3rd / Global Concept 3 of 7 for this Unit of Study:Understand multiplication and division of groups. / Projected Time Allotment:3 days
Sample Essential Questions:
Day 1:How can you use equal grouping to solve problems?
Day 2:How can I use tools to help write equations to solve problems?
Day 3: How can I use tools and pictures to help write equations to solve problems?
Related Go Math Chapter Test Questions: Unit 2 (Go Math Modified Ch. 3 and 5) 1, 7, 8, 9, and 14
Instructional Resources
  • Snap Cubes
  • Two-Color Counters
  • Number Line
Lesson Ideas:
  • Go Math Lesson 3.1-Essentials:# 3-6 p. 111, Problem Solving p. 112
  • Go Math Lesson 3.2-Essentials: Unlock the problem question, p. 115 and Problem Solving p. 116
  • Go Math Lesson 5.1-Essentials: Unlock the problem question, problem solving p. 208
  • Go Math Lesson 5.2- Essentials: Unlock the problem p. 209, Try This p. 210, Unlock the problem p.212, #10
  • Watermelon 2- Variety of division word problems
  • Johnny’s cars- Multiplication and division word problems: Omit questions 3 and 5.
  • Voyages-Excursions:Grouping Groups
  • Problem Solving- variety of problem solving stories
  • Sharing or Grouping-Understand problem types
For more information about integrating the content within this GCG click here for PowerPoint.
Sample HOT Questions: Use these to facilitate student discussion (SMP 1, 3)
  • How can you use manipulatives to represent what is happening in the problem?
  • What do the numbers in your equation represent from the problem?
  • Does your model match the problem? Explain.
  • Does your equation match the problem? Explain.

Our students are able to…
  • Create models which show the actions in a problem. (SMP 1,2,4)
  • Write equations that represent what is happening in the problem. (SMP 2)
  • Justify the modelsand equationscreated. (SMP 1,4)
  • Determine whether a problem can be solved using multiplication or division (SMP 1, 3)
For more info on SMP’s click here. / Because as teacher we…
  • Provide students with meaningful story problems which promote direct modeling. (SMP 1,5)
  • Use specific vocabulary when discussing problems (ex. Factor, product, dividend, divisor, quotient etc.)
  • Provide opportunities for students to choose manipulatives.(SMP 1,5)
  • Ensure students are creating models and equations that match what is happening in the problem and communicate strategies, analyze each others’ solutions, and justify conclusions.(SMP 3)