The Zion Messenger

September 2016

Pastor Koziol’s Corner:

Well it seems like the hottest days of Summer might be behind us (I hope). The farmers have finally gotten rain for the crops and Zion keeps preaching God’s faithful Word each and every week. It truly is a blessing to be part of it all and I look forward to the things that God has in store for us.

The chicken and bake sale that we had this month was a success. The ladies put so much hard work into this to make it successful and it truly shows. The dedication and volunteerism from the faithful women who do this is amazing.

Lutheran night at the Tincaps game was also so much fun. Finally, after three years of buying tickets and not going because of weather, this year finally paid off. This year was the charm. It rained heavily in Fort Wayne 2 hours before, but when we got to the game everything was dry and taken care of. Our seats were almost directly behind home plate and the Tincaps won that night! We again had great company and even one of our own little ones came home with game ball from a foul.

Currently we have adult catechism going on, but as we look toward the future, children’s catechism will be starting back up again. The one thing that has been discussed at great lengths in council meeting, elder’s meetings and also from you, the congregation, is the need for the Pastor to teach confirmation class. I couldn’t be in agreement any more. So starting this year, the confirmation classes will be taught directly from Pastor. This will also be a change to the teaching schedule. This means we will have to meet outside of church hours, meaning no confirmation classes taught during bible studies. We will be composing a confirmation schedule that will meet 1 hour per week, most likely on a week day. As mentioned earlier this was a topic that was of great concern to elders, council and of course you, the congregation. I look forward to beginning anew with this endeavor.

Also this month we celebrate “Rally Day” in September. This is the official kick off to all church activities back in full swing now that summer is winding down and families are back. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again. We will be using Divine Service setting one, starting September 4th!

The Ladies Aid will also be accepting non-perishable food items for the Seminary for the whole month of September. Please help donate.

I don’t know if it’s just me or not, but another month has just seemed to fly by. Zion continues God’s work through His church and we are His faithful servants. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family and may the Lord continue to bless Zion.

Blessings to all.

The Church Year – Larry Beardsley

September is upon us, school has started and we are moving into our Fall routine. As in August, September has no specific holidays, we continue in The Time of the Church, The Season after Pentecost (16th through 19th Sundays). During this time we study readings that tell us about the nature of the Trinity, Epistle readings that reinforce the role of the church and us as members of Christ’s body. Our Gospels include accounts of Jesus’ life, His miracles, parables and encounters with the Scribes and Pharisees. Altar paraments and vestments are green during Trinity except on specific Feast or Festival days.

Three Festival days fall in September: September 14th, Holy Cross Day; September 21st, St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist; September 29th, the Feast of St. Michael and All Angels. If we recognize Holy Cross and St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist days as Festival days, altar paraments and vestments will be red. Had St. Michael and All Angels day been observed on a Sunday or Wednesday, the color for the day would have been white.

Treasurer’s Report – Larry Beardsley

Treasurer’s reports tend to look a lot alike. If we have enough money to pay bills, he (she) is happy and thanks people. If things are tight, the treasurer worries publicly. For this month, in summary:“Thank You”. We’ve had no cash flow issues and all bills are being paid on time with no worry about moving money from account to account. In my own sinful way I fret that the money might not be there, but as scripture reminds us: “Consider the lilies, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass … how much more will he clothe you, O you of little faith!” (That’s me).

LADIES AID – Michelle Phillips

Luncheon/Meeting after Worship on September 18th!!

We will have soup and sandwiches provided. If anyone would like to bring a salad or dessert or other item, that would be fine.

THANKS to the crew that helped with the Nelson’s Chicken/Bake Sale on August 27th. We still have chicken available at the church if you’d like to have some! Two halves packaged together for just $12.00. Freezes and reheats very well.

ALL THIS MONTH we are collecting canned goods, nonperishables, and hygiene items for the Seminary. Please bring your donations to the Fellowship Hall.

Please remember your Secret Sisters with notes or cards and such!!


OCTOBER 30, 4:30 PM

The churches of the Kendallville Circuit will be holding a service on Sunday, October 30th at Emmanuel, Avilla. President Rast will be preaching; a mass choir is being assembled; a catered meal will follow at a cost of around $10 per person. The details are still being worked out, but since we expect to have a limited number of tickets, we are starting a sign-up sheet at church to determine those interested. Please sign up if you are one!


September 7 Church Council Meets 8:00 p.m.

September 11 RALLY DAY

September 18 Ladies Aid Luncheon Meeting

September 22 First Day of Fall

September 25 Elders Meeting 11:00 a.m.


0389 CR 12, Corunna, IN 46730

Stewardship - Becky Beardsley, Stewardship Chair

A first draft of the 2017 budget was presented at the August voters' meeting. There is little to be changed on it. Before the November voters' meeting, I will put copies of the final draft in mailboxes. Between now and then, if you have any questions and/or concerns regarding the budget, please don't hesitate to talk to me.

Our current giving has been behind about $700 a week through the summer. As I have often said, the amount is usually made up by the end of the year. We are by no means in dire straits at this time. But please pray about it and if you have a few extra dollars to give, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks be to God that we have such supportive members!

Altar Flower Calendar

Are you in need of a special way to recognize a birthday, an anniversary or another significant day? One way to do this is to purchase and dedicate the Altar Flowers on a special Sunday. There is a Flower Calendar on the bulletin board in the Fellowship Hall where you can sign up for flowers on any Sunday. We have a great arrangement with Baker’s Flowers in Kendallville – for $20.00 per Sunday they provide us with an arrangement of fresh flowers for our altar and FREE DELIVERY. If you sign up for a Sunday your occasion will be noted in the bulletin for that Sunday. Just mark “Flowers” as a special offering on that Sunday to cover the flower expense.


This has been an interest expressed in having another scrip order. There were forms put in mailboxes that are due to me no later thanSeptember 11. There are also extra on the small table in the Fellowship Hall. Thank you for your support to Ladies' Aid. - Becky Beardsley

Handbells . - Becky Beardsley

I would like to be able to start bell choir practice this month. But a substitute is needed before we can start. If you are an experienced player, you may not need to come to practice every week. If inexperienced, come anyway!!! See me if you are interested!

The Bell in the Flower Bed –

Is This Our Final Answer?

This past week I had a conversation with a student who had attended Zion’s elementary school and she brought up the topic of the bell. She clearly remembers a school bell being rung to signal the start of classes. As a young girl she would push her bicycle up the hill to the west of the church and the bell being rung would remind her to hurry lest she be tardy.

Her recollection is that a rope hung just inside the doors to the school and that Donald Hartman was the bell ringer. Another student also recalls that one of the older boys would have the job of ringing the bell. When the tall steeple on the church was blown down (about 1947), she recalls a crane being brought for those repairs and at that time the bell was removed from the school building.

Could there have been a bell structure on top of the school that was removed at that time?After I started this discussion with several former students, they went to other students and asked about the bell. We finally have what isprobably the correct answer about the bell in the flower bed.

When the school was closed, there was an auction to dispose of school things; desks, chairs and – yes – even the bell. When the school bell came up for sale, several former students bid on it, but it was purchased by a person who had no connection to the school. The recollection of these students is the bell that was stored in the furnace room was a bell that had been used at either one of the many small township schools or at the school near Fairfield Center. Oh well ….

Sometimes when we poke into history, we find that the answers are not what we had originally assumed, or the facts that we had hoped for. -- Larry Beardsley

Zion Church Council and Leaders

President Charles Martz

Vice President David Swogger

Board of Missions ChairCharles Martz

Board of Evangelism ChairSandy Bartolin

Board of Stewardship ChairBecky Beardsley

Board of Elders ChairLance Hoffman

Board of Trustees ChairJay Becker

Board of Christian Ed ChairShannon Comment

TreasurerLarry Beardsley

Financial SecretaryCarolyn Martz

Recording SecretaryKathy Swartz

Altar Guild HeadCarolyn Martz

Ladies Aid PresidentMichelle Phillips

Finance Committee ChairBecky Beardsley

Teaching the faith in the home,

church and community

We read in Acts 4:20,

“For we cannot but speak of what

we have seen and heard.”

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod focuses on teaching the faith as we nurture and strengthen faithful families and reach the lost by proclaiming God’s Word through teaching in the home, at church and in the community.

The Synod’s various ministries help families in this regard. TheLCMS Worshipin particular aims to nurture an understanding and love for the Lutheran heritage in Christian worship.

Helpful resources available for free include:

Let Us Pray weekly prayers

Lectionary Summaries for Sunday readings

Bible studies

Children and youth resources

Liturgy audio files

Organ instructional videos

Radio interviews on worship topics, including a series on the historic liturgy and numerous hymn studies

Unwrapping the Gifts, which is an electronic publication devoted to worship topics


Father of our Lord Jesus, You have revealed Your will that none perish but that all come to repentance. We beg Your blessing, therefore, upon every ministry of our national and international mission that seeks to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ to the ears and hearts of those who do not yet know You. Open doors for Your Gospel and shine its light over the length and breadth of this world. We ask it in His name, the atonement for the sin of all, even Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

GO TO LCMS.ORG for more information.