Note course will be set out in advance – not by marshals / Responsibility/ Timing
Parking – man area before bridge and around verges near gates to prevent unauthorised parking and to ensure safety. Please share duties so everyone gets a break Decide amongst group which areas require supervision / 10.00 -11.30 Maureen and Dave Bartrum, Pauline Aitchison, Laura Stubbings
11.30- 13.00, Steven Studley, Richard Johnson, Andy Stephenson, Ian Simon
Gates: Main entrance to Pastures from Car Parking – permit access to race officials and key Alnwick members only. Ensure access for Officials and First Aid / 10 – 11.30 Eileen Gutherie, Rachel McCoy
11.30- 13.15 Kim Bronze, Lorna Stephenson
Ensure runners are given information regarding route, number of laps, terrain – uneven ground at start - , weather conditions etc. Also assist funnelling runners to finish. Officials will instruct on what help is required / Mark Doctor (in charge on day), Tracey Sample, David Hindmarsh, Sarah Cross, Mary Plumley
All other available personnel.
Position A
Marshal point – Gate to man / 12 -13.30 Andy Squires
13.30 Jo Gascoigne Owens
Position B/C
Marshal point – Gate open wide. Stakes and tape required to guide runners up L side of field. For U17/20 ladies,guide onto1 short lapprior to completing big lap, once gate is reached on first occasion.
Marshall B is on gate, sending all runners up hill / 12.00 onwards
Sue Bolam
Jo Longsdale
Brenda Mallen/ Dave Hindmarsh from 12.50 until 13.15 (whilst U17 women pass)
Position D
Marshal point – Stakes and tape to guide runners around bend and continue along fence line; stop spectators cutting across field / Ian Atherton
Position E
Marshal point – Turn runners up hill / Ruary Slater (may choose to share point with Ian Atherton once race underway and route known)
Position F
Marshal point - Guide runners through gate / Finbarr Murphy and Ian Stephenson - take turns as cold point to stand?
Position G
Marshal point – Gate open, boggy ground / Nikki Turnbull and Jayne Hately
Position H
Marshal point – Fence section removed, warn runnersto take care as mud and sharp turn ahead / Jon and Jess Duffy
Position I
Marshal to patrol wooded section and offer directions/support / Cris Atwell
Position J
2 Marshal area – Ensure gate opens through 180 degrees for route of runners, marshals to advise of exposed tree roots. Stakes and tape is required for area after gate. A steep decline follows. Runners take care. / Una McCaig and Freda Allen
Position K
Marshal point – Gate to man. Potential boggy grounds to run through then run through a small copse of trees to start/finish position, tree area to barrier with tape. / Mark Hume (Pauline Aitchison to cover men’s race, if Mark is running)

Bring warm clothing and hot drinks and a mobile phone.