Guidelines for Study Centres

  1. We are glad to know that you are interested in buying our courseware for teaching your students. However, to do so you must be our Study Centre by applying for it.Click here to download Study Centre Application Form.
  2. We have more than 50 courses and related text books. For the titles and price of the books click onstudy materiallink on the left side of the page.
  3. Study Centres can place orders for the books. However, to a Study Center we do not provide any business concept, management expertise, marketing technique or standards of quality control to run the Institute.
  4. Books will be dispatched after the price of the books is paid in full by Demand Draft or the amount transferred to our accounts given below. Email us at and place the order for books.
Bank Name / Account No / IFS Code
Syndicate Bank / 01102010019994 / SYNB0000110
ICICI Bank / 007205000194 / ICIC0000072
  1. All enrolled students must be provided with our Text book.
  2. Receipts to students for any fees collected from the students will be given in your own Institute name. Our name should not be displayed in any of the receipts. You are personally liable if you mislead the public as our franchisee or branch.
  3. Certificates or Diplomas will be dispatched from MICE, Udupi for students who have completed the course as per our guidelines (available in the prospectus of MICE). Student Certificate or Diploma will be printed along with the name of the Study Centre. Therefore you are personally responsible for providing genuine data of the student as this data will be printed on the Certificate or Diploma.
  4. The fees for the Certificates, Diploma is given below. Send the applicable fees along with the courier charges by DD or transfer to any of our bank account.
2-3 Months, maximum 3 subjects / Rs.100.00
Up to 6 months DIT Diploma / Rs.200.00
1 Year Post Graduate / Rs.600.00
1.5 Years Masters / Rs.700.00
  1. The details of the student must be sent to MICE, Udupi in the prescribed format along with proof of examination and marks obtained in order to obtain the certificate.
  2. All Post Graduate Programming \Database Examinations are OnlineCall our exam co-ordinator, Mr. Rithesh Kumar for assistance regarding this. Ph:9880723037
We have no agents to promote our business. Contact us directly for the study centre permission. Study Centre Permission can not be sold or Transfered. All Payments to be made by crossed DD in favor of MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF COMPTUER EDUCATION, UDUPI. Payable at Udupi. With effect from 01-april-2005 all centres will be referred to as \"STUDY CENTER\" and all the above rules and regulations apply. ALL AUTHORISED STUDY CENTRES ARE LISTED IN OUR WEBSITE.


Mobile Projects for BE, MCA, MSC.IT & BCA

Pre-Qualification XML, Java, Android SDK, IPhone, BlackBerry, Java ME
Completed Projects
 Location Tracker
 Cash Collection Machine
On Going Projects
 Order Booking/ Salesmen Tracking for Pharmacy
 Tracking Locator Calls & Messages
 Employee Tracker
 Games - C++ Games on Android
 Live Cricket - Live updates on Home Screen /  Market Updates - Share Market and Bullion Market
 IP Camera Manager
 Traffic Police Assistant
 Traffic Police Assistant
 Incoming Call Location Display
 Live Coverage For Music Games Market Cricket

Other Projects for for BE, MCA, MSC.IT & BCA

Pre-Qualification / / Java / PHP / JSP / programming MsSql / Oracle
Completed Projects
 Contract Management for Builders
 Inventory Management
 Construction Project Management
 HRD with Finger Print Management
 Salary Processing for Govt. Dept.
 College Campus
 School Management
 Real Estate
 Secure Mail Server
 Online Bus Booking
 Multiple Library Management
 MESCOM Collection Centre - Bill Management
 Wheeler Showroom Management
 Parking System with Cam Interface /  Pharmacy Software
 SMS Gateway
 Online Mobile Shop
 Converter for e-Publication
 Antivirus Software
 Loan, Cash and Deposit Management for Banks
 Loan, Cash and Deposit Management for Banks
 CRM for Vehicle Dealers
 Online Job Site
 File Converter
 Secure Networking
 Legal Diary
 Military Base Management
 Hospital Management
 Hotel Reservation
On Going Projects
 Chefs’ Disaster – Material Management for Hotel
 Airline Booking
 Transport System
 Beauty Parlor Management
 Courier Online
 Property Management for Muncipal Corp. with map
 Online exam with camera interface
 Investment Banking
 Asset Management Banking
 CRM for Banks
 Insurance Software
 Accounting interface to any softwares.
 Matrimonial Site
 Social Hub
 Live Stock Update site
 Chatting site
 Duty Scheduler for Hospitals
 Departmental Shop Management /  Online Pet shop
 Employee Tracker with Maps
 Ebook Site
 News Site
 Secure Mail Server
 Online Incometax Filling
 Udupi Police Web Application
 Traffic Police Control System
 Bill Transfer Web Service
 Cash Management for Group of Companies
 Manufacturing Process Management
 AntiVirus System
 File Integrity Checker
 File Repair System
 Flush and Play Network Recorder
 Doctors Diary - With ICDS interface mobile/tablet
 Search Engine
 Secure PC - Data Transfer Checking Utility
 Magic Lots - The ultimate Lottery Logic