Installing VPN

Kali / Ubuntu

Step #1:

sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn-gnome network-manager-pptp network-manager-pptp-gnome network-manager-strongswan network-manager-vpnc network-manager-vpnc-gnome


Sudo apt-get install openvpn

Step #2:

openvpn --config client.ovpn


Step #1:

Install and run Securepoint SSL VPN from this link:

Step #2:

Open the Program from the bottom right -> right click -> choose show window:

Step #3:

Click on setting and choose Import.

Step #4:

Select open dialog and import .ovpn file.


How to use the alternative client Tunnelblick with the HMA! Pro VPN TCP+UDP OpenVPN-config files
For troubleshooting, please scroll down to the bottom of this page.

1.Download Tunnelblick from:
2.Install Tunnelblick by following the on-screen instructions:

3.Launch Tunnelblick


Recent Tunnelblick versions require you to convert *.ovpn OpenVPN configuration files into *.tblk Tunnelblick configuration files manually. Steps 4-8 explain how to do this; but you can far easier just download a .ZIP archive containing all of HMA's configuration file in the .tblk format from here:
Open the archive and then open a .tblk file of the VPN server you'd like to use - this will import the configuration profile into Tunnelblick. You can then skip to step #8

If you need to convert *.ovpn files into *.tblk files, please follow step the steps below.

4.Add configuration files by clicking on ‘I have configuration files’.

5.Select‘OpenVPN Configuration(s)’

6.Tunnelblick should now have created a new folder on your desktop called "Empty Tunnelblick VPN Configuration",
and also display instructions on how to insert a VPN configuration file.

What you need to do is put a single *.ovpn configuration file into this folder, rename it properly, add a .tblk extension to it and double-click it. We'll go through each step carefully, so don't worry.

7.To get an *.ovpn file into this new folder, you need to download the configuration files first from HMA!

Download the .zip archive containing all the configuration files e.g. on your desktop:

Double-click the archive to extract it - a folder called "vpn-configs" should appear now.
Open the folder and you'll see 2 subfolders, "TCP" and "UDP".
Depending on if you want to connect via OpenVPN-TCP or OpenVPN-UDP protocol, open the corresponding folder.
(in the event of connection or speed issues, try the opposite protocol)

Next, just drag a single *.ovpn file from a server you'd like to use into the "Empty Tunnelblick VPN Configuration" folder:

8.Now just rename the folder accordingly - e.g. if you're using an *.ovpn configuration file like "Canada.Ontario.Toronto_LOC1S2.TCP.ovpn", you could name the folder "Canada Toronto LOC1S2.tblk".

It's important that the folders name ends with ".tblk", otherwise you won't be able to install it.
When doing this, confirm renaming and finally double-click the folder to install it.

8.Once double-clicked, the folder "Canada Toronto LOC1S2.tblk", Tunnelblick may ask you

·  if you want to install the configuration for all or just the current logged in MacOSX user.
If other user accounts don't need to use the VPN, select "Only Me", otherwise "All Users".

·  to enter your MacOSX administrator password

Finally, Tunnelblick should show you a confirmation window, telling you that the VPN configuration was installed successfully. Now it's time to test the VPN.

9.If the Tunnelblick icon (the black gate icon) is not visible on your menu bar yet, launch Tunnelblick from ‘Applications’ and click on the Tunnelblick icon on the top right. A dropdown-list will appear, showing you the installed VPN connections.

Click the imported VPN connection to start the connection process.

10.Tunnelblick should now ask your for your VPN credentials. Enter your HMA! Pro VPN account username and your main password. Check "Save in Keychain" if you'd like to save the credentials, so you don't need to fill them in each time.

11.If the connection attempt was successful, the little Tunnelblick gate-icon should now look enlightened and open.
Hover your mouse over the icon to get a status window displayed, as shown in this screenshot.

To disconnect, just click the "Disconnect" button in this window, or right-click the Tunnelblick icon and select "Disconnect" there.

12.To verify that your Mac is using the VPN connection properly, you can verify your IP and location at websites like

That's all. For troubleshooting, please keep reading.


Unable to import config files:If you are unable to import the .ovpn config files, this can be
caused by a change in the latest Tunnelblick release (3.3). A workaround for this is to
install an older version (e.g. 3.2.9), import the config files there, and then install the latest
version again. For Tunnelblick uninstaller and older Tunnelblick versions,
please follow this link:Tunnelblick Download Page.

TCP:If you get the error message "TunnelBlick is unable to start OpenVPN to connect....."
when connecting via OpenVPN-TCP, you are using outdated config files, which still contain
the lines "show-net-up dhcp-renew dhcp-release route-delay 0 120 hand-window 180".
Please re-download:

TCP+UDP:If your connection gets disconnected shortly after it has been established, this is
caused by Tunnelblicks network monitor. Disable the option "Monitor Network Settings"
in the settings of the VPN connection profile, as shown in this screenshot: