will be contacting him regarding this and ask for insight/direction. It was felt that it is important to form one.

b.Pastoral Council – With the resignation of JoAnn Banwarth, a vacancy has been created on the council. There was a discussion about the need for additional member(s) before the regular election time. Msgr. Flach will appoint one member to the council.

7.Committee Reports:

  1. Finance Council – No Report
  2. Liturgy – Met recently and are in the process of re-writing the job description for the organist. Ads will be placed in the newspaper and also on our website in an effort to attract applicants. More emphasis is being placed on using Spanish in our Ministries. There was also a suggestion of doing a Reading in Spanish , although it was recognized that the Cantors may not be able to pronounce some of the words.
  3. Outreach – $3,127.02 was donated to the Marion Ministerial Alliance
  4. Stewardship Committee – No Report.
  5. Welcome Committee – No Report
  6. Building Committee – No Report
  1. Knights of Columbus (KofC) – No Report

8.Coordinator of Parish Ministries – Cindy Yong - See Reports under Old Business above regarding the Family Picnic and Wine Tour.

9.Coordinator of Youth Ministries – Shannon Sullins - No Report

Youth will leave 7/28/16 for the white water rafting trip. There are 16 people going. The trip to Holiday World has been cancelled due to the limited number of people who signed up to go. We had two people attend World Youth Day. We are looking for more catechists.

10.Coordinator of Religious Education – Jenny Martin – PSR registration will be held at the Family Picnic and also on-line. Recruitment is underway for another 5th grade, Pre-K and 2nd grade Catechists. We are gearing up for the school year. Elizabeth Huhman just resigned due to her schedule. The need for Catechists has been placed in the Bulletin.

11. Pastor’s Comments – Msgr. Flach welcomed Deacon Ken Hilliard.

12.Adjourn – Next meeting – September 20, 2016

13.Closing Prayer